仁爱版八年级下册Unit 8 Topic 3 He said the fashion show was wonderful.Section B教案

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《仁爱版八年级下册Unit 8 Topic 3 He said the fashion show was wonderful.Section B教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《仁爱版八年级下册Unit 8 Topic 3 He said the fashion show was wonderful.Section B教案(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 8 Topic 3 He said the fashion show was wonderful.Section B一、教学目标1. 能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并在实际的对话操练中加以应用:catwalk, cheongsam, traditional, minority, Tibetan, Korean2. 继续学习主句是过去时的宾语从句。I guess its a traditional Russian costume.She said Jane knew a lot about fashion.She asked what kind of costume

2、the model was wearing.3. 能够根据主句时态,把宾语从句部分进行相应的时态转换。4. 能够运用正确的语调向第三方转述信息。5. 能够听懂有关时装秀的对话,并就这一话题进行交流。6. 能够运用正确地表达方式表达惊奇、赞叹等情绪。Thats really cool!二、教学重点及难点重点:1. 能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并在实际的对话操练中加以应用:catwalk, cheongsam, traditional, minority, Tibetan, Korean2. 继续学习主句是过去时的宾语从句:I guess its a traditional R

3、ussian costume.She said Jane knew a lot about fashion.She asked what kind of costume the model was wearing.3. 能够运用正确的语调向第三方转述信息。难点:1. 向第三方转述信息时,注意记得重读报告词。2. 能够根据主句时态,把宾语从句部分进行相应的时态转换。三、教学准备教师:教学课件;多媒体设备学生:课前预习四、教学过程Step 1 RevisionAfter a short greeting with Ss, ask several pairs of Ss to act out the

4、 conversation in 1a in Section A to review.【设计意图】通过朗读,引导学生回顾上节课所学的知识并快速回归课堂学习状态。Step 2 Pre-listening Present some pictures and answer the questions. Then learn some new words.【设计意图】由谈论时装表演,引出并学习本课时的新单词,为后面的听力活动扫清词汇障碍。Step 3 While-listening Listen to 1a and number the costumes according to the record

5、ing. Then match them with the models.T: Pictures can help you to remember things you already know about a reading passage.【设计意图】训练学生通过听,捕捉有效信息完成听力活动,培养他们仔细观察图片的习惯和意识,提高听力技巧。Step 4 Post-listening 1. Guide Ss to role-play the conversation in 1a. T: Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.【设计

6、意图】通过角色扮演,引导学生感知语音语调,提高听力和朗读能力。2. Learn the key points of 1a.(1) The model in the center of the catwalk looks so beautiful.T形台中央的模特儿看起来真美。in the center of the catwalk是介词短语作定语,修饰the model。介词短语作定语时,一律后置。e.g. The hot pot in Chongqing is very famous.(2) Its a traditional dress for Chinese women, and its

7、 becoming popular in the world of high fashion.它是中国妇女穿的一种传统服装,而且它在高级时装领域内正逐渐流行起来。 a traditional dress 传统服装 in the world of 在领域 e.g. in the world of football(3) Here come another three models, 又过来三个模特,another作形容词时,意为“又一个,再一个”,其结构为:another+单数可数名词=one more+单数可数名词 another+数词+复数可数名词=数词+more+复数可数名词e.g. Pl

8、ease drink another cup (=one more cup) of tea. Where shall we be in another ten years (=ten more years)?【设计意图】学习本课时的目标知识点。3. Read 1a and fill in the blanks.【设计意图】通过再次阅读,进一步在语境中理解词汇并加深记忆。4. Look at the pictures. Ask and answer in pairs by following the example.【设计意图】培养学生仔细观察图片的习惯和意识,锻炼他们根据图片运用所学的语法点进

9、行对话的能力。Pronunciation1. Read the following phrases. Then listen and imitate.T: Pay attention to the sounds of the underlined letters and the stress.【设计意图】引导学生练习重音的朗读,提高他们的词汇学习能力和记忆能力。2. Read the conversations, paying attention to the intonation. Then listen and practice with your partner.T: When you

10、retell others words, you can use the rising tone before the reporting verb, such as say.【设计意图】引导学生模仿录音,练习宾语从句中升降调的朗读,学习地道的英语发音。Test Present the exercises and let the Ss have a test.Choose the best answer for each sentence.1. Judy said that she _ a nice skirt in Beijing. A. buyB. buysC. boughtD. buyi

11、ng2. Thats not a common dress. People _ it a cheongsam. A. calledB. is callingC. callD. is called3. Would you like _ bowl of rice? No, thanks. A. otherB. anotherC. the otherD. others 4. Look! Here _! A. the bus comeB. come the bus C. comes the busD. the bus comes5. He asked the salesgirl _. A. how m

12、uch is the T-shirtB. how much was the T-shirt C. how much the T-shirt isD. how much the T-shirt was【设计意图】检测并强化学生对本课时内容的掌握。Step 5 Summary Sum up the main content of this class and repeat the key points.We learn:1. some words: catwalk, cheongsam, traditional, minority, Tibetan, Korean2. some phrases:

13、in the world of, in the center of, high fashion3. some sentences: I guess its a traditional Russian costume. She said Jane knew a lot about fashion. She asked what kind of costume the model was wearing.We can: show surpriseWhat a nice dress!Thats really cool!【设计意图】回顾本课时的主要内容。Step 6 Homework1. Read 1

14、a aloud and try to repeat.2. Preview Section C.【设计意图】巩固课上所学,预习新课。五、板书设计Unit 8 Our ClothesTopic 3 He said the fashion show was wonderful.Section B1. catwalk, cheongsam, traditional, minority, Tibetan, Koreanin the world of, in the center of, high fashion2. I guess its a traditional Russian costume.She said Jane knew a lot about fashion.She asked what kind of costume the model was wearing.3. Here come the models!The model in the center of the catwalk looks so beautiful.What a nice dress!


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