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1、1专题复习-介词(一)介词的含义:介词是一种虚词,是英语中最活跃的词类之一,主要用来表示时间、地点、目的、原因、程度和方式等。在句子中不能单独作任何成分。(二)介词的分类1. 简单介词。例如:in, from, about, at, over, on, under, past2. 复合介词。例如:without, onto, outside, within, into; inside3. 短语介词。例如:because of, in front of, instead of(三)常见介词的用法1. 表示时间的介词的用法:1)表示“在何时”常用介词 at, in, on。(1)at 一般用来表示

2、在某一具体的时间点。例如:at seven 在七点钟at the age of 在岁时at the beginning of 在的开始(2)in 表示年、季节、月、周、上午、下午、晚上等。in 2012 在 2012 年in summer 在夏天in October 在 10 月in a week/ in two weeks 在一周之内,在两周之内in the morning/afternoon/evening 在早上/ 下午/ 晚上(3)用来表示具体的某一天,如果专指某一天的上午、下午、晚上,要用on 例如:on Sunday 在星期日on Sunday morning 在星期日的早上on

3、the morning of June 1st 在 6 月 1 日的早上on a cold winter night 在一个寒冷的冬夜状元典例 1( )1.The earthquake which happened in Yushu _ 14th April, 2010 was a big disaster.A. at B. on C. in D. to( )2.The car accident happened _ a cold winter morning. Luckily, no one was hurt.A. in B. on C. at D. of( )3.The famous wr

4、iter William Shakespeare was born _1564.A. in B. on C. at D. of2)表示“在期间”,常用介词 during, fromto。2(1)during “ 在期间” 。例如:during the summer holiday 在暑假期间during the night 在夜间(2)from to表示“ 从到”例如:from Monday to Friday 从周一到周五from 7 oclock to 9 oclock 从 7 点到 9 点3)其他表示时间的介词,例如:before, after, since, for, until, b

5、y, past, to。(1)before & after词义 用法before 在之前 before +时间点after 在之后 after +时间点She often reads newspapers after breakfast. 她经常早饭之后看报纸。Ill be free before 7 oclock tomorrow. 我明天 7 点前会有空。(2)since & for 词义 用法since+点时间 /动作初始的句子since 自从 用于现在完成时for + 段时间for 达,计 通常用于现在完成时I have learned English since 2002.我自 20

6、02 年以来就学习英语了。We have known each other since I was a little boy.They have lived here for ten years.(3)until (till)“直到”,常用 notuntil“直到才” ,until 后接点时间。He will wait for me until 11 oclock.They didnt stop until midnight.(4)by “到 前;截止到 ”,常用于完成时。He has finished his homework by 5 oclock yesterday afternoon.

7、We had learned eight hundred words by the end of last week.状元典例Its said he stayed there quietly _ two oclock that afternoon.A. on B. at C. until D. by(5)past & topast 表示超过某一时刻to 表示几点差几分例如:ten past two 2:103ten to two 1:50注意:在 this, that, last, next, every 等词前不加介词。例如:last night 昨天晚上this morning 今天早上2

8、. 表示地点,方位的介词的用法1)in & at “在”in in +大地点at at+小地点例如:in Shanghai 在上海in the south 在南方at the gate 在大门口at the end of the road 在路的尽头2)on, over & above “在上”on “在上面 ” 与物体表面有接触over “在正上方 ”垂直于正上方,表示“跨越,覆盖”above “在上方 ”在某物上方,位置高于某物There is a bag on the desk. 床上有一个书包。The lamp is over the table. 灯在桌子的正上方。The heave

9、n is above us.苍天在上。3) under & below “在下方”under “在下方 ” 表示正下方below “在下面 ” “低于” 与 above 意思相反There is a ball under the bed.床下有一个球。The temperature will stay above zero in the day-time, but at night it will fall below zero again.白天的气温在零度以上,但是到了晚上气温会降到零度以下。4) before, in front of & in the front of “在前”词义 用法

10、 图示before 在前面(1)当指空间位置时,与in front of 的含义相同。(2)多与抽象概念连用;表示顺序在前。无4Infront of 在前面指一个物体在另一个物体的前方。A is in front of B.in the front of在前部 指一个物体包含在另一个物 体的内部的前方。A is in the front of B.She stood before her teacher, not knowing what to say.There is a big tree in front of the classroom.There is a desk in the fr

11、ont of the classroom.教室的前部有一张桌子。 (桌子包含在教室里)状元典例Why are you standing there, Maggie?I cant see the blackboard clearly. Two tall boys are sitting _ me.A. behind B. in front of C. beside D. next to5)between, among & in the middle of 词义 用法between “在之间 ” 常指“两者之间 ”。among “在中间 ” 指“三者或三者以上”的同类事物 之间。in the mi

12、ddle of “在中间 ”强调在一处地方的中心或中心附近的位置I sit between my father and mother. 我坐在爸爸和妈妈之间。I couldnt find him among the crowd. 我在人群中找不到他。There is a big sofa in the middle of the house. 在房子的中间有一张大沙发。7) near, by, beside & aroundnear “在附近 ”(有一定的距离)by “在旁”(相对距离较近)beside “在旁边 ”around “在周围 ”The children are playing n

13、ear the river.5孩子们正在河边玩耍。 (暗指孩子们与河有一定的距离)He is fishing by the river.他正在河边钓鱼。 (强调他与河距离很近)He sat in the chair beside the door.他坐在门边的一张椅子上。The children gathered around the teacher.孩子们围在老师的身边。8) outside & insideoutside “在外面 ”inside “在里面 ”He is waiting for me outside the room.There is something inside th

14、e box.3. 表示方位的介词的用法1) in, on & to Beijing lies in the north of China.北京位于中国的北部。 (北京包含在中国之内)Russia is on the north of China.俄罗斯在中国的北面。 (俄罗斯不包含在中国之内,但与中国接壤)Japan is to the east of China.日本在中国的东面。 (日本不包含在中国之内)状元典例 11.People _ the southwest of China were in great need of water a couple of months ago. A.

15、 in B. at C. to D. on2.The school gate is _ the north of the classroom building.A. in B. to C. on D. at62) across, over ,through & past “穿过”词义 用法across “穿过”强调从物体表面的这一边到另一边through “穿过,通过 ”强调从物体内部穿过;从长形物体的一头到另一头over “越过” 强调从人或事物的上空经 过,过past “经过” 指从某物旁边经过If you see the green light, you can walk across the street.如果你看见绿灯亮了,你可以穿过街道。The train ran through the tunnel. 火车穿过隧道。I can jump over the fence. 我能跳过那座围墙。We walked



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