冀教版六年级英语上册lesson_17导学案 (1)

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1、2014-2015 学年度第一学期六年级英语导学案主题Lesson 17 I like All Seasons! 任课教师 任 备课时间 2014课型 问题解决课问题训练课 课时 一课时 授课日期 2014教学目标 1、知识与技能目标:能熟练运用“Why?” “Because”进行交流,能在听说读写方面掌握和运用一些关于季节和衣服的单词;能够理解运用并能口头应答下列句子:Whats your favourite season ? My favourite season is _. Why? Because _. 2、过程与方法目标:能够在日常生活中运用所学的各种服装的词汇并能运用句型做简短的情

2、景对话。如:在教室中两个同学在谈论同学们四季的服装,等等。 会简单描写自然界的一些现象,会唱歌本课的歌曲。 3、情感态度与价值观目标:用游戏、歌曲的方式激发学习兴趣,创设情景为学生提供学习英语氛围, 运用实物、图片吸引学生注意力并加强记忆,通过小组活动让学生体验。养成一些良好习惯,渗透审美意识。重点难点 重点:掌握和运用一些关于季节和衣服的单词;能够理解运用并能口头应答句子:Whats your favourite season? My favourite season is _. Why? Because_. 难点:学生的语言灵活运用。 教学准备 图片、录音机、磁带、单词卡片等教学程序 时间

3、 教师行为 期望学生行为一、对话导入2分钟 Step 1: Class closing and review:1、Greeting: 二、自学引导,探究新课10分钟Step 2: New concepts: rain sun wind Draw some windows on the blackboard. Find someone to draw picture of the weather. Teacher describes thethree pictures of them. 1.The weather is sunny. 2、 It is rainy. 3、 It is windy.

4、 Teacher asks others to describe the last picture. Point to the sun, rain, wind and lead the sentence: Hows the weather? Step 3: Review the main structure and practice: Whats your favourite season ? My favourite season is _. Why? Because _. Hows the weather? The weather is _.T: Its snowy outside. Wh

5、at are you going to put on ?将学生分组,并拿出准备好的衣服或卡片,利用所学句型进行对话练习,也可用上以前所学知识.Checking分组表演,教师检查理解情况,对所出现的问题及时解决。学生分组进行练习。学生在练习时可以配上动作表演增加趣味性。三、问题训练,巩固提升20分钟Step 3: Exercises: 1. Fill in the blanks according to the contents of the text: Season Doyou like this season? Why? Spring Summer Autumn Winter然后教师进行提问

6、。学生可根据自己的理解填写,然后相互提问,纠正。 2. Practice the main structure: Practice in pairs. Make up the dialo-gue according to the phrases. 3. Learn the song of part 2. The season song Step 4: Students should listen to each of the following sentences and repeat them. Tell the students to put the inflections and str

7、esses inthe right place in each of the sentences as note by the red markingsin each of the four sentences. Step 5: Homework: Draw your favourite season and write some sentences. Step 6: Blackboard design:这部分学生也可以进行短的对话,然后先说再写。教学板书Lesson 17 I like all seasons! sun rain wind Why? Because _. Season Spring Summer Autumn Winter Do you like this season? Why?教学反思:



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