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1、小学英语 五年级下册 科普版【全优测试】lesson6根据汉语意思,选择正确的字母或字母组合补全单词。(5分)( )1. sp_ _k(说) A.ee B.ae C.ea( )2p_t(放) Ae Bu Ca( )3.m_st(必须) Au Ba Ci( )4. str_ _t(街道) Aaa Bea Cee( )5.1i_ _t(灯,光线) Agh Bhg Cyh. 选出下列单词的汉语意思。(10分)( )1. forty A十四 B五十 C四十( )2. paper A辣椒 B纸 C人们( )3. answer A问题 B回答 C穿过( )4. pupil A中学生 B老师 C小学生( )

2、5. Ms A女士 B小姐 C先生选出与所给单词同类的一项。(10分)( )1. farm A.worker B.hospital C.black( )2. interesting A.potato B.blackboard C.useful( )3. thirty A.forty B.first C.second( )4. kind A.cross B.easy C.take( )5. cousin A.brother B.which C.should选择填空。(10分)( )1. _I play football now?ACan BWhat CShould( )2.1 want to p

3、lay football_ Tom.Ain Bwith Cto( )3. You_ play games in the street.Amust Bmustnt Ccan( )4.I work_Huang he Hospital.Aat Bon Cwith( )5. How many _are there in your school?A. student B.farmers C.teachers.看图,填上合适的方位单词补全句子。(10分)1. A is_B.2. A is_B.3. B is_A.4. A is_B.5. A is_B. 填单词补全等式。(10分)连词成句。(只填序号)(1

4、5分). 给下列问句选出正确的答语。(15分)( )1. Where do you live?A.1 work in a hospital. B.I live in Beijing.( )2. May I use your computer?A. Certainly. Here you are. B.Yes,you do.( )3. What does your mother do?A. He is a doctor. B. She is a teacher.( )4. How many people are there in your family?A. There are three. B

5、. I like my family.( )5. Where does Amy come from?A. He is an English. B. She is from the UK.阅读理解。 (15分)The old name for films is moving pictures. In America, they still call them movies and they say Shall we go to the movies? when we say Shall we go to the cinema? A boy says to his friend, Do you l

6、ike moving pictures? His friend thinks that he is going to ask him to go to the cinema , so he says , Yes , please. I like moving pictures very much. Good , says the boy, My father has a picture shop. He sells pictures. This evening I have to help him to move pictures from one room to another. You l

7、ike moving pictures, so I think you will enjoy moving pictures with me. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正 (T)误 ( F) 。( ) 1. In the old time people called films moving pictures .( )2. American people ask their friends to go to see a film. They always say, Shall we go to the cinema?( )3. The boys friend likes pictures v

8、ery much.( )4. His friend doesnt understand the meaning of the question, Do you like moving pictures ? ( )5. The boys friend likes going to the movies.答案. 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A.1.C 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.A. 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. A. 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C. 1. on 2. under 3. near 4. beside 5. in. 1. thirteen 2. twelve 3. forty 4. twenty-one 5. forty-five. 1 2 3 4. 5. . 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B.1.T 2. F 3. F 4.T 5. T5


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