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1、flexible, fluent, logical, convincing, but not beyond the grammatical rules.createbe responsible for=provide归因于 be attributed topoker 扑克牌increase in amplitudegoal-directed movement approaches its intended targetthereby, hencedevelop sth.sth. account for sth.Following sth., sb. developed sth.copious

2、sth., in copious amounts = in massive amountsinsidious a.潜伏的,阴险的,暗中为害的Developmentally,acquireexsanguination eks,swinein 放血primidone 扑痫酮gist 要点,主旨impinge on / impinge 影响,撞击,侵犯hemianopia, anopia, quadratanopiahomonymous = ipsilateralspecifically,via=through=/by means of=with the help of=with the assis

3、tance ofspread tomanometry 测压法is released from/byThe parents have no concerns.be at increased risk for In general,sth. points tobe associated with chronic bleedsfor a routine prenatal visit/examination/testsb. had an uncomplicated pregnancy to date.due to damage to decussating spinothalamic fiber in

4、 the anterior white commissure.sth. can be precipitated byproduce colicky paincalculi = stonehinderClinically,fluorinated a.氟化的a constellation of symptomspet a dogin front of = rostral toIn around 10 to 20% of patients, the onset of RA is slower 改用delayTo take home point of in this question is 阐述一样事

5、物为了有逻辑连续性:先详细解释,再用简单地短语概括作为下一句的主语。这比强行用连接词更高。比方说:Loop diuretics cause salt and water to be lost from the body, while bicarbonate is retained in extracelluar fluid. The loss of water and salt results in.a is , b is , c is . All three are Neither follicular nor papillary carcinomas predispose for lymp

6、homa, although some studies have suggested Pts with xx carcinoma present with nontender nodulessince = becausecause = elicitundergoIt has minimal action in sth./doing sth. = It has minimal function in The principle action of sth is sth比用The main function 来的地道多了,也富于变化After several hours, he dies, des

7、pite appropriate lifesaving measures.paramount = extremely importantsupplant = substituteThis will pose no problem during following a second exposure to offending antigenThe rash suggests the diagnosis of gonococcal arthritissth and sth are best known examples of virtually = almost, made of, 作为定语从句插

8、在后面because of a positive result on a home pregnancy testunsightly = uglynegligible = not so importantparadigm 范例 sth represent the paradigm of ceramics 制陶术,陶瓷业stumbling a.障碍的 n. 绊倒在老年人群中 in elderlytrip over 绊倒 Youll trip over the stone if you dont mind out .tingible a.可染(色)的monovalent a.单价的crutch n.

9、拐杖uneventful a.平凡的reportsb between the ages of 2 months and 2 yearssth is most common etiologic agent of obstipation 顽固性便秘tinkling n./v.发出叮当声,叮叮声pass flatus = pass gasstrangulation n.绞窄(比如绞窄性肠梗阻)antibiotics with coverage against gram-negative organism.are likely to do sth.important defense mechanism

10、stump n.树桩、假肢、残余部分sth showed no abnormalities except a clear fluid around the umbilical stumpreclusive a.隐居的startle vt.使吓一跳ADH simply places water channels in membranes lining the collecting ducts, which permits the passive reabsorption of water.avidlyin an attempt to do sth.The gallbladder will und

11、ergo increased peristaltic contractions.1-year median survivalessentialauditory projection = auditory pathwaynew cat in the household 这里household用作家庭的意思sth used in conjunction withPatients may also demonstrate findings consistent with apatite 磷灰石side effect = adverse reactionparamedics 护理人员slash vt.

12、鞭打小的部位,地方用site,不用placeIt occupies the position along the lower border of the rib.subfalcine 大脑镰下的The presence of sth. 也可以用the occurrence of sth.啊,是不是更富有活力了呢protuberant 突起的,显著的optimal = appropriate用be able to 也比所有只用can来的好吧巧妙应用post. 比如 post fertilization终止某样事情啦 termination of aphthous a.口疮的acantholysi

13、s 皮肤棘层松解exhibit some symptoms of 尝试用用incidental finding, accidental finding 之类thioamide 硫代酰胺非故意的,不知不觉的 unintentionaldenture 假牙haphazard adj. 偶然的;随便的;无计划的下次说干什么很容易,用readily ad 啊, 用 easily 太naive了年龄啊 5 year old 太滥了,用5 years of age每天抽两包烟 two packs of cigarettes dailyanthracotic adj. 矽肺病的compatible adj.

14、 兼容的;能共处的;可并立的pilot light 指示灯send axons through to = send processes through toprior treatmentbloating adj. 鼓胀的 v. 鼓胀;胀大;炉渣起泡(bloat的ing形式)velvety velvt adj. 天鹅绒般柔软的;醇和的,可口的undulate ndjletvi. 起伏,波动;震动;呈波浪形vt. 波动;使波动;使起伏;使成波浪形adj. 波动的;起伏的;波浪形的bathtub 浴缸refine vt. 精炼,提纯;改善;使文雅indolent adj. 懒惰的;无痛的in a i

15、ndolent course incubation period这个女人的孩子 the children of the womanin the patients workupconsensual adj. 交感的;在双方同意下成立的骨板提前愈合 premature sealing of the growth platesreduce production of otherwise normal type I collagenlightheadedness n.头晕severe lightheadedness用often的时候想想用commonly替换amaurosis fugax 一过性黑蒙dissociation of carbonic acid into water and carbon dioxidespillage n.



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