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1、Where did you buy that hat?,Unit 1,A:Where can I buy things?,shop. store. supermarket. shopping mall. market. mall. department store.,At the,grocery store 杂货店,What can we buy at the grocery store? We can buy ,a box of tissues 一盒纸巾 a bottle of shampoo 一瓶洗发水 a bar of soap 一块肥皂 a roll of toilet paper 一

2、卷手纸 a carton of ice-cream 一盒冰淇淋 a pair of socks 一双袜子 a piece of candy 一块糖 a bag of chips 一袋薯条,a pair of sunglasses,I bought _ at the supermarket. It was _.,supermarket,200 yuan,a can of cola,store,I bought _ at the _. It was _.,5 yuan,two packs of cards,I bought _ at the grocery store. They were 3 y

3、uan.,grocery store,3 yuan,a carton of milk store 4 yuan Three bunches of flowers flower shop 60 yuan Two loaves of bread shopping mall 9 yuan A tube of toothpaste grocery store 10 yuan,I bought _ at the _. It was/ were _.,two boxes of chocolates,I bought _ at the _.,Shopping mall,a carton of milk,I

4、bought _ at the _.,One Plus One Supermarket,a loaf (条)of bread 一面包,一块面包a piece of bread,a tube of toothpaste,a flower,two flowers,a bunch of flowers,a pair of sunglasses a box of chocolates supermarket a loaf of bread a carton of milk a can of cola grocery store a tube of toothpaste a pack of cards

5、a bunch of flowers,a tube of toothpaste a pair of sunglasses a bunch of flowers a loaf of bread grocery store a carton of milk a can of cola a box of chocolates a pack of cards Supermarket,按要求写单词,1 box (复数)_ 2 bunch (复数)_ loaf (复数)_ 4 tooth (复数)_,box,es,bunch,es,loa,f,ves,tooth,ee,a roll of tape,a g

6、lass of water,a basket of toys,复杂的量词家庭: 一朵花 一束花 三束花 一支笔 一盒笔 五盒笔 一个鸡蛋 一篮鸡蛋 五篮鸡蛋,a flower a bunch of flowers 3 bunches of flowers a pen a box of pens 5 boxes of pens an egg a basket of eggs 5 baskets of eggs,可数名词不需要用量词,数量多时名词和量词都要用复数。,复杂的量词家庭: 一块蛋糕 一杯咖啡 一片面包 一罐可乐 两块蛋糕 两杯咖啡 三片面包 五罐可乐,a piece of cake a

7、cup of coffee a piece of bread a can of cola 2 pieces of cake 2 cups of coffee 3 pieces of bread 5 cans of cola,不可数名词只能借助量词表示数量,名词本身没有复数形式,通过量词体现复数。,复杂的量词家庭: 一袋苹果 一篮苹果 一箱苹果 一瓶牛奶 一盒牛奶 一杯牛奶,a bag of apples a basket of apples a box of apples a bottle of milk a carton of milk a glass of milk,同样的名词可以用不同的

8、量词,表示不同的形态。,a box of chocolates,a loaf of bread,a carton of milk,a can of cola,a tube of toothpaste,a pack of cards,a bunch of flowers,a pair of sunglasses,a box of a loaf of a carton of a can of a tube of a pack of a bunch of a pair of a roll of a bowl of a basket of,flowers cards toothpaste sungla

9、sses milk soup chocolates tape cola bread strawberries,Where did you buy _ ? I bought it / them at the _.,How much is it? It is _ yuan.,was,was,a can of cola,grocery store,5 yuan,1 What did Gogo buy at the shopping mall? 2 How is the hat? 3 Was the hat expensive or cheap? 4 Which is cheaper, the hat

10、 or the glasses? 5 Where will they go?,He bought a hat at the shopping mall.,It is nice.,It was cheap.,The glasses are cheaper.,They will go to the park.,6 How did they go ? 7 Who is faster? Actually what is Gogo doing?,They went the park.,Gogo is faster.,He hurt his head. He fell down. He bumped in

11、to the tree.,_ did you buy that hat? I _ it at the shopping mall. Its nice._ it expensive? No, it _ cheap, but this pair of sunglasses _ cheaper. You _ _.But can you see,Gogo? _ _ I can see, Tony. Lets go _ the park.,U1,Where,bought,Was,was,look cool,Of course,to,was,park. _.Lets run. Come on. Im _

12、than you. Hi, Gogo. What are you _? I _ _.,U1,OK,faster,doing,am thinking,请你选用正确的was/were. 1.How much _ the coffee? 2.How much _ the pair of trousers? 3.How much _ the bread? 4. How much _ the carton of ice-cream? 5.How much _ your sunglasses? 6.How much _ three bunches of flowers? 7.How much _ bott

13、les of shampoo? 8.How much _ the peanuts?,was,was,was,was,were,were,were,were,用特殊疑问词填空. 1._ did you buy the chocolate? At the supermarket. 2._ did she get to the cinema? At 2:00. 3._ did they study English? Four years. 4._ did he eat hamburgers last year? Sometimes. 5._ did you go to London? By air. 6._ didnt Jenny go to school? Because she was ill. 7._ bought the sausages ?Sally did .,谢谢观赏!,


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