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1、大连理工大学网络教育学院第 1 页 共 7 页大学英语 3 辅导资料七主 题: 对 Unit 5 的重点单词、短语的讲解学习时间:2013 年 11 月 11 日11 月 17 日内 容:NEW WORDS (对课文重点单词的解释)1. aid vt. 帮助, 援助e.g. an index to aid the reader(帮助读者的索引)搭配 aid sb. in/with sth.e.g. The local community aided us in our investigation.(当地社区协助我们调查。 )词性变 化 aid n. 帮助e.g. I managed to go

2、 up the mountain with the aid of a guide.(在向导的帮助下,我爬到了山顶。 )2. comfort n. 舒适;安逸e.g. This car is built for comfort.(这辆车是供休闲用的。 )They live a life of great comfort.(他们过着非常安逸的生活。 )词性变 化 comfortable adj. 舒服的,舒适的e.g. a comfortable chair(舒适的椅子)I love these shoes theyre so comfortable!(我喜欢这双鞋穿起来非常舒服呢!)3. cri

3、sis n. 危机e.g. They suffered huge losses in the financial crisis.(他们在经济危机时遭受了巨大的损失。 )In times of crisis its good to have a friend to turn to. (危难时好在有朋友可以投奔。 )大连理工大学网络教育学院第 2 页 共 7 页4. conflict n. 争执;冲突e.g. It will lead to conflict between Unions and Management.(这将导致工会与管理部门的冲突。 )Personal and political

4、 conflicts among ministers are increasingly common.(部长之间的个人冲突和政治冲突现在愈来愈普遍。 )搭配 come into conflict 争吵;争论e.g. We came into conflict over money.(我们开始为了钱而争吵。 )5. defeat vt. 战胜;击败e.g. Scotland defeated Wales by three goals to one.(苏格兰队以 3:1 击败威尔士队。 )The British army was finally defeated in 1783.(英国军队最终于

5、1783 年战败。 )词性变 化 defeat n. 战胜;击败e.g. Superior air defense contributed to their defeat of the enemy.(优秀的空防为击败敌人作出了贡献。 )The team has suffered several defeats recently.(球队最近多次败北。 )6. declaration n. 宣言;申 报;宣布e.g. a declaration of war(战争宣言)词性变 化 declare vt. 宣告;宣布e.g. Our government has declared war on th

6、em.(我们政府已经向他们宣战。 )Jones was declared the winner.(琼斯被宣布为胜利者。 )7. generous adj. 慷慨的,大方的e.g. It was very generous of you to lend them your new car to go on holiday.(你肯把你的新车借给他们去度假用,真是慷慨。 )大连理工大学网络教育学院第 3 页 共 7 页词性变 化 generosity n. 慷慨e.g. His generosity to the poor is well known.(他对穷人的慷慨为人所熟知。 )8. humbl

7、e adj. 地位卑微的e.g. He was only a humble bank clerk.(他不过是个小小的 银行职员。 )She was born of humble parentage.(她出身卑贱。 )9. hatred n. 憎恨;仇恨e.g. She is full of hatred for the driver who killed her dog.(她对开车压死她的狗的那位司机充满了仇恨。 )Love and hatred are primary emotions.(爱和恨是基本的情感。 )10. internal adj. 内部的;国内的e.g. an interna

8、l report(内部 报告)internal trade(国内贸易)反义词 external adj. 外部的;表面的e.g. There are a lot of external pressures on her.(她有很多外来的压力。 )Despite external appearance, shes very shy.(她很害羞,尽管外表并非如此。 )11. obstacle n. 障碍;妨碍e.g. Their different religions were an obstacle to their marriage.(他俩宗教信仰的不同是他们婚姻的一大障碍。 )Her fat

9、hers opposition remained only their obstacle.(她父亲的反对是他们唯一的障碍。 )12. origin n. 血统;出身e.g. a young man of West Indian origin(一个原籍为西印度群岛的年轻人)He was proud of his working class origins.(他为自己出身于工人阶层而感到自大连理工大学网络教育学院第 4 页 共 7 页豪。 )13. performance n. 表演e.g. The singers performance was terrible.(这位歌手的演出很糟糕。 )Th

10、ere are two performances a day.(一天有两场演出。 )词性变 化 perform v. 表演e.g. Theyre performing a Shakespeare play.(他们在演一出莎士比亚的戏剧。 )Shes performing at the National Theater.(她正在国家大剧院演出。 )14. recall v. 回忆起e.g. I cant recall the exact details of the report.(我记不起这篇报告的确切细节了。 )Do you recall where he lives?(你能想起他住在哪儿吗

11、?)搭配 recall doing sth. 回 忆起做过某事e.g. I dont recall meeting her.(我不记得见过她。 )15. rumor n. 谣言,传闻e.g. Rumor has it that hes found a new job at last.(传说 他终于找到了一份新工作。 )I heard a strange rumor about Jean at the club last night.(昨晚我在俱乐部听到关于琼的奇怪传闻。 )16. survey vt. 审视e.g. He surveyed the surrounding countryside

12、.(他仔细察看了周围的郊外地区。 )EXPRESSIONS 1. ahead of 在前面;先于e.g. There was a roadblock straight ahead of us.(我们正前方有路障。 )Were ahead of all the other companies in this field.(在这个方面,我们公司胜大连理工大学网络教育学院第 5 页 共 7 页过其他任何一家公司。 )2. devote to 为付出时间,精力等e.g. He has devoted his life to helping blind people.(他为帮助盲人而献出一生。 )We

13、shouldnt devote any more time to this question.(我们不应该在此问题上多费时间。 )3. drag on (乏味或恼人的事物) 进行得过久e.g. The meeting seemed to drag on for hours.(会议拖得很长,好像开了好几个小时。)Lets not drag on this discussion; weve got to reach a decision.(这场讨论别拖下去了,我们得作个决定。 )4. earn a living 谋生e.g. He earns a living by hunting.(他靠打猎谋生

14、。 )Mr. White was the only doctor in that small town, so that he had a fair chance to earn a living.(怀特先生是那个小镇上惟一的医生,因此他有赚钱的好机会。 )5. in pursuit of 追求,追逐e.g. The police car raced through the streets in pursuit of the stolen motorbike.(警车在街上急驰,追赶着那辆被盗的摩托车。 )They emigrated to Australia in pursuit of a b

15、etter life.(他们为了追求更舒适的生活而移居澳大利亚。 ) 6. in the hope of sth./that 怀 着的希望e.g. I called in the hope of finding her at home.(我希望她能在家才给她打的电话。 )大连理工大学网络教育学院第 6 页 共 7 页He showed me a picture of the missing girl in the hope that I might recognize her.(他给我看了一张失踪女孩的照片,希望我能 认 出她。 )7. prefer A to B 喜欢 A 胜于 Be.g.

16、Richard prefers riding a bike to driving.(相对开 车而言,理 查德更喜欢骑自行车。 )I prefer tea to coffee.(我更喜 欢茶,而不是咖啡。 )8. say of 谈论 及e.g. I cared nothing about what they said of me.(我毫不在乎他们对我怎么说。 )统考例题(重点掌握)1. We desire that the tour leader _ us immediately of any changes in plans.A. inform B. informs C. informed D. has informed解析:此题的考点为虚拟语气,su



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