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1、Module 3 Music(一) 、重点单词1.听众_ 2.古典音乐_ 3.宫廷_ 4.丢失 v._ 5.音乐家 n._ 音乐的 adj._ 6.天才 n._ 7.录音 n._ v._8. composer n. _ v. 9. conductor n. _ v. 10. musician n. _adj. _ n. 11.director n. _ v. plex adj. _ v. 13. influence n. _v. 14. record v. _ n. 15. lecturer n. _ n. 16. mix v. _ n. 17. lose v. _n(失败者)_n. 18.

2、使混合_ 混合物_ 19. 复杂的_ 复合句_ (二)重点短语1.作为而出名_ 2.有史以来_ 3.给某人留下深刻印象_ 4.变聋 _5.把变成 _ 6.在某方面有天赋 _7.对有影响 _ 8.把和混合_9.谈到,提及_ 10.做笔记 _11. 因而出名 _ 12. 除以外还 _词汇部分:1audience n. 听众,观众;接见,拜见 注意当 audience 作主语时,若看作一个集体则谓语动词用单数,重点在个人则用复数形式。There was a large/ small audience in the theatre. 剧院里有很多观众/ 观众真少。 The audience is/ar

3、e always very excited by a wonderful goal. 一个精彩的进球总会使观众们非常激动。Three thousand audiences crowded the concert hall. 三千名听众挤满了音乐大厅。 2talent n. 才能,才干,天资;天才,有才能的人 talent 常构成短语:have talent for sth. /doing sth. 在方面有天分(才能)e.g.have a talent for organization 有组织才能 He has a talent for languages/ speaking. 他具有语言才能

4、。 My sister has a talent for music. 我妹妹有音乐才能。 a man of talent 有才能的人 The local talents in our country take an active part in social affairs. 我国地方上的人才积极参与社会事务。3influence (1)n. 用作不可数名词时意为“影响、感化、势力、权利” ;用作可数名词时表示“有影响的人(或事务)、有权势的人” 。 e.g.Literature and art have a great influence upon/on peoples ideology.

5、 文艺对人们的思想有很大的影响。 He is an influence in politics. 他是一个在政界有影响的人物。 常构成如下短语: under the influence of 在的影响下 a man of great influence 很有权势的人 have influence over有左右的力量 (2)vt. influence 也可以用作及物动词,意为“影响,感化,对有作用” 。e.g.The labor enthusiasm of the workers strongly influenced us.(influence sb.) 工人们的劳动热情强烈地感染了我们。

6、The weather influences crops.(influence sth.) 天气影响农作物。 4record v. 意为 “录音,给灌音,记录下来,记载下来” 。 e.g.Listen to him carefully and record what he says. 仔细听他讲话,然后记录下来。We recorded music on a phonograph. 我们把音乐灌进唱片。(2)record 也可用作名词,意为“记录、记载;档案;经历、履历;唱片”等。e.g.It is on record that the summer was the wettest for 50

7、 years. 根据记录这个夏天是五十年来雨量最多的季节。 Your record is in your favour. 你的履历对你有利。 Our museums are full of records of past history. 我们的博物馆有很多过去历史的资料。The athlete broke the record in the game. 比赛中一个队员打破了记录。6.mix (mixed;mixed, mixing) v. 使混合,混淆,搞混,相混合,相融合e.g.If you mix blue and yellow, you will make green. 你若把蓝色和黄

8、色掺起来,就配成了绿色。 Dont mix black with white. 不要混淆黑白。Youre always mixing me up with my twin brother. 你老是分辨不出我和我的孪生哥哥( 弟弟)。mixed 用作形容词意为“混合的、混杂的;男女混合的” 。e.g.I have mixed feelings about the book. 我对这本书的看法是褒贬参半。 6encourage(encouraged;encouraged, encouraging) vt. 鼓励,激励;助长;援助 反义词:discourage 使泄气 词性变化:encouragem

9、ent n. 鼓励, 奖励;鼓励之物,支持之物e.g.He encouraged me to have a try. (encourage sb. to do sth.) 他鼓励我试一试。 Dont encourage him in his idle ways. 不要助长他的懒惰。 We tried to discourage him from climbing the mountain without a guide. 我们设法劝他无向导不要去爬山。 Praise acts as an encouragement to the young. 称赞对于青年人是一种鼓励。(二)句子解析 1Jos

10、eph Haydn (17321809) was an Austrian composer and is known as “the father of the symphony”. 约瑟夫海顿(17321809),奥地利作曲家,以“交响曲之父”著称。 be known as 作为 而闻名 e.g.Jackie Chan is known as a kungfu film star. 成龙作为功夫片电影明星而闻名于世。be known for 因而出名(表示原因) e.g.That small town is known for its honey peaches all over the c

11、ountry. 那个小镇以水蜜桃而闻名全国。 2but he changed the symphony into a long piece for a large orchestra. 但是他把交响乐改编为可供大型管弦乐队使用的长篇曲目。 changeinto 变成,把变成 changefor 用换 类似的短语还有: turninto 进入;使变成;使成为 put /translateinto 把译成e.g.Heat changes water into steam. 加热使水变成蒸汽。 Id like to change these dollars into pounds. 我想把美元换成英

12、镑。那个小镇以水蜜桃而闻名全国。 2but he changed the symphony into a long piece for a large orchestra. 但是他把交响乐改编为可供大型管弦乐队使用的长篇曲目。 changeinto 变成,把变成 changefor 用换 类似的短语还有: turninto 进入;使变成;使成为 put /translateinto 把译成e.g.Heat changes water into steam. 加热使水变成蒸汽。 Id like to change these dollars into pounds. 我想把美元换成英镑。 Can

13、 you change this 10 pound note for ten single ones? 请你把这张十英镑的钞票换成 10 张一英镑的好吗? Please turn the article into English. 请把这篇文章译成英语。 He is changing the English book into French. 他正在将那本英文书译成法文。 3Having worked there for 30 years, Haydn moved to London, where he was very successful. 在那里工作了 30 年后,海顿移居伦敦。在伦敦,

14、他非常成功。 (1)move to a place 搬家至某地 (2)having worked为现在分词的完成式作时间状语,表示动作发生在主动词之前,相当于时间状语从句 After he had worked there e.g.Having lived for 20 years in the countryside, the family moved to Jinan. 在乡下住了 20 年以后,全家搬到了济南。 v.- ing 称为现在分词的一般式,也可作状语,现在分词的一般式表示的时间概念与主动词同时发生或几乎同时发生。如: e.g.Walking through the streets, he caught sight of a tailors shop.相当于When/ While he was walking through the streets (动作与主动词同时发生)Hearing the news


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