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1、大连理工大学网络教育学院第 1 页 共 7 页大学英语 3 辅导资料三主 题:Unit 2 的知识扩展学习时间:2013 年 10 月 14 日10 月 20 日内 容: 一、用一般时,不用进行时的动词(本课重点和难点)1. 表示状态的动词没有进行时我们只能说某种动作在进行,不说某种状态正在进行,所以表示“ 存在、所有、感情”之类的 动词都没有进 行时态。2. 表示心理情感状态的动词:know, understand, forget, remember, believe, want, need, respect, prefer, mind, like, agree, wish, recogni

2、ze, mean, care, dislike, love, hate, fear, hope, appreciate3. 表示事实状态的动词:appear, exist, remain, seem, belong, depend on, look(看似), lie( 位于)例题:(1) All the furniture in the house _ to the landlord.A. is belonging B. belongs C. belong D. are belonged解析:furniture 为不可数名词, 谓语动词要用单数形式,而 belong 又是表示状态的动词,要用一

3、般现在时,所以选择 B。(2) As a general rule, snakes _ unless offended(触怒).A. have not bitten B. do not bite C. will not be biting D. are not biting解析:本题指的是通常状态下,所以要用一般现在时。选择 B。(3) The earth _ round the sun in 365 days.A. moves B. moved C. has moved D. move大连理工大学网络教育学院第 2 页 共 7 页解析:客观事实或真理要用一般现在时,所以选择 A。4. 瞬时动

4、词没有进行时动作为一时性,它们所表示的动作从发生到结束只是一瞬间。例如:accept, allow, admit, complete, decide, end, give, receive, refuse, permit, promise例题:(1) He _ his leg when he _ in a football match.A. broke; played B. was breaking; was playedC. broke; was playing D. was breaking; played解析:break 为 瞬时动词,要用一般式;play 要用过去 进行时,表示他当时正

5、在踢球。所以选择 C。(2) The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she _.A. will arrive B. arrives C. is going to arrive D. is arriving解析:arrive 为 瞬时动词,根据题意要用一般现在时。所以选择 B。5. 感官动词指本能自然的动作,时间短暂,不用 进行时,如 see, notice, hear, smell, taste, look, sound.例题:(1) Do you like the material?- Yes, i

6、t _ very soft.A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt解析:feel 意为 “感觉起来”,要用一般现在时,所以选择 C。6. Here / There 开头的感叹句用现在时代替现在进行时。e.g. Here comes our English teacher! = Here he comes!There goes the car! = There it goes!7. 现在时可以代替完成时。大连理工大学网络教育学院第 3 页 共 7 页see(明白,知道),hear, understand, forget, read, learn 等词可

7、用一般现在时表示“已知、已忘 ”。I forget (= I have forgotten) his name.I understand (= I have understood) what you mean.二、使用过去时的典型例题1. 有时没有明确的时间副词,但可以由上下文或由所提到的地点暗示出来。2. 表示两件紧接着发生的动作,由以下词语连接,用一般过去时。when, as soon as, immediately, the moment, the minute例题:(1) Your phone number again? I _ quite catch it. Its 9569453.

8、A. didnt B. couldnt C. dont D. cant答案:A。(2) Hello! I _ you _ in London. How long have you been here?A. dont know; were B. hadnt known; areC. havent known; are D. didnt know; were答案:D。三、现在完成时的一些典型用法1. 通常与现在完成时连用的词语yet, already, by this time, just, ever, never, before, several times, since, up to now,

9、 so far, recently, lately, for a long time在使用这些词语时要注意以下问题:(1) already 一般用于肯定句,yet 用于否定句和疑问句。如:We have already seen the film.John hasnt found his watch yet.Have you read this book yet?(2) ever 多用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中,表示“曾经” 。never 用于形式上的肯大连理工大学网络教育学院第 4 页 共 7 页定句中表示“ 从未” 。例如:Have you ever been to the Great W

10、all?We have never heard about it.(3) often, always, several times 等表示动作的频率。 例如:We have often been here.Mary has read the text several times.2. 现在完成时与过去时在使用副词词语方面的比较(1) just now 用在过去时,just 用在现在完成时。(2) ago 用在过去时,before 用在现在完成时。 ago 不能单独使用,前面要加 a few days 等,而 before 可以单独使用。(3) since + 过去某一时间点或从句 用在完成时f

11、or + 一段时间 用在完成时。例如:I have studied French since 1960.He has lived here since he was born.We have known each other for a few years. (4) 现在完成 时不与疑问副词 when 连用,不与过去的确定时间副词连用。如:Wrong: She has broken a cup yesterday.Wrong: When has Tom stayed with you?例题:(1) I like Shakespeares works. Up to now I _ three o

12、f his plays.A. had read B. have read C. was reading D. am reading解析:up to now 用于现在完成时,所以选择 B。(2) When are you planning to send the card to your friend? I _ it already.A. sent B. had sent C. have sent D. was to send大连理工大学网络教育学院第 5 页 共 7 页解析:already 可用于现在完成 时,所以选择 C。3. 动词现在完成时态中的 have been 与 have gone

13、 在用法上有哪些区别?虽然 have been 和 have gone 都是现在完成时,但表达的意思不同。have been 表达的意思是“去过” 。have gone 表达的意思是“去了”。也就是说用 have gone 时,表示句中主 语所指的人到某到 过了。have been 表示句中主语所指的人曾经去过某地,但现在已不在那了。在用法上区别很大。现请看例句:(1) Where is your father? I havent seen him for a few weeks.(你父亲到哪里去了?我有几个星期没有看见他了。 ) He has gone to the U.S.(他去美国了。

14、)(2) Have you been to the Great Wall recently?(近来你去过长城吗?) Yes, I have been there several times.(是的,我去过几次。 )四、使用瞬时动词时应注意些什么?一些动词如 come, go, leave, arrive, start, begin, become, join, buy, receive, borrow, die, marry, return 等的特点是:它们所表示的动作从发生到结束只是一瞬间。使用这类动词时要注意以下几点:如果要表示这些动词的延续意义时,不能使用它们的完成式加 for 引导的表

15、示一段时间的短语的句式,而必须改用其它句型或改换其它有延续性的动词表示。请看下列汉译英例句:(1) 他参军三年了。译文:It is three years since he joined the Army.大连理工大学网络教育学院第 6 页 共 7 页或者 He joined the Army three years ago.或者 He has been in the Army for three years.此句不能译成:He has joined the Army for three years.(2) 电影开演十分 钟了。译文:It is ten minutes since the film began.或者 The film began ten minutes ago.或者 The film has been on for ten minutes.此句不能译成:The film has begun for ten minutes.(3) 他来这里两个月了。译文:It is two months since he came here.或者:He came here two months ago



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