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1、2014-2015 学年度第一学期六年级英语导学案主题 Lesson 16: ASkating Lesson 任课教 师 任 备课时间 2014课型 问题解决课问题训练课 课时 一课时 授课日期 2014教学目标 1、知识与技能目标:使学生掌握四会词语 learn, teach, think,can. 2、过程与方法目标:能运用 learn, teach, think 等词语进行实际交流。3、情感态度与价值观目标:培养学生互相学习、互相帮助的精神,培养学生自信心。重点难点 使学生能够听、说、读、写和运用词汇 learn, teach, think ,can 教学准备 词汇卡片 录音机 课文课件

2、 教学程序 时间 教师行为 期望学生行为一、课前问候、复习导入2分钟 (一) 、问候 Hello,boys and girls. (二) 、复习借助图片复习ski, ski on the snow; skate, skate on the ice 等词及短语。出示图片并提问: What does Danny do ? Can you ski ? Can you skate ?(通过简单的问候,让学生很快进入语境,也为新授做铺垫)二、自学引导,探究新课10分钟(3) 、新授: forwards, backwards, turn around. 1、做游戏:“Simon Says.” 先由教师发指

3、令,Stand up. Turn left. Turn right. Walk slowly. Walk quickly. Run fast. Skate. Ski. Walk forwards. Walk backwards. Turn around. 然后由学生发口令。让学生看书中第一部分的图,提问:What is Danny doing?让学生回答。播放录音,让学生看书跟读。2、出示课文课件认读词 learn, teach, think,can. (四)、新授: learn, teach, think。 1、演示 learn, teach, think。教师出示 Danny 滑冰的图画,

4、和问题 Danny is _ing. 假装不知道怎样拼 skate,.引导对话: How to spell “skate”? HmmmI am thinking. I am thinking. I dont know what letter comes first! Can you write “skate”? I want to learn. Can you teach me? I want to learn. Can you teach me? 出示单词 learn, teach, think. teach 与 teacher 从词音和词义上比较教学,think 与 sink 从读音上比较

5、教学。 2.Listen to the radio. Then answer my questions on page45 part2-1,check the answers. 然后让学生看书跟读。学生抢答,能够用英语迅速回答出图中的动作。三、问题训练,巩固提升20分钟(5)、编对话。给学生一些话题,两人一组编对话,小组展示。话题:fly a kite, swim, play ping-pong, play basketball, skate, ski, play cards, play checkers, make a snowman, play computer games. (6).Te

6、ll students to make up questions for each of the six pictures,and then ask them of a partner. Check as a class. 学生以 2 人为一组做对话,并在练习之后进行全班展演。(七)、作业:分别用 learn, teach, think,can 各造一个句子。教学板书Lesson 16: A Skating Lesson learn teach think can I am late. Come on. fall down Can you on the ice? Im going to teach you to skate.教学反思:


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