六年级下册英语大本Unit l

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1、 Unit l一、写出下列单词的适当形式1. back(反义词) 2. they (反身代词) 3. city(复数 ) 4. eat(现在分词) 5. do(过去式) 6. go(第三人称单数) 7. red(同音词) 8. enjoy(过去式) 9. movie(同义词) 10. four(序数词) 11begin( 现在分词 ) 12buy(过去式) 13ninth(基数词) 14same(反义词) 15my(复数) 16was not(缩写) 17also(同义词) 18many(最高级) 19dancing(动词) 200have(第三人称单数) 二、写出下列动词的过去式1go 2a

2、ct 3send 4see 5study 6ask 7take 8get 9 make 10have 11eat 12 begin 三、判断下列各组画线字母的读音,相同画“ ”,不同画“”1game ate ( ) 2w ent delicious ( )3city winter ( ) 4seldom welcome ( )5future fun ( ) 6eraser her ( )7short born ( ) 8good f ood ( )9were where ( ) 10bir th shirt ( )11begin evening ( ) 12c oconut movie ( )

3、13same was ( ) 14through cough ( )15borrow brown ( ) 16ti me listen ( )17study but ( ) 18January Apri1 ( )19stay says ( ) 20should would ( )四、找出每组画线部分读音不同的单词,将其序号填人题前括号内( )1Aage Balong Cacross Dabout( )2Aegg Be lephant Celbow Deleven( )3Aill Binternet Cice Dinteresting( )4Ao range Bopen Coffice DOct

4、ober( )5Au s Buncle Cuniform Dumbrella五、单项选择( )1. I a football match last night.A. watch B. watches.C. watched D. am watching( )2. the eve of the Spring Festival we usually up late.A. In ;stayed B. At ;stays C. On ;are stay D. On ;stay( )3. They often go there their friends.A. and B. with C. of D. a

5、t( )4. We Shanghai last monli。A. went to visit B. visit C. go to visit D. are visiting( )5.How was your holiday - A. Very well B. Yes,it is C. It was fantastic D. Thats OK( )6.Our parents in America Last year.A. live B.lived Clives Dliving( )7. your teacher to the cinema with you yesterday?A. Does ;

6、go B. Does ;went C. Did ;go D. Did ;went( )8. Did you enioy last night?A. themselves B. ourselves C. yourself D. youselves( )9The children had a good time Christmas EveAon Bin Cat Dto( )10Mr. Brown liked the eighth noorA1ived in B1iving in C1ived on D1iving On( )111 was too excited last nightAgo to

7、sleep Bfell asleepCto go to bed Dto get to sleep( )12You looked very tired stop to have a rest?AAre you BDo youCWhy not DWhat about( )13They had a meedng Tuesday morningAon Bin Cat D( )14Hurry up! We you.Await for Bwaited forCwaiting for Dare waiting for( )15-How will you spend your holiday,Linda?-I

8、 to Sanya with my family。Ago Bam go Cgoing Dam going( )16The Spring Festival is comingWe can see people in the shopAa lot Ba lot of Ca few Dmuch( )17Dont school again!A1ate for Bbe late Cto late Dbe late for( )18There isnt bread in the fridgeWould you like to buyfor us?Aany;some Bsome;someCany ;any

9、Dsome ;any( )19-CaIl birds fly? -Yes, can.Athey Bthem Ctheir Dits( )20The tailor made her a new .Aclothes Bcloth Cdress Dclothing( )21They home the same time yesterdayAgot;at Bget;atCgetting;on Dare getting;on( )22I very to hear that last nightAam;exciting B.was1excitedCam;excite Dwaus ;excite( )23I

10、t me an hour to do my homework last SundayAtake Btaking Ctakes Dtook( )24- were you born? - I was born on January 22th,1985.AWhen BWhere CWhat DHow( )25This pair of trousers not hisHis trousers on the chairAis; is Bare;are Cis ;are Dare ;is( )26Tom was born April 1, and I was born April,tooAin:in Bin;on Con;in Don;on( )27 Was your mother bo


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