初三英语练习卷 Unit5 Integrated Skills

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1、宜兴外国语学校 初三英语 9A Unit5. Integrated skills 课后参与(四)主备人:丁丽君 审核人:倪琴妹 Name_一、 词汇1.He was given a lot of flowers by his students when they came to see him because of his great_(成就).2.When he _ there was a hole in the boat,it was too late.(发觉)3.Wang Jiawei is good at _films from Zhang Ailings novels.(导演)4.D

2、o you think he is _ (现实的)or _(浪漫的)?5.Zhang Manyu is one of her favourite_.(女演员 )6.He made a decision in his life twenty years ago by joining food-making _.(产业)7.The audience couldnt be _ by Charlie Chaplin any more because they were tired of his acting.(吸引)8.More and more people die of _.(癌症)9.Was t

3、hisTV programme _ (suit) for us among the four?10.The old man didnt pass away last month.He is still _.(live)二、 动词填空1.The rich man _(murder) last night.2.Did you see a man _(run) down Upper Street just now?3.She was asked what time she _(come)to see me the next week.4.Dont stand up until you _(ask)

4、to.5.There _(be)15 traffic accidents by the end of last month.6.Tell her grandma not to get off the bus until it _(stop) at the bus stop.7.Would you please _(not trouble) him while he _(work)? 8.Listen!The song that she _(sing) _(sound) beautiful.9.Two thirds of the work on the farm _(do) by compute

5、r.10.Two centries _(mean) two hundred years.三、 选择题( )1. You should tell Tom that he _ to work for our school football team.-I think so .I will tell him on his birthday.A.chooses B.has choosen C. chose D.is chosen( )2.By the time I got there, the football match _already _.A.has finished B.was finishe

6、d C.had finished D./ finished( )3.The cover _ the table _.A.fits;good B.fits;well C.suitable; good D.suitable; well( )4.This has no _ on us.But the bad result will _ us.A.affect;effect B.effect;affect C.influence;affect D. effect;be influence( )5.I was asked to write_ report.A.a 11-hundred-word B. a

7、n 11-hundred-word C a 11-hundred-words D an 11-hundreds-word( )6.I asked him_.A.which one did he like best. B. which one he liked best.B.which one does he like best. D. he liked which one best.( )7. He said that they_ Zhang Jiajie for a holiday.A. have been to B. has gone to C. have gone to D. had g

8、one to( )8. He told me that he _the party for two years.A. had joined B. has been in C. had been in D. has gone( )9. The film _ for ten minutes when we got to the cinema.A. had already been on B. had already begunC. have already been on D. have already begun( )10. When she came home, I _ for three h

9、ours.A. have fallen asleep B. had fallen asleepC. had been asleep D. has been asleep四、 完成下列各句1.The _ had _ _ _ him.(这药对他没什么作用)2.The _shows us _.(这部长达 3 小时的电影向我们展示了 40 年前我们城市的样子。 )3.What_yesterday?那家电影院昨晚上映的是什么片子?4._films _the children_eighteen.恐怖片不适合未满 18 岁的孩子5.He won _ _ _ Best _ _ his role in the

10、film.(他凭借该影片获得了奥斯卡最佳男演员奖)6_,she won _ _ 10 awards and _ two _ _.(最后,她至少获得了 10 项大奖,两项奥斯卡提名奖)7. 你必须买票进电影院。You must_before you_8.为了提高你的英语你应该读更多的英文小说。To _,you should_9.Its _that he has _a girl_他爱上一个很有魅力的女孩是真的10.也许你能在网上搜索到一些有用的东西。_you can_五、首字母填空Mr. Grey was the head of a small office in London .He came

11、to work b_ train.He liked walking from the station to his o_ if it was not raining b_ it gave him some exercise.One morning he was w_ along the street when a stranger stopped him and said to him,”You may not r_ me.sir,b_ seven years ago,I came to London without any money in my p_.I stopped you and a

12、sked you to lend me some m_,and you lent me five pounds,because you said you wanted to take a c_ to give a man a start to success.”Mr.Grey thought for a few moments and then said,”Yes,I remember you .go on w_yourstory.” “Well,”answered the stranger, “do you still want to take a chance.宜兴外国语学校 初三英语 9A Unit5. Integrated skills 导学提纲(四)主备人:丁丽君 审核人:倪琴妹 Name_一预习提示请同学们预习 Film Festival Cinema Guide 中的信息尽可能完成 Sandys notes 和 A3二尝试热身1.老北京的故事_ 2.适合各年龄段的人_3.一部三小时的记录片_4.被选中当恐龙家族中的未来国王_5.爱上某人_ 6.可怕的事情_7.把活生生的恐龙带上了屏幕_8.对有不良影响_ 9.特价_10.今晚电影院放映什么



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