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1、2011-2012 学年度上学期前进小学四年级英语期末模拟试题学校 姓名 学号 成绩 听力 部分 50 分一 听录音,按顺序标号。16 分( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二 听录音,圈出单词。12 分1 horse 2. match 3.laughing 4.telephonehot reach smiling fax5. water 6.dice 7. glue 8. hugeworm fence balloon cucumber三 听问句选答语,将字母填在括号里。12 分( )1. A. Yes, I am. B. Im thirsty. C. No, I am

2、.( )2. A. Its a Monday. B. Yes, it is. C. Its Sunday.( )3. A. I like P.E. B. No, I dont. C. They like math.( )4. A. They want a puzzle. B. Yes, he does. C. He wants a skateboard . ( )5. A. Were painting. B. We want a drum. C. Yes, we are.( )6. A. Theyre theirs. B. Its theirs. C. Yes, they are.四 选词填空

3、。10 分behind Sure borrow Friday Does 1. What day is it today? Its .2. Can I your ruler ? .Here you are.3. he want a drum? Yes, he does.4.Where is my wallet ? Its the sofa.五 看图,选词填空 10 分listen skateboard hungry subjects Saturday feet glasses hers behind shopping 七 在 B 栏找出 A 栏的答语。9 分A B( )1. Whose stuf

4、fed animal is this ? A. Yes, please.( )2. What is she doing ? B. Sure.( )3.Where are the books ? C. On the desk.( )4. Do you want a doll ? D. He likes art.( )5.What subjects does Tony like ? E . Its his.( )6. Can I call my mother ? F. Shes eating.八 看图完成句子。61. Is the wallet in of the glasses ? Yes, it is. 2. dog is this ? Its . 3. Can I an ice cream ? Yes, Here you are. 4. What day is it today ? Its .5. Whats the boy doing ? Hes .


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