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1、Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section A,Look at the picture and answer:What kind of TV show is it?,QuizShow开心辞典,gameshow 知识竞赛节目,Tellitlikeitis实话实说,talkshow脱口秀,news新闻联播,soap opera,sports show,sitcom (situation comedy),game show,cartoon,hope English,Chinese culture,Chinese cooking,Animal Wo

2、rld,Weather Report,What do you think of talk shows?,I cant stand them.,What do you think of soap operas?,I dont like them.,What do you think of sports shows?,I like them.,What do you think of sitcoms?,I dont mind them.,What do you think of game shows?,I love them.,What do you think of weather report

3、s ?,I like them.,Do you like movies?,What kind of movie is it?,Its a comedy.,What do you think of it?,Its relaxing.,What do you think of ?,I him / her ,game show,sports show,sitcom,soap opera,talk show,What does Mark think of TV shows?,Mark loves game shows. He likes sports shows. But he doesnt like

4、 soap operas. He doesnt mind sitcoms. He cant stand talk shows.,What do these faces mean?,Love,like,dont mind,dont like,cant stand,Make your own conversations.,A: What do you think of game shows ?,B: I dont like them .,C: What does he /she think of game shows ?,D: He / She doesnt like them.,The ways

5、 to express likes and dislikes a. Expressing likes 1. I (really) enjoy 2. I like watching TV / playing football / 3. I quite like 4. I think Dumpling King is interesting.,b. Expressing dislikes 1. I dont like dancing. 2. I dont think / find dancing is interesting. 3. I cant stand the music. 4. I don

6、t mind watching the TV show.,1. think of 认为 What do you think of? =How do you like ? 你认为/觉得。怎么样? What do you think of Chinese food? = How do you like Chinese food? I like it,Explanation,2. I dont mind them. 我不介意他们。 mind 介意;在乎。多用于以下句型:(表示请求或征求意见) 后接名次、动名词或代词。 Would you mind doing ? Would you mind ope

7、ning the door? Do you mind ? Do you mind my dog?,3. I cant stand it! 我不能忍受它! stand 忍受 (多用于否定句、疑问句)常与 cant 连用 I cant stand the movie! It is too boring! cant stand后接名次、代词和动词ing形式。 We cant stand standing too long. I cant stand him any more.,1a Match the TV show with the pictures (a-g),1.talk show _ 2 .

8、soap opera _ 3. sports show _ 4. sitcom _ 5. game show _ 6. talent show _ 7. news _,d,b,a,c,e,g,f,1.educational adj. 有教育意义的 education n. This is an educational movie. 2.plan v. n. 计划 I am planning to go shopping. Let us make a plan.,3.hope v. n. 希望 I hope to relax at home. 4.find out 查明 Let us find

9、out the truth.,5.discussion n. 讨论 discuss v. He is having a discussion with his friends about his plan. 6.happen v. 发生 I want to know what happens next.,7.may v. 可能 I may be late tomorrow. 8.expect v. 预料;期待 I expect good news. I expect to visit Beijing. 9.joke n. 笑话 He likes telling jokes.,3a Make a

10、 conversation and then practice it with a partner. A: What do you plan to watch on TV tonight? B: I hope to _, but I also want to _ . How about you? Do you _ a talk show or _ ? A: Oh, I want to _.,watch a talk show,watch a game show,watch to watch,a game show,watch a talk show,I dont like them.,I like to watch cross talk.,No ,I dont .,I can expect to learn something about our country from the news.,Thank you for attending !,Goodbye!,


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