我不是小公主英语作文 I Am Not the Little Princ

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《我不是小公主英语作文 I Am Not the Little Princ》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《我不是小公主英语作文 I Am Not the Little Princ(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

我不是小公主英语作文 I Am Not the Little Princ 我不是小公主英语作文:I Am Not the Little Princess I am a lazy girl, when my mother asks me to help her with her housework, I will find some excuses and then run away. Someday, my mother says to me that I am a little princess, then I am very angry, I argue that I am not a princess. Since then, I am not lazy anymore, I just want to show to my mom that I can be a useful person. 译文:我是一个懒惰的女孩,在妈妈叫我去帮助她做家务的时候,我会找一些借口来躲避。有一天,妈妈对我说我是一个小公主,我很生气,我争辩说我不是。打从那时起,我再也不偷懒了,我只是想要向妈妈展示我可以成为一个有用的人。 【我不是小公主英语作文:I Am Not the Little Princess】相关文章: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 模板,内容仅供参考



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