六年级下册英语教案-Unit 1 How tall are you 第5课时 Part B Read and write 人教PEP版

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1、第5课时Part BRead and write1能够正确听、说、认读单词,如:countryside,lower,shadow,smarter,become。2能够听懂、读懂并内化Read and write的内容,并能够通过阅读回答问题。3能够掌握良好的阅读策略,并能够提高自主学习能力。4能够增强与他人交往的能力。能够听懂、读懂并内化Read and write的内容,并掌握基本的阅读策略。能够提高阅读技巧,掌握基本阅读策略,并进行大胆思考。Step 1Warming up1开火车游戏。以开火车游戏的形式复习上节课的单词:thinnerheavierstrongerbiggersmalle

2、r。2Free talk.T:Hello,everyone!Look out of the window. Hows the weather today?S:Its sunny.T:Yes. Its sunny. Do you know why?S:Because spring is coming.T:Good!Im so proud of you!The sky is clearer and the sun is brighter.S:Hooray!T:And can you think of any other changes?S:HmmT:OK. Now how about having

3、 a brainstorming?S:Wow,its so cool!Step 2Presentation1呈现Read and write中阅读部分的内容,展开拼图阅读:(1)学生以组为单位分为3个“jigsaw group”(拼图组),接着允许学生根据喜好,从教材第8页“Read and write”环节的故事中选择各自喜欢的一个自然段,据此将学生重新分为3个“expert group”(专家组)。(2)“专家组”内成员共同学习自己选择的自然段,交流信息,找到并讨论阅读中遇到的新词、难句。(3)每组向教师汇报自己组阅读中遇到的障碍,教师帮忙解决。3教师解决学生提出的问题:(1)读一读,译一

4、译。countryside_lower_shadow_smarter_become_(2)be doing意为“正在做”例句1:Little Duck is_watching the sun go down.小鸭子正在看着太阳降落。例句2:The sun is_getting lower and lower.太阳正在降得越来越低。例句3:You are_becoming a big beautiful bird.你正在变成一只漂亮的大鸟。(第一遍读课文,让学生在语境中交流体会be doing的含义。)(3)英文表达:越来越越来越低:lower and lower例句:The sun is ge

5、tting lower_and_lower太阳正在降得越来越低。越来越长:longer and longer例句:His shadow is getting longer_and_longer.他的影子正变得越来越长。(第二遍读课文,让学生在真实具体的语境里,理解内化此英文表达。)4学生回到拼图组,与组内成员互动,交流刚才得到的信息。Step 3Consolidation第三遍读课文,完成探究学习第题。Read and write.(1)Choose a title for the story.ALittle Ducks shadowBOld Trees shadow(2)Who is you

6、nger?AThe tree.BThe duck.(3)When is the ducks shadow shorter?AIn the morning.BIn the afternoon.第四遍读课文,完成探究学习第题。Little Duck:Old Tree,the sun gets _,but my shadow gets _. Why?Old Tree:Thats easy. Your shadow gets longer because you are getting _ and growing _ every day.Little Duck:So what will happen

7、to me?Old Tree:WellThink and discuss.第五遍读课文,完成探究学习第题。(1)Do you agree with Old Tree?Why?_(2)Can you answer Little Ducks question?Whats your answer?_(3)Please circle the words with“er”Then talk about the changes with your friends._Step 4Summing up & HomeworkSumming up.1Words:countryside,lower,shadow,smarter,become2Some phrases:(1)越来越低:lower and lower(2)越来越长:longer and longerHomework.1听录音并背诵对话。2完成课堂检测的相关习题。3预习下一课,查查生词,译译句子。


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