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1、1Unit 11 Whats in the classroom ?教室里有什么?2 We have 6 new lights .我们有六盏新灯。3 This is Zhang Peng .这是张鹏。4 Its so big !好大呀!5 Wheres my seat ?Its near the door .我的座位在哪里?在们的旁边。6 Lets clean the classroom.让我们打扫教室吧。7 Let me clean the window .让我擦窗户吧。8 All right !好的!9 Look at the picture .看这幅图。10 Good idea !好主意!

2、11 Good job !干得好!12 There is a bee in our classroom .我们教室里有一只蜜蜂。13 Where is it ?它在哪里?14 Its on the fan.它在风扇上。15 We have a new classroom.我们有一个新教室。16 Wheres my sharpener ? Its near the fish bowl .我的卷笔刀在哪?它在鱼缸的旁边。17 Help !救命!18 Open the door .开门。19 Turn on the light .开灯!20 Sweep the floor .扫地。21 Clean

3、the window .擦窗户。22 Put up the picture .挂图片。23 Clean the board .擦黑板(blackboard ,green board , white board)24 Really ?Lets go and have a look .真的吗?让我们去看一看。25 every day:每天26 have fun:有趣27 Look !This is my classroom.The wall is white .The floor is green看!这是我的教室。墙是白的。门是绿的。28 Its nice and clean.又漂亮又整洁。29

4、I like my classroom.我喜欢我的教室。30 Excuse me.打扰了。31 After you.你先请。Unit 21 What colour is it?他是什么颜色的?Its black and white .它是黑白相间的。2 Put your notebook under your bag .把你的笔记本放在你书包的下面。3 Put your pencil in your desk .把你的铅笔放在你的书桌里。4 Put your pencil-case on your chair .把你的铅笔盒放在你的椅子上5 Put your eraser near your

5、pencil-case .把你的橡皮放在铅笔盒附近。6 Put your English book on your head .把你的英语书放在你的头上。27 May I have a look ?我可以看一下吗?8 How nice!真漂亮!9 My schoolbag is heavy .我的书包很重。10 Whats in it ?它里面有什么?Many story-books and 8 rulers.许多本故事书和 8 个格尺。11 How many English books do you have ?你有多少本英语书?12 Thank you soooooo much .太感谢你

6、们了。13 Put away your books . 把你的书放好。14 Is everything in your schoolbag ?每件东西都在你的书包里吗?15 Have a good dream.做个好梦。16 Im full .我吃饱了。17 Take out your book ,please .请把你的书 拿出来 。18 Catch! 抓住19 Here you are .给你20 Guess .猜一猜21 Too many to count .太多了书数都数不清22 I have 6 books .我有六本书。23 A fat panda .一只胖熊猫。24 Can yo

7、u spell these words ?你能拼写出这些单词吗?25 How many English books can you see ?你能看见多少本英语书?26 How much? 50 yuan.多少钱?50 元。27 made of :制造28 inventor:发明家Unit 3 1 My friend is strong .我的朋友很强壮。2 He has short hair .他有短头发。3 He has big eyes .他有大眼睛。4 She has a small nose and a big mouth .她有一个小鼻子和一个大嘴。5 Shes cute .她很可

8、爱。6 Who is he ?他是谁?7 Whos your best friend ?谁是你最好的朋友?8 Listen to music .听音乐。9 Do sports .做运动。10 Make friends .交朋友。11 Play computer games .玩电脑游戏。12 Paint .画图画。13 My friend likes music .我的朋友喜欢音乐。14 Whats his/her name ?他的/她的名字叫什么?His /Her name is 他的 /她的名字是15 Boy or girl?男孩还是女孩?16 Youre right .你是正确(对)的。

9、17 What a big turnip!好大的一个甘。蓝啊!18 Its so big .它太大了319 Come on ,my friends .来吧,我的朋友们。20 Please help me .请帮帮我。21 I cant pull it up .我拔不动它。22 Me too .我也是23 This is his photo.这是他的照片24 Friends are like you and me .朋友就像你和我。25 I have five finger friends .Do you like them ? Please have a try .我有五个手指朋友。你喜欢他们

