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1、Unit 3,American Eating Pattern 美国的饮食方式,II.New Words,Teaching Steps,I. Warming Up Discussion 讨论,Do you know what food is popular in America?,McDonalds 麦当劳,KFC 肯德基,Vegetable Salad 蔬菜沙拉,Coca Cola 可口可乐,French Fries= Chips 炸薯条,Hamburger 汉堡,II. New words and points in this text,1)pattern n. 方式 式样 v.模仿 用图案

2、装饰 pattern oneself after模仿某人的样子 他模仿他父亲的样子 He patterned himself after his father. 2)salad 色拉 沙拉 凉拌生菜 salad oil 色拉油 fruit salad 水果沙拉,3)Serve (为)服务 全心全意为人民服务 serve the people heart and soul serve as 担任,充当,起作用 这是非常必要的,它将充当证据。 Thisisverynecessaryanditwillserveasaproof.,4) keep down 控制,压缩 缩减开支- keep down

3、expense 他无法控制怒气。 He couldnt keep down his anger.,5)calorie n. 卡,卡路里,Calories in fruits,Low calorie 低卡路里,High calorie 高卡路里,卡路里,是一个能量单位。我们往往将卡路里与食品联系在一起,但实际上它们适用于含有能量的任何东西。例如,4升汽油含有约3.1千万卡路里的能量。利用217个“巨无霸”大号汉堡中的卡路里,您能够驾车行驶35公里。 简单地说,1卡路里的能量或热量可将1克水在一个大气压下的温度升高1摄氏度。1卡路里约等于4.186焦耳(焦耳是物理学中常用的能量单位)。,6) We

4、ight n.重量,体重 减肥-lose weight 保持体重-keep weight,This is a way to lose weight,这是一个减肥的方法。,7)watcher 监视者,看守人 weight watchers 控制体重的套餐 减肥中心/机构 8)cola n.可乐饮料 9)diet n.减肥,节食,忌口 减肥,节食 go on a diet 在节食 be on a diet 你必须减肥,因为你太胖了 You must go on a diet because you are too fat 10) salt n.盐,食盐 salty adj. 咸的,含盐的,11)p

5、referto喜欢而不喜欢 prefer A to B 喜欢A而不喜欢B 我喜欢足球而不喜欢篮球 I prefer football to basketball prefer doing A to doing B 喜欢做A而不喜欢做B 宁愿做A而不愿做B 比起看电视,我宁愿读报纸. I prefer reading a newspaper to watching TV. prefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做A而不愿做B 刘胡兰宁死不屈。 Liu Hulan preferred to die rather than surrender,12) wine n.酒,

6、葡萄酒 红酒-red wine 13) liquor n. 酒,烈性酒 14) license=licence n. 许可证 执照 驾照driving license v. be licensed to do sth/ for sth 经过许可做某事 这家餐馆没有被许可卖烈性酒。 This restaurant is not licensed to sell liquor. This restaurant is not licensed for the sale of liquor.,15) meat n.肉 吃肉-eat meat 16) seldom adv. 很少 他很少吃早餐。 He

7、seldom eats breakfast. 谚语. Barking dogs seldom bite. 直译:吠犬不咬人,会叫的狗不咬人。 意译:外强中干,虚有其表,虚张声势。 17)social adj. 社会的 unit 1. social communication 社会交流 socialist adj.社会主义的 社会主义国家-socialist country,18)occasion n. 场合 (事情发生的)时刻,时机 on the occasion of 在之际,在之时 在新年到来之际-on the occasion of the New Year 19) pace n.步幅,

8、步调,节奏 at a quick pace:以很快的速度 20)nationwide adv. 遍及全国地,在全国范围内 = all over the country 他们到全国各地旅行。 Theytravelednationwide(alloverthecountry). 21) chains n. 链条,连锁店 连锁超市-supermarket chain in chains在囚禁中,22) be suitable for 对合适 I dont know what job would be suitable for me . 我不知道什么职业会适合我。 be suitable to do

9、sth 适合做某事 汤姆适合完成这个项目。 Tom is suitable to finish the project. 23)standard n.标准 adj.标准的 24)reasonably adv. 合理地 reasonable adj. 合理的,理智的 合理的价格reasonable price 理智的决定 reasonable decision,25)instantly adv. 迫切地 instantly available 立等可取 即时可行 可用的,可达到的,可以使用的 instant n. 瞬间,立即 in an instant 片刻,瞬间,马上 我马上就回来。 I wi

10、ll be back in an instant. adj. 立即的,紧迫的 速溶咖啡 -instant coffee 方便面-instant noodles,26)New York City n. 纽约市,Largest city in America,The Statue of Liberty 自由女神像,27)Los Angeles n.洛杉矶,Hollywood 好莱坞,28)rich adj. 富裕的,有钱的,富有的 be rich in 富于 富含 南海蕴藏丰富的自然资源 The South China Sea is rich in natural resources. be sh

11、ort of 缺乏 缺少 我现在缺钱。 I am short of money now.,29) fat,fat n.脂肪,fat adj.肥胖的,30)in a word 一言以蔽之,总而言之,总而言之,我认为他这次做错了 In a word, I think he was wrong this time. in other words 换句话说,也就是说 换句话说,我们必须想办法解决这个问题 In other words,we must find a way to solve this problem. 31) Play an important role in 在起重要作用 电脑在我们的

12、日常生活中起重要作用 Computers play an important role in our daily life.,32)closely adv.紧密地 33)relate v. 关联 有关系 be related to 和有关系 轻工业和农业密切相关。 Light industry is closely related to agriculture.,III. Practice,1.Administration costs were (控制) to just $460 2.I decided to a diet (节食)because I am too fat 3.She pref

13、ers (sing) to (dance) 4.I prefer to (stay) at home rather than (go) out for a walk 5. I think this medicine may be (适合的)you,kept down,go on,singing,dancing,stay,go,suitable for,III. Practice,6.He (很少)makes mistake in writing. 7. (总而言之), I think he is very suitable to do this job. 8. This heart disease may (和有关) his overwork.,seldom,In a word,be related to,2021,



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