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1、如何合理实施临床营养支持How to Implement Rational Clinical Nutrition Therapy,吴国豪 复旦大学附属中山医院普外科 复旦大学普通外科研究所,1,肠道相关,为什么需要营养支持? 那些病人需要营养支持?,如何进行合理的营养支持?,第一部分,2,肠道相关,Prevalence of malnutritionThe German hospital malnutrition study,Matthias Pirlich,Clinical Nutrition (2006) 25, 563572,3,肠道相关,4,肠道相关,癌性恶病质的发生率,N A Ste

2、phens; MEDICINE 2007;36:(2):78-81,5,肠道相关,Malnutrition is common in cancer patients,Malnutrition occurs in 30-87% of cancer patients Shills ME;et al: Cancer Res 1977; 37: 2366 Nixon DW et al: Am J Med1980; 68: 683 Tchekmedyian NS et al: Oncology 1995; 9: 79 Andreyev et al:Eur J Cancer 1998;34:503 Mon

3、itto CL et al: Am J Physiol 2001; 281: E289 Stephens NA et al: Medicine 2007;36:(2):78-81,6,肠道相关,营养不良的危害,免疫机能下降,脏器功能异常,预后不良,7,肠道相关,Cumulative Mortality: Protein-Energy Malnutrition,Cederholm et al, Am J Med 1995.,Mortality %,Months after admission,P0.01,8,肠道相关,Malnutrition Is Associated with Increas

4、ed Complications,Numerous studies have demonstrated complications of malnourished patients to be 2-20 times greater than those of well nourished patients.,Buzby et al, Am J Surgical 1980. Hickman et al, JPEN 1980. Klidjian et al, JPEN 1982.,9,肠道相关,Malnutrition Is Associated with Increased Complicati

5、ons,42% of patients with severe malnutrition experience major complications 9% of patients with moderate malnutrition experience major complications Severely malnourished patients are four times as likely to have post-operative complications as well-nourished patients,Detsky et al, JPEN 1987. Detsky

6、 et al, JAMA 1994.,10,肠道相关,Clinical Outcomes of malnutrition,Tewari N,et al:Lung Cancer (2007) 57, 389394,11,肠道相关,Clinical Outcomes of malnutrition,Pirlich M,Clinical Nutrition (2006) 25, 563572,12,肠道相关,Clinical Outcomes of malnutrition,p 0.001;,Schiesser M et al:Clinical Nutrition 2008;27:565-570,6

7、08 patients admitted for elective gastrointestinal surgery. Nutritional risk was defined by NRS 2002 and correlated to the incidence of postoperative complications,13,肠道相关,Clinical Outcomes of malnutrition,NRS 2002,p 0.001;,Schiesser M et al:Clinical Nutrition 2008;27:565-570,P0.001,14,肠道相关,PJ Ross;

8、British Journal of Cancer (2004) 90, 1905 1911,15,肠道相关,Clinical Outcomes of malnutrition,Bachmann J,J Gastrointest Surg (2008) 12:11931201,16,肠道相关,作用与目标:调整病人的代谢改变及内 稳态失衡, 改善营养状态与免疫机能 降低医院获得性感染发生率 缩短住ICU时间 最终改善病死率,营养支持在疾病治疗中的作用,17,肠道相关,营养支持对营养状态的影响,*P=0.04,Klein S, JPEN 1997,21:133,18,肠道相关,Nutritiona

9、l Therapy Affects Outcomes,Bragan Arch Surg 2002;137:174,* P=0.02,19,肠道相关,Nutritional Therapy Affects Outcomes,Bragan Arch Surg 2002;137:174,* P=0.001,20,肠道相关,Nutritional Therapy Affects Outcomes,Neumayer LA J Surg Res 2001;95:757,21,肠道相关,Nutritional Therapy Affects Outcomes,Neumayer LA J Surg Res 2

10、001;95:757,* P=0.0001,22,肠道相关,Nutritional Therapy Affects Outcomes,Bozzetti F JPEN 2000;24:4-14,* P=0.03,* P=0.02,23,肠道相关,Nutritional Therapy Affects Outcomes,Fan ST et al: N Engl J Med 1994;331:1547,* P=0.02,24,肠道相关,Nutritional Therapy Affects Outcomes,Fan ST et al: N Engl J Med 1994;331:1547,* P=0

11、.01,25,肠道相关,Nutritional Therapy Affects Outcomes,Fan ST et al: N Engl J Med 1994;331:1547,* P=0.004,26,肠道相关,问题二:那些病人需要营养支持?,27,肠道相关,Which patients should we feed?,which patients can safely be left to resume feeding themselves? 14 days starvation - dangerous depletion of lean body mass mortality rise

12、s in ICU patients with a second week of severe under-feeding 5 days without feed increases infections but not mortality one view is therefore that 5-7 days is the limit,28,肠道相关,Which patients should we feed?,all malnourished patients all patients who are unlikely to regain normal oral intake within

13、either 2 or 5-7 days depending on your view one meta-analysis suggests reduced infections if patients are fed within 48 hours one meta-analysis of early TPN versus delayed EN found reduced mortality with early feeding,29,肠道相关,外科病人的营养支持,围手术期营养支持 短肠综合征 炎性肠道疾病 肠外瘘 重症胰腺炎 危重病人 器官移植,30,肠道相关,围手术期营养支持指征,目前认

14、为:营养状况良好病人可耐受一般手术创伤,10天内无营养支持不会产生副作用 严重营养不良患者;中等程度营养不良而需接受重大手术患者;手术后一周以上禁食者;手术前营养支持者;严重营养不良而手术前未进行营养支持者;术后出现严重并发症者,31,肠道相关,临床上普遍存在营养不良 营养不良影响患者预后,结 论,临床上许多疾病治疗过程中需要进行营养支持,通过合理营养支持改善患者预后,32,肠道相关,问题三:如何选择营养支持途径?,33,肠道相关,Parenteral nutrition,One of the most significant therapeutical advances of the pas

15、t 50 years Indications: the ability to ingest necessary nutrients for a time during increased metabolic demands in clinical situations in which enteral (oral) nutrition is not or only partially feasible,34,肠道相关,Who Needs Parenteral Nutrition?,Any patient requiring nutrition support who has a non-fun

16、ctioning or possible inadequately functioning gastrointestinal tract Start as soon as possible if there is pre-existing malnutrition or metabolic stress and oral/enteral feeding is unlikely to be achieved within 7 days,35,肠道相关,36,肠道相关,改善肠道功能,完整性 防止饥饿或创伤所致的肠道结构异常 增加内脏血流 刺激肠道免疫功能,维护机体防御水平,Enteral or Parenteral ?,过去1015的年研究发现EN的作用要优于PN,37,肠道相关,危重病人胃肠功能的损害,肠黏膜萎缩 细胞受损,坏死,EN作用: 肠通透性、肠动力、分泌功能、屏障功能、免疫功能,Levy B et al. CCM 1998; 26:199194 Kentigern Thorburn et al. CM; 2004,32:



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