10、吗 ?请试一试。26 I hope youll like it .我希望你会喜欢它 。Oh ,its nice .I like it very much .Thank you .哦,它很漂亮。我非常喜欢它。谢谢。Unit 4单词1 study : 书房 2 bathroom :卫生间3 bedroom : 卧室4 living room : 起居室5 kitchen :厨房6 its =it is7 fish:鱼8 isnt =is not9 here:这里10 home:家11 room:房间12 school:学校13 classroom:教室14 phone:电话15 bed :床16

11、sofa:沙发17 shelf :书架18 fridge:冰箱19 table:桌子20 they:他们21arent =are not22 theyre =they are23 key:钥匙24 open:打开25 look:看26 please:请27 on:在上面28 no:不;不是29 window:窗户30 desk:课桌,书桌31 door:门32 chair:椅子33 bed:床34 看电视;Watch TV.35 读书:Read a book.36 吃零食;Have a snack.37 洗澡,冲凉:Take a shower .38 睡觉:Have a sleep .39 摆

12、饭桌:Set the table .40 坐在沙发上:Sit on the sofa .41 铺床:Make the bed.42 接电话:Answer the phone .43 开冰箱:Open the fridge.45 去起居室、书房、厨房、浴室、卧室:Go to the living room /study /kitchen /bathroom /bedroom46 出租:For rent47 眼镜:glasses48 累了:tired49 头晕目眩的:dizzy50 改变,换一换:change51 车房,车库:garage52 花园:garden53 地下室:basement54

13、(屋顶的)顶楼,阁楼:attic55 门厅 ,门廊:porch56 楼梯:stairs57 台阶 ,梯阶:steps58 我的家:My home重点句型1 Are they in the study?他们在书房吗?Yes ,they are. /No ,they arent.是,他们是。/不,他们不是。2 Welcome to my home !欢迎来到我的家 143 Is this your bedroom?这是你的书房吗? Yes ,it is . /No ,it isnt . 是的,它是。 /不是,它不是。4 Is she in the living room?她在起居室吗? No ,s

14、he isnt . 不,她不在。5 Where are the keys?钥匙在哪?They are on the table。他们在桌子上。6 What can you see in my room?在我的房间你能看见什么?7 Its a nice room .它是一个漂亮的房间。8 I like it .我喜欢它。9 Are the keys in the door?要是在门上吗?10 These are not my glasses .那不是我的眼镜。11 Me too.我也是。Unit 5单词1 rice:米饭2 fish :鱼3 noodles:面条4 beef :牛肉5 veget

15、ables :蔬菜6 soup :汤7 have :吃8 dinner :晚餐,正餐9 wait :等10 Id like=I would like 11 bread :面包12 milk :牛奶13 egg:鸡蛋14 water :水15 hungry :饥饿的16 for :为,给17 thank you :谢谢你18 knife :刀(复数knives)19 chopsticks :筷子20 spoon :勺子21 plate :盘子22 fork :叉子23 help :帮助,帮忙24 pass :传递25 ready :准备好了26 try :尝试,试一下27 help yourse

16、lf:随便吃28 show:展示29 yummy :好吃的30 food :食物31 use :使用32 chicken :鸡肉33 juice :果汁34 hot dog :热狗35 hamburger :汉堡包36 breakfast :早餐37 lunch:午餐38 bill :账单39dessert :甜点心,餐后甜点40 pudding :布丁41 dumpling :饺子42 pie:馅饼43cheers!:干杯!句子43 Can I have some noodles?我可以要一些面条吗?Sure .Here you are 当然可以。给你。44 Whats for dinner ? 晚餐是什么?45 What would you like (for )?你想要些什么呢?Id like 我想要46 Everything is ready. 一切都准备好了。47 Give me a spoon .给我一支勺子。48 Pass m



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