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1、解读计算机中的免疫机制的涵义及发展The meaning and development of computer in the immune mechanism侵略检测与免疫机制的剖析。侵略,从计算机安全视点来看,是指可以损坏计算机网络体系中的资源和计算机的保密性、完整性、有效性等的行动,以及违背计算机网络体系的安全战略事情。从侵略战略的视点看,侵略可分为:妄图或成功进入、违背安全战略、假充其他用户、走漏合法用户以及歹意运用和独占资源等六大方面。侵略检测体系就是侵略检测的完成,它是由计算机网络硬件和软件组合的计算机安全体系。侵略检测体系会对体系进行实时的监控,获取体系中的网络数据和审计数据,将

2、得到后的数据再进行剖析,然后判别出体系或网络中能否出现反常或侵略的行动,一旦发现了反常或侵略行动,则会宣布报警,采纳应对的保护措施。计算机网络体系中的免疫机制,是指能克服在传统技能中所存在的缺点,可以对不知道病毒的进犯进行实时防护,而且可以对体系环境作出相应改变的机制。Analysis of invasion detection and immune mechanism. Aggression, from the computer security point of view, is one that can damage to resources and computer network s

3、ystem of confidentiality, integrity, availability and other actions, and against the computer network system security strategy. From the point of view of aggression http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ aggression can be divided into: vain or successfully entered, violates the security strategy, to other user

4、s, leakage of legitimate users and baleful use and exclusive resources in six aspects. Invasion detection system is the invasion detection, which is composed of computer security system for computer network hardware and software combination. Invasion detection system will carry on the real-time moni

5、toring to the system, access network data and audit data in the system, will be after the data, analyze, and then identify the system or network is abnormal or aggressive action, once found abnormal or act of aggression, it will announce alarm, adopt protection measures to deal with. The immune mech

6、anism of the computer network system, refers to overcome the shortcomings in the existing in traditional skills, can not know viruses for real-time protection, mechanism and can make corresponding changes to the system environment.计算机中的免疫机制是从生物免疫机制的启示中提出的。计算机中的免疫机制除了具有通常免疫机制的特征,还具有一些格外的特征,包含:学习与认知才能

7、、散布性、适应性、多样性与自组织性等。依据这些特征能对计算机网络的侵略检测体系供给更为安全的防护特性,可以非常好的处置计算机网络中的病毒侵略,确保计http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ Immune mechanism in the computer is put forward from the biological immune mechanisms in revelation. The immune mechanism of computer in addition to features usually immune mechanism, also has some

8、special features, including: learning and cognitive ability, distribution, adaptability, diversity and self-organization. On the basis of these characteristics can supply detection system for computer network invasion more protective characteristics of safety, can dispose of the computer network is

9、very good in the viral invasion, ensure the safety of computer network.免疫机制当前的研讨情况。当前,免疫机制在国际上的研讨首要会集在国防、军事、安全部分的上,比拟有代表性的有: Immune mechanism research current situation. At present, the immune mechanism in the international research mainly to gather in defense, military, security parts, more represe

10、ntative of the:美国新墨西哥大学的 FORREST 研讨小组在深化剖析生物免疫与机制的基础上,提出了一种计算机免疫体系模型,并给出了相应算法否定挑选算法。其试验成果显现,这种办法可以很容易地发现不知道病毒感染,进一步进步计算机体系的安全性。The United States University of New Mexico FORREST http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ group based on in-depth analysis of the biological immune mechanism, proposes a computer immun

11、e system model, and gives the corresponding algorithm - negative selection algorithm. The test results show, this method can be easily found that dont know virus infection, further improve the security of computer system.IBM 研讨中心的 Kephart 等人经过模仿生物免疫体系的各个功用部件以及对外来抗原的辨认、剖析和铲除进程,描绘了一种计算机免疫模型和体系,该体系首要是描

12、绘“饵”程序来捕获病毒样本,提取病毒特征,并描绘相应的病毒铲除程序。 The IBM research center in Kephart et al through various functional units of imitating biological immune system as well as to foreign antigen recognition, analysis and elimination process, describes a computer immune model and system, the system is mainly describe

13、the bait program to capture the virus samples, extracting virus feature, and describe the corresponding virus eradication program.日本丰桥科学技能大学的 Ishida 也对根据免疫体系的计算机病毒防护技能进行了深化地研讨,并使用多 Agent 技能与完成办法,在计算机网络中进行计算机病毒的监测和铲除作业,一起给出了对于网络特色将被病毒感染的文件和体系修正的办法。http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ university Toyohashi scie

14、nce skills Ishida based on computer virus protection skills immune system has in-depth research, and the use of multiple Agent skills and methods, monitoring computer virus and destroy jobs in the computer network, together gives a correction for network characteristics will be infected files and system.



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