八年级英语下册Unit 10测试题

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1、北京一对一上门家教品牌 家教电话:01062561255 清华北大家教中心 家教电话:01062561255 八下 Unit 10 测试题 第一部分 听力理解(共 20 分)一、听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。 (共 5 分,每小题 1 分)A B C D E 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )二、听对话,根据对话内容,判断下列句子的正误。正确的写 T,错误的写 F。( 共 5 分,每小题 1 分)( ) 6. Michael Jordan was born in 1965. ( ) 7. Mary was busy at the weekend.( ) 8

2、. The girl is going to the movie tomorrow.( ) 9. John is going to play tennis on Friday.( ) 10. The boy would help his mother take out the trash.三、请听第 11 段短文和短文后的问题,然后选择正确答案,并将其标号填在题前括号内。 (共 10 分,每小题 2分)( ) 11. How many TV problems are there in the passage?A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. ( ) 12. Why is

3、watching TV bad for childrens studies? A. Because they spend too much time on TV. B. Because their eyesight get worse.C. Because they dont talk too much.( ) 13. Why are more children getting fatter?A. Because of the food.B. Because of their homework.C. Because they watch TV for a long time.( ) 14. W

4、hat other things can we do according to the passage?A. Surfing the Internet.北京一对一上门家教品牌 家教电话:01062561255 清华北大家教中心 家教电话:01062561255 B. Painting pictures.C. Playing games.( ) 15. According to the paragraph, how can you make your life more interesting?A. Watching TV less.B. Watching TV more.C. Stopping

5、 watching TV.第二部分 基础知识(共 25 分)四、单项填空(共 15 分,每小题 1 分) 根据句意,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( ) 1. Dick got up into a tree _ he saw the bear.A. while B. as soon as C. until D. if( ) 2. Its a fine day, _ it? A. is B. does C. doesnt D. isnt( ) 3. Peter has taught _ English for two years. A. him B. his C

6、. himself D. he ( ) 4. There is little water in the bottle, _? A. is there B. isnt there C. there is D. there isnt( ) 5. Dont open the door, _? A. shall we B. will you C. do you D. dont you( ) 6. Have some tea, _? A. will you B. wont you C. shall we D. have you( ) 7. She needs to have the bike repai

7、red, _? A. does she B. doesnt sheC. need she D. neednt she ( ) 8. Lets go dancing, _? A. shall we B. will you C. wont you D. dont we( ) 9. I really cant agree _ you. A. to B. of C. with D. for( ) 10. I prefer tea _ coffee. A. to B. than C. without D. out( ) 11. I wont believe it _ I see it with my o

8、wn eyes. A. and B. that C. until D. if( ) 12. Hurry up, _ youll be late for school. A. but B. and C. / D. or( ) 13. They arent from Japan, _ they? A. arent B. are C. werent D. were ( ) 14. Did you hear _? A. what I say B. what I said C. what did I say D. what do I say( ) 15. Nobody says a word about

9、 the accident, _? 北京一对一上门家教品牌 家教电话:01062561255 清华北大家教中心 家教电话:01062561255 A. does he B. doesnt he C. do they D. dont they五、完形填空(满分 10 分,每小题 1 分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选择最佳答案。 Children use their parents as models, whether the model is good or bad. My neighbors are very good 1 . Mrs Goodhouse is

10、a careful housekeeper. 2 she went to work yesterday, her children cleaned the rooms. The eldest daughter took all the carpets 3 and shook them. The middle daughter did all the dishes, and the youngest daughter put the toys 4 good order. The only boy in the family cleaned the furniture. When the chil

11、dren 5 their work, they put beautiful flowers on the table for their mother. Mrs Frowze is a terrible housekeeper. When she went to work, her children made a big mess. One of 6 drank some coke and threw the bottle. The glass wasnt swept up, and the carpet was made 7 . The rubbish in the kitchen grew

12、 8 because the children ate bananas and oranges and threw the peels on the floor. One child drew pictures on the wall and rode his bike in the rooms. Both mothers 9 home, but 10 of them was glad of that. ( ) 1. A. facts B. stories C. examples D. friends( ) 2. A. Before B. Until C. Since D. When ( )

13、3. A. outside B. inside C. upstairs D. downstairs ( ) 4. A. at B. in C. for D. with ( ) 5. A. began B. finished C. prepared D. wanted ( ) 6. A. us B. them C. you D. him ( ) 7. A. clean B. dry C. dirty D. neat ( ) 8. A. smaller B. more useful C. lighter D. larger ( ) 9. A. came B. come C. comes D. we

14、re coming ( ) 10. A. neither B. both C. only one D. all 第三部分 阅读理解(共 25 分)六、阅读理解。 (共 20 分,每小题 2 分)阅读下面短文,根据其内容,从短文后所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳答案。 (A) A Trap Mr Smith left his car outside his apartment one night as usual, but when he came down the next morning to go to his office, he discovered that the car wasnt there. He called the police and told them what had happened,



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