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1、( )1.When did you _ there?At 9:00 last night.Aget to Barrive in Creach Darrive at( )2.He can speak English as well as his father_.A.do Bdoes Cis DDid( )3.Lily is _ shorter than Lucy.Avery Btoo Cquite Da little( )4.Li Leis parents _ doctors.Aare a ll Bare both Call are Dboth are( )5.This watch is _ t

2、han that one.Amore cheaper Bmuch cheap Cmore cheap Dmuch cheaper( )6.Lucy is_of the two.Aquiet Bquietest Cquieter Dthe quieter( )7.Your bag is smaller than_.Ahis Bhiss Chim Dtheir( )8.Although they feel tired,_they still go on working.AandB but C/ Dso( )9._do they play basketball?Every day.AHow soon

3、 BHow much CHow many DHow often ( )10.Here_the results_the exam.Ais;with Bare;of Cis ;of Dare;with( )11.Tim is young,_,he can speak three languages.AbutByet Chowever Dthough( )12.Smoking_your health.Ais good for Bis bad for Cis good to Dis bad to( )13._ hours do you exercise every day?AHow longBHow

4、much CHow many DHow often( )14.The answers _ these questions were very _ _.Aof;interesting Bto;interested Cof;interested Dto;interesting( )15.Where _ you last night?I _ at home.Aare;am Bam ; am Cwere;was Dwere;were( )16._ Nancy at home last weekend?No,she _.She was in the library with her friends.AI

5、s;isnt BWas;wasnt CDid;didnt DWas ;isnt( )17._ did you _ for dinner?Sichuan food.AWhat;have BWhen;had CWhy;have DHow ;have( )18.Could you give me _ money?Sorry.I dont have _ with me.Asome;any Blittle;some Cany ;some Dlittle ;any( )19.Did you do _ in the park last Sunday?Asomething interesting Binter

6、esting somethingCanyth ing interesting Dinteresting anything( )20.The boy is _ to carry the box.Aenough strong Benough strongly Cstrong enough Dstrongly enough( )21.I felt like _ in the sky like a bird.Afly BflewC am flying Dflying( )22.How did you feel about the trip?_.ABy train BIm very tired CIt

7、was great DThe weather was fine( )23.Li Lei gets up _ in his family.A.quickly B.the most quickly C.the quickest D. more quickly( )24. Shanghai is _ in the world.A.the beautiful city B.one of the most beautiful cities C.most beautiful cities D.one of the most beautiful city( )25.Of all the clothes st

8、ores, you can buy clothes _in Dream Clothes.A. the cheapest B. cheaply C.the most cheaply D. more cheaper( )26.-_is Dream Clothes Srore from your house? -Its 10 minutes by bus.A.How long B.How soon C.How far D.What time( )27.Can I ask you _ questions?A.some B.any C.a D.few( )28.Zhen Zidan and Li Lia

9、njie have much _ .They often _ similar roles in movies.A.in common, played B.in common , play C.in fact, took D.in the end, got( )29.We hope our life can get _.A.best and best B.better and better C.good and good D.well and well( )30.Though the clothes in this store are _, they are _ .A .the most exp

10、ensive ,best B.more expensive ,worst C.the cheapest, the best D.the cheaper, worst( )31.Shanghai is bigger than _city in China.A. any B. any other C. the other D. other( )32.Thanks for _the school.A. show me around B. show around me C. showing me around D. showing around me( )33.How do you _Sun Cine

11、ma?A. like B. think of C. think about D. like about( )34._is interesting_us to watch game shows.A. He ,for B. That ,to C. This ,to D. It ,for( )35.Lucy likes watching others _their talents.A. show B. showing C. to show D. showed( )36. The Tianxiang Park is the best place _on weekends in Heze.A. to g

12、o B. to go to C. going D. going to( )37. Jack is the third _in our class.A. the tallest B. taller C. tallest D. much taller( )38They usually go shopping _.Aone a week Bonce a week Cone the week Donce week ( )39.Ill buy _ for my son,but _ for myself.Anothing;nothing Banything;nothingCsomething;nothin

13、g Dsomething;something( )40.Every day his parents make him _ on the farm.Ato work Bworking Cwork Dworks用所给词的正确形式填空1.Jim does the homework _ _(careful) in her class.2.He is much better than others at (find) the most interesting roles.3.Dumpling House is (cheap) restaurant in the city.4.Some students in our school are truly (talent).5.Saying is much _ _(easy) than doing.6.Lindas car is _ _(expensive) than Lucys.7.However,not everybody enjoys (watch) these shows.8.The people who watch the show usually play a rol



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