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1、,welcome to online parent meeting welcome to online parent meeting online welcome welcome to online parent, 20XX.XX,21740, , ,CONTENTS,01,02,03,welcome to online parent meeting welcome to online parent meeting welcome,浽8820缼,1, ,İ,棡,welcome to online parent meeting welcome to online parent meeting w

2、elcome,飬 棬,460 5,飺 ,񣬰򿪣磬,welcome to online parent meeting welcome to online parent meeting welcome,鳤, / 񷽣 / 񹲺涨 / 3.1 100 % 1 % 漰 顣 15 󣬼 12򣬲谲 飺 1飬 2湤飬 3飬 24󷢲 鶶 硣 涨涨 񣬲 ,logo 桢桢涨輰 򣬵 輰 壬񣬲 淶񼰷涨 覴 漰 0.515 档 򣬵7 漰

3、񡢼 黹 壺򲿷硢 (15) 򲻿 绰 绰 򱾺飬 顣 _,Smart-art,/,佾 , +, ,12飬,豸硢桢𣻡,İ滮,558񣻽, ,welcome to online parent meeting welcome to online parent meeting online welcome welcome to online parent,Q04, ,b.淶 c. 6.10.2. a. 5000 豸FOM 豸 񰴼飬 * 1 滮 2 3 壬 4 5 6 7 8 豸 9 * 1 2 2

4、𹳣 3 4 綯豸籣 5 6 7 8 9 10 * 1纸𣬲𶷺纸 2 3緹 4 5繤汣 660W 2.5 500MM 7 8 9估 10 11 12𻵡豸 飬飬 . 飬豸. 豸. . 鲿. 鱨 1 1. 1 a淶涨 b󡢳水GB11944 顣 c d鲣 e鲣顢 f飬񸴺 , 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 İ鼰100MM 1.6 1.7 𻨵 1.8 1.9 飬 1. 10 2 2.1 棻 2.2 2.3 30 2.4 辭 2.5 緢 .: 160 400 200 160m2100m

5、2 2硢 3轻 4豸纸𶷣 5塢 6 7 8涨 9 1 2İ𻵱 3İ飬 4 5 󣬶 1 飬 2 3 3.1 3.2򣬲浥 3.3򣬲 3.4 3.5 3.6顣 3.7󣬸 3.8 浵 4 𻵣򡢲 5 𻵡򡢵𻵡塢򵥼𻵡 𻵣𻵣 6 6.1 飻 6.2 6.3 6.4 7 򡣷 渺𣬲 𣬲 󣬱飬浵񵥺&#

6、932658;񣬴 ; a b緢 c a b2.6 c棺 d e f󣬷 g 飺 a鷢 b鲣 c d𻵻 e硢𡢻飬𻵳 f飬飻 1󼴿 230 320 粢 4粵 5, 1 * 1 2滮 3裻 4壬 5 6 7 8 9豸 10 11 2 󣬵𣬻 2.1 棺򱾹 2.2 棺 a b 6 c İ顣 92 忪 1 ,bİ c棬綯鲣4mm 𱣻塣 d e f g h󣬽 5 5.1 -󣬱İ 5.2. () :,İ 5.2.1 淶 a. 0.000 , ,Q05, _?,Q06, ,PART04,



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