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1、Unit 3 A Crime of Compassion,1. If you have ever witnessed the sufferings of a dying person, tell us the feelings that the scene evoked from you. 2. Do you think doctors and nurses should do everything within their means to try to save a terminally ill patient even when they know clearly all their e

2、fforts would mean nothing more than prolonging his suffering?,Topic for Discussion Euthanasia ju:nezi , or mercy killing, is one of the most controversial issues in the world. Some people maintain that one is entitled to choose when to die and how to die; some other people hold that the legalization

3、 of euthanasia might pose dangers for society, for it might be used as a pretext for murdering. Discuss the main ideas of either party and present your own view.,Argumentative Narration What Is Argumentative Narration If an essay isbasically an argumentativeone and thechief meansused for argumentati

4、on isnarration, it is called argumentative narration. Text Analysis Huttmann begins the essay with the incident that the TV audience lodged strong accusations against her for murdering a patient she was supposed to care for. But her response does not follow immediately.,She withholds her response to

5、 the accusation until the last paragraph, where the audiences accusation of her is mentioned again, and her argument is presented. Most of the essay is devoted to the narration of the painful dying process of a terminally ill cancer patient, which she witnessed. Based on the narrated incident her ar

6、gument seems only a natural conclusion.,There seems to be a contradiction in the title A Crime of Compassion. What is it? There are various kinds of crimes, but criminals can be anything but compassionate. It is hardly possible to associate compassion with any crime and being compassionate with a cr

7、iminal.,to play God to function as God, i.e. to decide when to terminate a persons life. Christians believe that only God has the right to decide when a persons life should end.,1.Huttmann begins her essay with a metaphor. Locate it and then explain it. (para. 3) The first sentence of para. 3: It wa

8、s the Phil Donahue show where the guest is a fatted calf and the audience a 200-strong flock of vultures hungering to pick at the bones. Huttmann likens herself (the guest of the talk show) to a fatted calf, and the audience to a flock of more than 200 vultures hungering to pick at the bones. With t

9、he metaphor she intends to tell the reader that the way she handled the case of Mac was strongly disapproved of by the general public, and that theconcept of mercy killing was unacceptable to them.,Para.4 “Otherwise, he felt great.” He had nothing wrong but some coughing. Para.5 “without ever giving

10、 death a thought.” None of us had ever thought that Mac would die.,Six months isnt such a long time in the whole scheme of things, but it was long enough to see him lose his youth, his wit, his macho, his hair, his bowel and bladder control, his sense of taste and smell, and his ability to do the sl

11、ightest thing for himself. Paraphrasing: Six months shouldnt be considered a long period of time, but six months is an unbearably long passage of time when we had to see him gradually reduced from a strong and intelligent young guy to a helpless and disabled man. 在万物的发展过程中,六个月并不长,但长得足以目睹他失去那么多的东西:年轻

12、的身体、灵活的头脑、强壮的体魄、头发、控制大小便的能力、味觉和嗅觉、还有一丁点儿自理的能力。,When Mac had wasted away to a 60-pound skeleton When Mac had been reduced to a 60-pound skeleton waste away (of a person or a part of the body) become progressively weaker and more emaciated e.g. She is dying of AIDS, visibly wasting away. He became ill

13、 and began to waste away.,i.v. solutions i.v. is the abbreviation of intravenous, meaning within a vein, and i.v. solutions refers to the liquid substances infused directly into the vein of a patient for therapeutic purposes.,Para.6 “When Mac had wasted away to a sixty-pound skeleton kept alive by l

14、iquid food we poured down a tube, I.V. solutions we dripped into his veins, and oxygen we piped to a mask on his face, he begged us: Mercy for Gods sake, please just let me go.” Suffering the disease, Mac was much weaker than before who cannot live without the instruments or medical substances. The

15、treatment itself is a torture also. Mac could not bear the agony anymore and pleaded for death.,work their miracles: resuscitate the patient who has stopped breathing, make the patient who almost dies alive again. Its a miracle process.,irrigate the big craters of bedsores The verb irrigate normally

16、 means to supply water to land or crops to help growth. In medicine, the word can be used to mean to apply a continuous flow of water or medication to an organ or a wound.,suction the lung fluids that threatened to drown him drain the excessive lung fluids that threaten his life,Where in the essay can we find descriptions of Macs condition when he was being treated? Why do you think Huttmann is being so specific and detailed? (paras. 6 include an element in a story, an artist



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