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1、1初二上学期英语期末试题精选八一. 单项填空(共 20 分,每小题 1 分)( )1. Timmy goes to school _ every day. He always walks from his home to school. A. in a busB. by planeC. on footD. by boat ( )2. - Excuse me,_ is the nearest bookshop? - Go down the street.A. howB. what C. whereD. who ( )3. Do you know _ during the coming summe

2、r holiday? A. what will Tom do B. what did Tom do C. what Tom will doD. what Tom did ( )4. The English novel is quite easy for you. There are _ new words in it. A. a little B. little C. a fewD. few ( )5. Is Tom good at_?A. swim B. to swimC. swimming D. swims( )6. Dont forget _your homework. Here. A.

3、 useB. to moveC. to bring D. working ( )7. Your room looks dirty. You should _ it clean? A. takeB. makeC. letD. tidy ( )8. They _ to see me yesterday evening. A. will come B. comes C. are coming D. came ( )9. Which do you like _,tea ,orange or water? A. goodB. wellC. bestD. better ( )10. If it _ tom

4、orrow,Ill go by car. A. rain B. will rainC. rainsD. would rain ( )11. When _ you _ to Australia? Next Monday. A. did,flyB. will,fly C. are,flyD. do,fly ( )12. Were moving to a different town _. A. the day before yesterday B. last Sunday C. the day after tomorrowD. a week ago ( )13. Which team _ the

5、next football match?A. wins B. won C. will win D. win ( )14. Her mother told her that he_ the book twice.A.readB.toreadC.readingD. tonot read ( )15. When did you finish _ the letter. A. write B. to writeC. wroteD. writing ( )16. Are you _ your summer holiday next month? A. going to haveB. will have

6、C. hadD. have ( )17. When class began, we stopped _ to the teacher carefully. A. listeningB. listenC. listensD. to listen ( )18. I_ to bed while my father was sleeping.A. didB. went C. going D. have gone( )19. Look! The monkeys _ the tree. A. climb B. are climbingC. is climbing D. were climbing ( )2

7、0. She does better _dancing than singing.A. at B. in C. forD. on 二. (共 20 分,每小题 1 分)A. 动词填空1.Jack does better in _(skate) than Alan. 2.Do you want him _(pass) on the passage? 3.The girl said the family _(fly) to Beijing tomorrow.4.You were _(suppose) to meet at the bus stop.25.When my father came ba

8、ck, he _(sleep ) late.6.While Ann _(shop), it began _(rain).7.If he _(call) me next week. I_(go) with him.8.Last week we _(fly) to Shanghai. We _ (take) the subway to Jinan tomorrow.B.词汇填空:1.Dont wear j_ to the party.2.The girl got her r_ card yesterday.3.My math teacher said I was h_. 4.Dont be _(紧

9、张).5.I hope you are _(身体健康).6.There is a tree in f_ of the house. 7.The UFO_(起飞) 2 minutes ago.8.I _ (lose) the watch., but today I found it.三.根据短文内容选择正确答案(A )China has three economic areas(经济区): eastern China,central China,and western China. Shanxi,Gansu,Qinghai ,Xinjiang,Ningxia,Sichuan,Chongqing,

10、Yunnan,Guizhou and Tibet are in western China. It covers 5,385,700 square kilometres,making up 56.4% of Chinese territory(国土) and is home to 230 million people. It is 23% of Chinas population.The western area is rich in mineral(矿产) and energy resources(能源) (water,coal,sun energy, and wind power). It

11、 also has large grassland,ice and snow resources waiting to be developed. It is home to many wild animals and plants,and it gives us with important medicinal resource.The Chinese leaders have decided to develop the western area. Jiang Zemin said, “Without development of the western area,how can we m

12、odernize the whole country,and how can China become an economic power?”Since 1949 ,when the Peoples Republic of China was founded,it is not the first time for China to develop its western part. China will make its western area a long-term base for economic development and use its rich resources to d

13、evelop economic power.1. The territory of western China is _.A. as large as that of eastern China B. as large as that of central ChinaC. as large as that of eastern China and central ChinaD. the largest one of the three areas2. Do you know why we develop western China?A. Because the people of wester

14、n China are richB. Because it has 230 million peopleC. Because it makes up 56.4% of Chinese territoryD. Because we will modernize the whole country3.An economic power means _.A. a rich and strong country B. a large country C. a country with much more population D. a large country without economic development4. What is the best advantage(优势) of West China?A. Its rich resources B. AnimalsC. Plants D. Its economic power5. What is the best title for the passage?A. China-a large country B. Developing Western ChinaC. Home to wild animals and plants D. Rich W



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