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1、Unit 6 Watch for fun!,Teaching objectives,get to know different movie types discuss the influnce movies types settle differences between family members,Whats the type of each movie?,Common movie types: action(动作片), adventure(冒险片), comedy(喜剧片), detective(侦探片), romance(爱情片), horror(恐怖片), science ficti

2、on (sci-fi) (科幻片), musical(音乐片), war(战争片), animated movie(卡通片), etc.,Whats the type of each movie?,science fiction,romance,action,animated movie,Adventure,comedy,detective,horror,musical,war,listening speaking,Look at the poster below.What type of movie do you think it is?,Its a,science fiction,List

3、en to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Where do Lily and Sandy like to watch the movie? 2.How does Lily think of the movie?,rock be sure be aware of come over,好极了 确定 意识到 过来,Vocabulary,sure adj. 确信的;有把握的 1) be sure of / about sth. / 从句 确信 He cannot have done things like that.We are all

4、sure of his honesty. 他不可能做那样的事。我们都确信他是一个正直的人。 2) be sure to do sth.某人一定会做某事/某事一定会发生 It is sure to rain this afternoon. 今天下午一定会下雨,2.be aware of sth./that 知道;意识到 I was too young to be aware of the danger around me at that time. 那时我还太小,没有意识到周围的危险。 3.kind of 有点儿;有几分 kind of 具有副词的功能、通常用来修饰形容词,副词和动词。例如: W

5、hats wrong with you? You seem kind of strange today. 你怎么了?你今天看起来有点儿怪怪的。,a/this/that kind of 意为“一种/这种/那种.具有形容词功能,通常用来修饰名词。 例如: I dont think this kind of dress suits you well 我想这种连衣裙不适合你 4.due to 由于、因为 1)due to 引导原因状语,相当于because of。 例如 Due to the heavy rain,the sports meeting was canceled. 由于下大雨,运动员取消

6、了。,2) due to 后接名词或名词短语做句子表语,同样表示原因。例如 The terrible accident was due to the carelessness of the driver. 这场可怕的事故是由司机的疏忽引起的。 5.especially adv.特别;尤其 I am always nervous in class,especially when the teacher asks me to answer questions. 我上课时总是很紧张,尤其是老师要我回答问题的时候。,specially adv. 特别;尤其 I specially made it as

7、 your birthday gift. 我专门做了这个作为你的生日礼物。 6. be different between A and B A和B之间的.是不同的 I learned from it that peoples responses to the same thing are different between in China and in Britain. 在这件事中,我了解到,在中国和英国,人们对同一件事的反应是不一样的。,Reading Writing,普通的;规则的 regular 由于;因为 due to 虽然;尽管 in spite of 围绕;环绕 surround

8、 成人;成年 adult 重要的;意味深长的 meaningful 参加;参与 participate 社区;团体 community 教堂 church 后续行动:后续事务 follow-up 永远 forever 调查 survey,这周如果这些电视全部关掉,那么Frank Vespe将会很开心。 And it would make Frank Vespe very happy this week if each watch TV was turn off. 使大人和孩子可以过一种没有电视的生活 for children and adults to live a life without

9、television 显而易见,“不看电视周”的影响远不止七天。 Its clear that the impact of TV-Turooff Week lasts much longer than seven days. 来自各行各业 People from every background and all walks of life 对许多人来说这个任务比他们想象的容易的多 For many,the task is much easier than they expected.,read the passage again and circle the best answer,Accor

10、ding to the passage,people who watch a lot of TV_. a.succeed in school b.harm their childern c.have less time for enjoying walks out TV-Turnoff Week_. a.started in 2010 b.has had more than 44 million participants since 1995 c.is getting every american involved,b,b,Which of the following is true abou

11、t tv-turnoff week? a.its great but its effect lasts only a week. b.most of its participants choose to watch less tv. c.its participants find it hard to re-engage in eal life Find out the impact of tv-Turnoff Week in the passage.underline them and take them down in the blanks below. _ _ _ _,b,90 perc

12、ent of the participants changed their TV-viewing,80 percent watch less TV, including 20 percent watch no TV,67 percent of the participants said that these changes might last forever,Participants promise to re-engage in real life, and they read,talk,play games,hike,think,or do any number of other act

13、ivities.,The begining of a passage is sometimes called a hook.Read the following three types of hooks.Then read the first paragraph of the passage.What type of hook does the passage use? A.The question hook is an interesting question.If the reader wants to know the answer, he/she needs to read more.

14、 B.The suspense hook gets the reader to read on by implying but holding the some wital information C.The description hook describes a scene or vent in detail to catch the reash attention.,(c),read the following beginings.then decide which type of the three hooks each one uses. _Lynne Cox was the fir

15、st person to swim to Antarctica.Her love of swimming outside began at o young age.When she was three,Lynne learned to swim in a lake called Snow Pond.She love to swim in cold,open water _From everywhere it assaults us.It gets ahead of us:we take vacations to escape from it,but it waits for us at our destinations when we arrive.It pollutes the enironment,rattles our nervers,and makes ue crazy.It is the brutal invader


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