英语美文阅读之静候清风 Waiting for the Breeze

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1、英语美文阅读之静候清风 Waiting for the Breeze Lying in bed, by an open window, and listen. 窗边静躺,细心聆听 No air-conditioning, how can you sleep? my fiend asks, horrified. Ive just revealed that my family had decided to shut the air-conditioner off and trim our electric bill. 不开空调?能睡得着吗?听说家人要为了节省电费而把家里的空调关掉时,我的朋友一脸

2、惊愕。 On its first night of our cost-cutting adventure, its only eighty-five degrees. Were not going to suffer, but the three kids grumble anyway. 在大胆尝试节电的第一天晚上,气温不过华氏85°而已,我们并不觉得难受,但三个孩子却怨声连天。 Its too hot to sleep. my thirteen-year-old daught moans. Im about to die from this heat! her brother hol

3、lers down the hall. Just try it tonight. I tell them. In truth, Im too tired to argue for long. My face is sweaty, but I lie quietly, listening to the criket choirs outside. That remind me of childhood. 太热了!怎么睡啊!我十三岁的女儿不停嘀咕着。热死我啦!他弟弟的牢骚声也从客厅的另一头传来。我只好说:今晚就试着忍一忍,好吗?其实我根本没有余力多做解释。脸上也出汗了。我静静地躺着,聆听着窗外蟋蟀

4、的合奏曲,思绪被牵回到了童年时光。 I think about my grandma, who lived to ninety-two and still supervised my moms garden until just few weeks before she died. And then Im back there in her house in the summer heat of my child hood. I moved my pillow to the foot of grandmas bed and angled my face toward the open wind

5、ow. I flipped the pillow, hunting for the cooller side. 这是我禁不住想起了外婆,她活到了92岁,直到去世前的几个礼拜,她一直都帮助妈妈照料着花园。回到童年炎热的夏天,回到了外婆的小屋,我把枕头移到外婆的床位,脸朝着窗。之后我又把枕头翻了过来,让比较凉爽的一头朝上。 Grandma sees me thrashing, if you just watch for the breeze, she says, youll cool off and fall asleep. She cranks up the Vanetian Blinds. I

6、 stare at the filmy white curtain, willing it to flutter. Lying still and waiting, I suddenly notice that life outside the window, the bug chorus. Neighbours, porch-sitting late, speaking in hazy words with sanded edges that soothe me. 看到我翻来翻去地睡不着,外婆说:只要用心去感受和祈盼,风会来的,这样你就可以一身清凉地入梦乡了。她把百叶窗拉了起来,于是我就一直

7、注视着朦胧的白窗帘,等待它的飘动。静静地躺着,祈盼着,这是我忽然找到,窗外世界的生命。小虫的清唱;门廊外闲聊着的邻居,他们模糊不清的喋喋细语开始催我入眠 Mom, did you heat that? my seven-year-old blurts, I think it was an owl family. 妈妈,您听到了吗?我7岁的孩子囔道,我觉得那是一头猫头鹰一家子在叫。 Probably. I tell him, Just keep listening! 很有可能!我跟他说,再仔细听! Without the droning air-conditioner, the house is oddly peaceful, and the unfiltered noise seems close enough to touch. I hope Im awake tonight that the first breeze sneaks in. 没有了空调机的嗡嗡声,房间飘逸着一种奇异的祥和气氛,还有未经过滤的、亲近的伸手就可触及的夜声。真的希望,当第一缕清风悄然而至的时候,我依然能够迎接她的到来。


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