新视野大学英语读写教程1 unit3

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1、1Unit 3Preview (p53)be faced with: “面临,面对” I am faced with new opportunities and challenges.spirit: the part of a person that includes their mind, feelings and character rather than their body.e.g. the power of the human spirit to overcome difficulties. (人类克服困难的精神力量)further: to a great degree or ext

2、end “进一步” The police decided to investigate further.of ones own: “属于某人的” Human is a creator, a creator of ones own destiny.generosity: willing to give sb. money, gifts, time or kindness. “慷慨,大方” e.g. He treated them with generosity and thoughtfulness. (他待他们宽容大度,体贴周到)Section APre-reading ActivitiesIn

3、 this story, a man describes that he felt ashamed when walking down the street with his crippled father when he was younger. He did not like the way people stared at the two of them. His father on the other hand never showed that he noticed others reactions to his disability. He was very active and

4、often took part in activities with his son. Over time the son learned that his father had a very good heart. His father has been gone for many years now, and he regrets not telling him how much he admired him. He often remembers the example his father set.ashamed adj.: feeling shamed or embarrassmen

5、t about sb./sth/ or because of sth. you have done “惭愧;羞愧;尴尬”e.g. You should be ashamed of yourself for telling such lies.cripple vt. make sb. unable to walk or move properly “|使跛,使残废 ”| e.g. He was crippled in an accident. |他在一次事故中变成了残废。| | C sb. who is physically disabled, esp. unable to walk |跛子,瘸

6、子| | e.g. Though he is a cripple, he supports his family by working hard. |虽然腿脚不便, 他还是努力干活养家。|reactionn what you do, say or think as a result of sth. that has happened 反应,回应 e.g. What was his reaction to the news?over time: 随着时间的推移e.g. expect that over time my skills and ability will develop.我希望随着时间

7、和推移,我的技术和能力有进步。regret vt. feel sorry about sth. one has done |后悔;遗憾e.g. |I regret not having taken your advice. |我后悔没听从您的劝告。| |U a feeling of sadness about sth. that has happened |后悔;遗憾e.g. Much to my regret, I cant accept your invitation. |很遗憾, 我不能接受你的邀请。admire vt respect sb. for what they are or f

8、or what they have done. “钦佩,赞赏,仰慕”e.g. I dont agree with her, but I admire her for sticking to her principles.Text 1. lean vi. be against a wall or other surface |倚,靠There is a ladder leaning against the wall. | 有一架梯子靠在墙上。The old man leaning upon his stick at the gate is Johns grandfather. 那位在大门边倚着拐

9、杖的老人是约翰的祖父。2vi bend in a certain direction |倾斜,倾向,偏向|Dont lean out of the window when the bus is moving.公共汽车开出时,别把身子探出窗外。lean on: depend on |依靠They lean on each other for support. |他们互相依靠,互相支持。You should not always lean on others for help. |你别总靠他人来帮你。2. balance U mental or emotional calm 平静,镇静She so

10、on recovered her balance after she lost her temper. 她发脾气后不久就恢复了平静。His wife helped him keep his balance during difficult times. 他的妻子在他困难时候帮助他保持沉着心态。U a state in which all weights and forces are evenly spread so as not to fall 平衡,均衡Its difficult to keep ones balance on an icy street. |在结冰的街道上保持平衡不容易。v

11、. (cause to) be even and keep in balance (使)平衡, (使)均衡When you ride a bicycle you must learn to balance. |骑自行车必须学会保持平衡。 vt. consider in relation to sth. else; compare |权衡,比较You have to balance the positive points of living in a big city against the negative ones. 你必须权衡居住在大城市的利弊。3. severe adj. very ba

12、d or serious 恶劣的,严重的;剧烈的e.g. She is suffering from a severe headache. |她头疼得厉害。adj. strict or hard in thinking or treatment 严格的,严肃的,严厉的e.g. He is very severe with his children.severely adv. in a strict way |严重地;严格地,严厉地e.g. The house was severely damaged in the earthquake. 房屋在地震中遭受严重损坏。4. inward adj.

13、inside your mind and not shown to others 内心的e.g. Her calm expression hid her inward panic.adj. toward the inside |向内的e.g. an inward movement |向内移动inwardly adv. in mind or spirit |内心 (或精神)方面e.g. She was inwardly sad but she would not say anything about it. 她内心痛苦,却不会在言辞中表现出来。She hates him inwardly. 她从

14、心底恨他。5. bother vt. make sb. feel worried or upset 使苦恼e.g. What bothers me most is my inability to keep up with others. 令我烦心的是我跟不上其他人。Im sorry for having to bother you.vi. |make an effort to do sth. 尽力,费心e.g. -Shall I wait?-No, dont bother.6. let on : tell sb. sth., esp. sth. that has been kept secre

15、t |泄露,透露e.g. She never let on she was married. |她从不透露她已经结婚。37. coordinate vt. cause different parts, body parts, etc. to work together very well 使协调e.g. They use facebook to coordinate their activities.8. halt v. :stop 暂停,中断,中止e.g. No one can halt the advance of history. |谁也阻挡不了历史的前进。n. a stop or pa

16、use |暂停,中断,中止The car came to a halt in time to prevent an accident. 汽车及时刹住,避免了一场事故。halting adj. 蹒跚的e.g. He walked home with a heavy heart and halting steps.9. impatientadj. easily annoyed; not patient |不耐烦的,没有耐心的e.g. Dont be so impatient! The bus will be here soon. 别这样不耐烦!公共汽车很快就来。Youre too impatient with her. Shes only a child. |你对她太没耐心了,她还只是个孩子。adj. very eager to do sth. or for sth. t



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