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1、环境工程考研英语面试自我介绍(2) 环境工程考研英语面试自我介绍 大学的生活使我把握了环境工程方面的知识,如:工程预概算、室内给排水、城市给排水管网工程、水污染控制工程、大气污染控制工程、噪声污染控制工程、固体废弃物处理与处置等。在学习理论知识的同时,我也注重实践能力的培养和自身能力的发展。在校期间,曾担任班长、花卉园艺协会手工艺部部长,策划并积极参加学校组织的各方面活动,如学院篮球赛、花卉园艺协会创收活动、学院爱心活动书站下乡活动。在长期的学生工作中,培养了我良好的组织协调能力,以及强烈的整体观念和沟通意识。 At the university of life made me grasp t

2、he knowledge of environmental engineering, such as: project budget, indoor water supply and drainage, urban water supply and drainage pipe work engineering, water pollution control engineering, air pollution control engineering, noise pollution control engineering, solid waste treatment and disposal

3、, etc. At the same time of learning theory knowledge, I also pay attention to the cultivation of practice ability and the development of their own capabilities. During the period of school, served as the monitor, flower gardening association minister of arts and crafts, plan and take an active part

4、in the school organizations activities, such as college basketball match, ine generating activities, college love flower gardening association activity book stand down to the countryside. Students in long-term work, cultivate my good organization coordinated ability, and a strong sense of the overal

5、l concept and munication. 此外,我并不仅仅满足只把握大学课程所规定的知识,在计算机方面我把握了officXX软件的操纵、autocadXX等知识;在英语方面,获得了国家英语 In addition, Im not just meet only by knowledge of the university courses, I mastered officXX software in puter control and autocadXX knowledge; In English, won the national English 四、六级证书,有较强的英语阅读和写作

6、能力;在实际操纵上,获得国家分析工中级职业资格证书。 Four, six level of certificate, have strong English reading and writing ability; In the actual manipulation, state analysis of intermediate professional qualification certificate. 我非常想应聘贵公司的预算员职业,由于我充分的相信自己通过过往众多实践中的能力胜任这份工作!我拥有的是年轻的*,假如您把信任和希看给我,那么我的自信、我的*,我的能力,将是您最满足的答案!

7、 I very want to apply for your pany budget member of the profession, because I fully believe in yourself through the passing of many practice ability is qualified for the job! I have a young * * *, if you put trust and hope to see me, then my confidence, my * * *, my ability, will be your most satis

8、fied answer! 我是*农业大学200*届的毕业生,所学专业是:环境工程与管理,在校期间我努力学习相关的专业长知识,积极进取,在各方面都严格要求自己,使自身能力不断提高以便适应社会需求。放假期间,我积极参加社会实践实习,在各方面得到了更大的提高,因为只有把所学知识应用到实际工作中,服务于社会,才能真正体现自身的价值,磨炼自身。 I am agricultural university graduates of the class of 200 * * *, is your major: environmental engineering and management, during t

9、he period of school I study hard relevant professional knowledge, positive enterprising, strict with myself in every aspects, make their own ability to improve in order to adapt to the needs of society. Internship during the holiday, I took an active part in social practice, a larger increase in var

10、ious aspects, because only apply knowledge to practice, serve the society, can we truly reflect the value of itself, exercise their own. 我是有积极向上、踏实肯干、知难而上的优良品质。在这个人才济济、竟争激烈的新时代,虽然我不是最优秀的,但我决不轻视自己;我是平凡社会中的一员,但我决不平庸,也不甘平庸。一个人只有不断的培养自身能力、提高专业素质、拓展内在潜能,才能更好的完善自己,充实自己,更好的服务于社会,不是所的事都靠聪明才能完成的;成功更青睐于勤奋执着的人

11、、实事求是的人。我本着以发挥自身的特长,在实习中虚心向同事请教,从而不断使自己学习和进步。也许在众多的求职人员中,我不是最好的,但我可能是最适合的。自强不息是我的追求,希望您能给予我一次机会,我会尽职尽责,努力做好本职工作,让您让单位满意,相信我没错的! I am active, down-to-earth, the fine quality of knowing the difficulties. In this new era of talent, the petition is fierce, although I am not the best, but I will never de

12、spise himself; I am a member of the ordinary social, but I never mediocre, also unwilling to mediocrity. A person only by constantly cultivate their ability, improve their professional quality, expanding the internal potential, in order to better improve themselves, to enrich themselves, better serv

13、ice to the society, not what things are by the clever to plete; Suessful people prefer diligent persistent, seeking truth from facts. I in line with to the play to its own expertise, modestly consult to colleagues in the practice, thus make themselves constantly learning and progress. Maybe in many people, I am not the best, but I may be the most suitable. An unyielding is my pursuit, I hope you can give me a chance, I will be conscientious, pletes the labor of duty, hard to let you satisfy unit, believe me thats right! 模板,内容仅供参考



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