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1、初三英语教学案Unit1 Will people have robots?(1)一, 学习目标:1 知识与技能:听说读写重点词汇,学习运用will构成的一般将来时。2 过程与方法:自主学习,合作学习。3 情感,态度与价值观: 敢于预测未来,通过谈论过去,未来表达自己的观点。二,重难点分析:1单元知识框架:本单元围绕着“make prediction”这一功能话题来学习相关词汇,掌握will构成的一般将来时,用该时态预测未来,同时学习more,few,less等词的用法。 本单元共有73个单词,量比较大,让学生通过科学有效的记忆方法从音,形,义等方面掌握单词,运用单词。正确运用will构成的一般

2、将来时对未来进行预测。明确该时态的构成形式,用法,时间标志,一般疑问句及其答语。通过谈论过去,现在和未来区别一般过去 时,一般现在时,一般将来时及现在进行时。2:通过初二的学习,学生对一般将来时已有初步了解(用现在进行时和be going to 来表达将来的计划);善于复习旧知识,利用旧知识同化新知识,形成有效的学习策略,养成自主学习习惯,培养合作精神。三,教学过程课前热身:1 通过自主合作的形式学习记忆单词,强化读音和记忆技巧。2 复习“be+ving and be going to”by answering the following questions.1) What are you d

3、oing this weekend?2)What are you going to be when you grow up?3)How are you going to do that?落实目标:1 导入:前面我们学习了用现在进行时和be going to 来表达将来的计划,今天我们将要学习一种新的形式,这就是_.(阅读题目和1a来寻找答案)2 read and learn:阅读1a和1c中的对话和句子然后举例说明:1)一般将来时的构成2)一般疑问句及其回答思考:1)一般将来时的用法 2)常用的时间标志3 谈论自己或他人的过去,现在和未来1)Pairwork 根据实际回答一下问题然后开展小组对

4、话。(如果有困难可以阅读3c)Where did you study five years ago?(primary school)What sport did you play?What pet did you have?where do you study at present(当前,目前)?What sport do you play?What pet do you have?How about in five years?2)Talk about Sally in 3a and 3b3)比较归纳一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时的用法,构成,时间标志等。4 运用“more,less,f

5、ewer”1)阅读2a正确选择,熟读句子,说出三个词在用法上的区别。2)再读句子学习“There will be ”3) 扩展: many much little a little few a few 区别 写出比较级和最高级 many/much _ _ little_ _ few _ _ 区别:There will be ,will have巩固运用1 read and spell new words2 动词应用1)I _in an apartment now, but I_ in a small house five years ago.I hope I_ on a space stati

6、on in the future.(live)2)What _the weather _like tomorrow? It_ sunny.(be)3)What _you_(do) last Sunday? I_(go)to the movies.What _you _(do)next Sunday? I_(play)football.4)What _ peoples life _(be)like in 100years?People _(have)robots in their home,people _(not use)money.5)There _ lots of trees here t

7、en years ago,but now there _ many buildings. I am afraid there _(be)fewer trees in many years because there _more people.(be)3 按要求改写句子1)There will be less pollution.(变成一般疑问句,并做否定回答)2) Sally will play tennis.(变成一般疑问句,并做肯定回答)3) I had a cat.(变成一般疑问句,并做否定回答)4) She has a dog.(变成否定句)4 单项选择1)There _ a meet

8、ing tomorrow。A will have B will be C has D is2) People have _ free time than before.A much B fewer C little D less3)Ther are _ new words in this article(文章),it is easy.A little B a little C few D a fewUnit 1 Will people have robots?(2)一,学习目标:知识与技能:复习巩固本单元的单词;掌握运用本单元的重点短语和句型;开展听说读写活动,培养听说读写技能。过程与方法:自

9、主学习,合作学习。情感态度价值观:重视表扬激励,激发学生的学习积极性;敢于预测未来,表达自己的观点。二,重难点分析:1 围绕着“make prediction”开展丰富多彩的听说读写活动,培养学生的听说读写技能;同时学习教材中出现的重点短语和句型,熟练运用本单元所学单词。2 通过前面的学习,同学们对will + 动词原形构成的一般将来时,已有较深的理解,本节课重点是如何引导学生来运用所学知识开展听说读写的交际活动。有些学生对于词汇句型等语言基础知识的掌握还有欠缺,教师要及时指导,让学生养成及时复习好习惯,科学记忆的好方法。三,教学过程课前热身(知识再现)回顾:1 一般将来时,一般过去时,一般现

10、在时 2 more less fewer There be 结构的一般将来时落实目标1 复习单词:自读单词,重点记忆;学生领读拼读记忆。2 ListeningSectionA 1b: Read through the statements in 1a; Play the tape for the class to listen and circle.SectionA 2a-2b: Read the sentences in 2a and try to choose the right answer; Listen and check your answers; Read through the

11、 statements in 2b and then listen and check the predictions you hear.SectionB 2a-2b: Talk about the pictures of Alexis and Joe; Listen and number; Read the sentences and words in 2b, Try to choose the words to fill the blanks. Listen and check your answers.3 Pairwork根据2b中的关于Joe的信息,编写对话,对Joe的过去,现在,未来

12、的生活进行问答:如,Where do /did/willyou live?4 ReadingSectionB 3aRead and find the following new languages:Alone might probably suit dress casually In ten years fall in love with keep a pet during the weekat the weekends on vacation one dayLook through the chart and ask your questions about them like thisWh

13、at will Ming be in 10 years?交流讨论你的问题,对于错误及时改正Read and find your answers to the above the questions .Discuss your answers with your partners.Groupwork What will your life be like in ten years?从job,pets,sports,places,clothes等方面来预测一下你十年后的生活,先在组内口头交流讨论,然后整理成文字,形成书面作文。Self Check Section2阅读课文学习以下单词,短语,句型H

14、uamn housework such however scientist company already agree disagree shape building possible impossible seemScience fiction movies in the future help with the most unpleasant jobsTake hundreds of years do the same things as be able to get bored over and over again句型细说1 make 的用法。你还记得make有哪些用法吗?请根据下面两个句子总结make的用法1)Some scientists have already made robots walk and dance.2) He often makes his class interesting .拓展let see hear find 等词有何用法?2 take 作为花费讲时其句型是什么?举例说明3 你能才课文中找到有关“It is -to do sth”两个句子吗?详细解释4 seem的用法1)seem+adj He seems ill.2) seen to do He seems to be ill.3) It



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