科普版英语四年级下册Lesson 3教学设计-教案

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1、小学英语 四年级下册 科普版Lesson 3They are in Class Three 【知识目标】1.学会本课中的四会及三会单词和短语。2.学习并掌握表示方位的介词的用法,学习用Are they?提问,并做出正确回答。3.理解并会朗读短文。【能力目标】发展学生综合运用语言的能力,培养学生自主探究的能力及与同学的分工合作的能力。【情感目标】激发学生学习热情与参与欲望,能够大胆开口,主动模仿,调动学习积极性。通过课文的学习,让学生学会与同学之间的沟通与交流。 教学重难点学会【教学重点】学习运用方位的介词。【教学难点】 教学准备创设语言情境,运用Are they?提问,并做出正确回答。Tape

2、 recorder, MultimediaStep1. Warm-upIntroduce Wang Tao to the students. This is my friend. His name is Wang Tao. He is in Class1, Grade 4. He likes ping-pang. Do you know him? Step 2. Presentation1.Talk about the picture on page14, learn the conversation. Focus on the key words and the structure.A: A

3、re they in Grade Four?B: Yes, they are.A: What class are they in? B: Theyre in Class Three.2. Play the recording, read and repeat the conversation. Step 3. Drills1. Play the recording , do the part of “Lets learn”.2. Play the recording , do the part of “Listen and tick”.Step 4. GamesDo the part of “

4、Make and say”, ask the students work in pairs.Step 5. Practice1. Play the recording , listen and read the story on Page18. Then answer the questions. Are Grandmas glasses in the box? Are they under the book? Are they behind the clock? Are they under the bed? Where are Grandmas glasses?Are they on her nose? 2. Play it again and ask the students to repeat.Step 6. Summary1. Read and repeat the key words.2. Go through the key structures.Step 7 Homework1. Recite the conversations on Page14. 2. Write conversations according to the pictures on Page15. 略。2


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