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1、Unit 3 My weekend plan,Part B Lets try & Lets talk,大半个月来,老常是食不香睡不安。这不,天才蒙蒙亮,老常又醒了。“你这是干啥呀,自己天天不睡觉,还能不能让别人睡个好了”,老常刚开了门,他媳妇就在身后唠叨起来了。老常直摇头的,“哎,这王三的钱讨不回来,你倒好,还有心思睡,我这上他门跑了八回了,就差给他跪下了,可他偏不给钱,你说我这哪还有心情睡觉?”“那你不睡觉就能把这钱要回来了?我也没见你这招好使啊。大冬天的,寒死人了”,媳妇一言顶了过去,又拉上被子睡了。老常也不再吱声,开了门出去。老常出了屋子,屋外大雾笼罩,没有手电,根本看不清事务,只是顺着

2、地面的一丝白,走了出去。老常双手靠在腰背上,低着头,边走边想:“王三,你个王八儿子,当时借钱说的好好的,两年就还钱,还给利息,这两年过了两个月了,做着生意,赚着钱,却赖着脸皮不还钱”老常越想越来气,心里急啊,也没思量,走着走着,抬头就走到王三的家门口来了。走了一朝,天也放亮了,蒙蒙大雾里,也总算能看得见王三的家门了。“王三,王三”老常提起嗓门大叫着,“你起了没有,你出来,我们这就把话说清楚咯,你出来。”老常在王三的屋外叫囔着,还踮起脚来了。王三,What are you going to do? Im going to buy a book. Where are you going? Im g

3、oing to the bookstore. When are you going? This afternoon.,Lets chant,A: What are you going to do_?,B: Im going to _.,clean my room.,play football.,see a film.,take a trip.,visit my grandparents.,Lets try,Where are you going? 你(打算)要去哪里?,Im going to the supermarket.,Where are you going? 你(打算)要去哪里?,Im

4、 going to the bookstore.,Im going to buy a new comic book.,(dictionary/word book/postcard),Where are you going? 我们(打算)要去哪里?,Im going to the cinema.,half price,半 价,On Tuesday (周二),Im going to see a film about.,关于,space travel 太空 旅行,Im going to see a film about.,Cool! I have lots of comic books.,When

5、are you going? 你(打算)什么时候去?,I am going at 4 oclock.,Lets watch,1 What is Jack going to do next week?,He is going to vist John next week.,Lets watch,2 Where are John and Jack going next week?,They are going to the cinema.,Lets watch,5 When does Amy suggest they see a film? Why?,On Tuesday.,Because its

6、 half price then!,Lets choose,They are going to see a film about . A. animals B. space travel C. magic (魔法),4 What film are they going to see?,Questions : 1) Where are they going ? 2) What are they going to do ? 3) When are they going ?,Where : cinema What : see a film When : next Tuesday,Where mean

7、s,When means,哪里,在哪里,什么时候,What means,什么,Lets talk,Lets act,B:I am going to _.(事件)(buy a dictionary, see a film) A:When are you going ? B:I am going _. (时刻)(tomorrow, next week),A:Where are you going? B:Im going to the _.(地点)(bookstore,cinema) A:What are you going to do ?,Pair work,Pair work,Exercises

8、,Fill in the blank and complete the question: 1. _tomorrow? I am going to the bookstore. 2. _? I am going to buy a comic book there. 3. _? I am going at 3:00.,Where are you going,What are you going to do,When are you going,Summary,Key sentences: -Where are you going? -Were going to the cinema. -When are you going? -Next Wednesday.,Key words: half price space travel,Dont put off till tomorrow what should be done today! 今日事今日毕!,Saying:,1.Read lets talk. 2.Do the workbook Part B.,



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