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1、MTI 1057090004 杨帆清明时节踏青欢Happy to go for an outing in Ching Ming Festival清明原是个迎接春天来到的欢乐日子,这一天,大家高高兴兴地到郊野去活动,古人称为郊游,也叫踏青。唐时郊游,朝野欣然。杜甫的清明诗中就说:“著处繁花务是日(意为清明这天花开正盛) ,长沙千人万人出。 ”长沙一地已是十分热闹。到了宋代,清明时节更是“四野如市” ,京城里的人,不论贫富,全都外出。在郊外,笙歌鼎沸,鼓乐喧天,好像舞台、戏场搬到了郊野。过了一个漫长的冬天,人们多么需要趁这风和日暖的好天气,到野外走动走动,饱览一下大自然的秀丽风光。因此,踏青又叫春

2、游、探春、寻春。Ching Ming Festival is used to be a happy day to welcome the coming spring. On this day, people go on an excursion in the countryside cheerfully, and the ancient people called “go for an outing”, which also called “go for a walk in the country in spring (when the grass has just turned green)

3、”. In the Tang Dynasty, the court and the commonalty were all happy to go for a walk in the countryside in spring. In the Du fus poem Ching Ming, it is said:” Flowers are in full bloom in Ching Ming Festival, thousands of people are going out in Changsha.” Not speak of other places, only the Changsh

4、a city is already bustling enough. In the Song Dynasty, the countries were as bustling as downtown in Ching Ming Festival. The people in the capital no matter poor or rich were all came out the town. People were playing the instruments, singing the songs and beating the drums in the countryside, lou

5、d music filled the air. As if they moved the stage and performance place to the countryside. After a long winter, people are expecting this sunny day to go for a walk in the country, and feast their MTI 1057090004 杨帆eyes on beautiful landscape of nature. Thus, go for an outing is also called “spring

6、 outing” or “spring seeking” or “spring hunting”.踏青不单纯是在野外走走,人们还一起野餐、采百草、扑蝴蝶、斗鸡、拔河、荡秋千、放风筝等。其中,荡秋千和放风筝很有特色,也较为普遍。诗词中,对这两种活动也传诵较多。“Go for an outing” is not only to walk in the countryside, people also have picnic together, picking all kinds of flowers, catching butterflies, watching gamecock fighting

7、, playing tag-of-war, playing on the swings and flying kites. Among those games, playing on the swings and flying kites have some distinguished features and much common in traditional culture. It also has much more stories about these two kinds of games in poems.秋千又名千秋。据说,在汉武帝时,有次在后庭为万岁祈祷千秋之寿的仪式,要求宫

8、女们在旁荡秋千助兴。因为同祈祷“千秋”之寿谐音,便将千秋改为秋千。The swing called “Qiu Qian” in Chinese; it also called “Qian Qiu” in the past, which means a thousand years. It is said that in the period of Emperor Wu of Western Han, once the servants performed the ceremony to pray the emperor living for a thousand years long, they asked the maids swinging besides them. Because “swing” sound like “a thousand years” in Chinese characters, so they changed “Qian Qiu” into “Qiu Qian”.



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