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1、Definition一、填空1.Literature :a set of works, subjects, printed material, giving information.2. Standard: the results of formal processes, a set of detailed technical guidelines, the methods widely used in practice.3. Patent: an official record of specific rights awarded to an individual or group to p

2、revent others from copying a design for goods or manner of procedure or a creative idea invented by that individual or group for a specified time.4. Trademark: is a word or words, a name, a design, a picture, a sound, or any other symbol that distinguishes the products of one company from those of o

3、thers.5. Copyright: is the body of legal rights that protect creative works from being reproduced, performed, displayed, or disseminated by others without permission. 6. Contract: An agreement between two or more parties that is enforceable by law, a legally enforceable and legally binding agreement

4、.7: A tender document is a written statement of the price at which one offers to supply goods or services, or to do something.8. A proposal is a written offer to solve a technical problem in a particular way, under a specified plan of management, or for a specified compensation.9. A report is a form

5、 of communication in which the writer gives information to some person or organization because it is his/her responsibility to do so. 10. A professional paper is a typewritten paper in which professionals present their views and research findings on a chosen topic. It is variously known as the “rese

6、arch paper,” “course paper,” “thesis paper” or “library paper”.11. Conference documents are printed materials distributed before or at or after a conference, concerning the announcements, arrangements, and other information of the conference, usually made by the sponsoring organization or the organi

7、zing committee of the conference.12. A review, as opposed to a survey, should be a critical and literally documented assessment of a work on a specific subject or in a particular field. 13.Index: a systematically arranged list giving enough information about each item to enable it to be identified a

8、nd traced14: Bibliography: the writing or copying of books. or scientific record of books, directories to a selection of printed materials, films, recordings, and maps compiled for a definite purpose二.T or F1.The so-called special documentation refers to all the printed materials that are non-books

9、or non-periodicals. 2.a title is composed of no more than twenty words3. Standards applied to industrial products.4.In fact, standards are so important that they are usually described as “intangible assets”.5. Patents have a limited time.6. Patents may be transferred from one party to another; 7. As

10、 a rule the merits, values, and any deductive applications are not allowed in the abstract. In the section of Claims, the authors name should not appear, and there should be no abbreviations of item names, nor any ambiguous expressions such as “considerably light,” 8.A strong trademark consists of a

11、 word that has no recognizable meaning, such as Kodak.9. Weak trademarks consist of a common word, such as Premier or Wet n Wash.10. A trademark represents the manufacturers reputation, called good will.10. A trademark can be sold or assigned 11. The owner of copyright has the exclusive right to rep

12、roduce a protected work; prepare other works based on the protected work; sell, rent, or lend copies of the protected work to the public; perform protected works in public; and display copyrighted works publicly.12. making copies of book to sell or give away is illegal13.This protection is available

13、 to both published and unpublished works.14.Essentially a copyright protects an intellectual or artistic property. Not everything of an artistic or intellectual nature can be copyrighted. Ideas, names, and titles are excepted15.Copyright law forbids unauthorized duplication or distribution of comput

14、er programs.16.Owners of a copyright may transfer their copyright to someone else through a written contract17.Unintentional infringement is also illegal but may be treated less harshly by the court than intentional infringement. Willfully violating a copyright is a criminal offense.18. For example,

15、 teachers may make a limited number of copies of a copyrighted work for classroom use. Archives and libraries may make one copy of a copyrighted work. 19.见简答第六项20.the tender authority will send a complete set of inquiry documents(全套招标文件), known also as “tender documents” or “bid package”, to the fir

16、m on short list.21. tender documents are free: specifications, drawings, and terms and conditions 22.Considerable preparatory work on the part of bidders is involved and as the time allowed for the submission of tenders is frequently short, 23. Inquiry documents usually include the letter of invitation to tender, instructions to tenderers, conditions of contract, specification, the form of tenders appendices.24.A informal suggestion offers an idea and briefly discusses it



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