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1、2019江苏省淮安中考英语试题第1卷 选择题. 单项选择从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。1.To save time many students have _ lunch at school every day.A. aB. anC. /D. the2.- Oh my God! I forgot to bring my pen here.-Dont worry. I have two. You can use _.A. IB. meC. myselfD. mine3.Betty has a beautiful _. She wants to be a singer i

2、n the future.A. voiceB. lookC. noiseD. sound4.-What do you think of working as a doctor?- It s a good job to help people keep_.A. busyB. strictC. healthyD. generous5.-Will you stay here for dinner with us?- Sorry, I _. My mother is waiting for me at home.A. mustntB. cantC. needntD. couldnt6._ the he

3、lp of modern technology, scientists got a photo of a black hole.A. AtB. InC. OnD. With7.-What is your mother doing, Linda?-She _dinner in the kitchen now.A. is cookingB. was cookingC. cookD. cooking8.Those young firemen were brave enough to _ the fire in the forest.A. work outB. put outC. hand outD.

4、 look out9.-It is said that 5G is coming. It will improve our life great!- _ amazing it is!A. What anB. How aC. WhatD. How10.Some people are too shy to say a word in public. However, _ arent.A. anotherB. the otherC. othersD. the others11.Mr Black, _ will the parents meeting last?-Its hard to say. Ma

5、ybe one hour more.A. how longB. how muchC. how farD. how often12.The charities have helped more children with the money _ people raise.A. whoB. whatC. whereD. which13.Excuse me, could you tell me _?A. when he was bornB. how far is it from hereC. what does he look likeD. where he leaves for yesterday

6、14.-Where are the teachers now? - In the meeting room. They _ the meeting for 10 minutes.A. have begunB. have been onC. have hadD. have been held15.- You have joined so many clubs. Im afraid youll be too tired. Remember _.-Thanks, Dad. I can look after myself very well.A. many hands make light work.

7、B. you cant burn the candle at both ends.C. the early bird catches the wormD. practice makes perfect. 完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Wishing to encourage her young sons progress on the piano, a mother took her boy to a pianists concert on a summer holiday evening. After they found their _16

8、_, the mother saw two friends in the hall and walked to _17_ them.It was the boys first time to come to the hall. He thought it was a good _18_ for him to explore the wonders of the concert hall. He _19_ and walked around. He walked _20_ a door marked NO ADMITTANCE(禁止入内).When the hall lights dimmed

9、(变暗) , the _21_ would begin. The mother returned to her seat and discovered that her son was _22_. The mother was _23_ worried at that at the moment that tears (眼泪) were in her eyes.The concert began, and the lights focused on (聚焦于) the wonderful piano on stage. The mother was _24_ to see her little

10、 boy sitting at the keyboard, playing the song Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star _25_ he did at home. At that moment, the great pianist came, quickly moved to the piano and _26_ in the boys ear, Dont stop. Keep playing. He leaned over (俯身) and began filling in a bass part (低音) with his left _27_, then ad

11、ded a running obbligato (伴奏) with his right hand. They played the piano together _28_. The old pianist and the young novice (初学者) changed a frightening situation into a wonderful creative experience. The audience (观众) stood up and _29_ them. An artists achievements and charm depend on not only his p

12、erfect skills _30_ his good qualities.16. A. desksB. stageC. seatsD. piano17. A. greetB. feedC. noticeD. search18. A. useB. chanceC. seasonD. culture19. A. flewB. satC. fellD. rose20. A. throughB. acrossC. aboveD. over21. A. filmB. concertC. conversationD. meeting22. A. sleepyB. missingC. tiredD. ex

13、cited23. A. soB. veryC. muchD. such24. A. seriousB. sadC. patientD. surprised25. A. whenB. ifC. asD. before26. A. calledB. shoutedC. whisperedD. cried27. A. handB. shoulderC. footD. leg28. A. badlyB. carelesslyC. terriblyD. happily29. A. fought withB. laughed atC. shouted atD. cheered for30. A. orB.

14、 butC. andD. so. 阅读理解阅读下文,从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。AThere were many plants in a forest. When spring came, a pine tree saw a red rose nearby and said, What a beautiful flower! I wish I were that lovely. The rose proudly said, It seems that I am the most beautiful flower in this forest. Then the rose looked at a cactus (仙人掌) and said, Look at that ugly plant full of thorns(刺)! What a proud flower! thought the trees.As the days passed. the red rose often looked at the cactus and said bad words about it, like This plant is useless. How sorry I am to be his neighbor ! The cactus never got angry and even


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