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1、12011-2012 学 年 度 第 一 学 期 第 二 次 阶 段 性 检 测 试 题 (卷 )八年级英语卷(100 分)I. 找出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项(共 5分)( )1. A. funny B. number C. busy D. study ( )2. A. some B. come C. color D. only( )3. A. many B. grade C. black D. have( )4 .A. laugh B. light C. right D. high( )5. A. half B. talk C. also D. always.词汇考查(20 分)A)

2、写出下列词的适当形式.(5 分)1.usual(对应词) _ 2.two (序数词) _3.visit(名词)_ 4.buy(过去式) _5.study(单三)_B)短语互译.(10 分)1.两茶匙的酸奶_2. play for _3. sleep late _4一位著名的钢琴家_ 5.电脑程序员_6. cut up_7.闲荡_ 8.在岁时_9.take photos_10.去兜风_C)用括号里单词的适当形式填空。 (5 分)1.Doing exercise can help us stay _(health).2.My mother was out, so I had to _(babysi

3、t) my little sister.3. Mark Twin was an outstanding _(write).4.She is a kind and _(love) grandmother.5. This kind of tea is much _(cheap) than that kind.单项选择(30 分)( )1.She plays _piano very well, but he cant play _football at all.A. the;a B .the;/ C./;a D./;the ( )2. _ my opinion, we can go camping

4、_ our next day off.A. In, to B. On, at C. In, on D. On, for( )3. _ are these oranges? Five yuan.A. How much B. How many C. How often D. How long( )4. Tom met a heavy rain on his way to school._, he took an umbrella with him.A. Luckily B. Loudly C. Badly D. Quickly( )5. You should _ your exam paper c

5、arefully before you hand it in.A. pass B. look C. check D. send( ) 6. Do we need to _ water into the bowl? Yes,we do.Aput Bpour Cpeel D.mix ( )7_ was Tinas trip to Hainan? Pretty good!A. What B. How C. Why D. Where( )8. I want to watch TV. Please _ it _.A. turn, off B. turn, on C. turn, down D. turn

6、, up ( )9. Did you see _ tigers in the zoo?Yes. We also saw _ elephants there.A. the; an B. some; any C. any; any D. any; some( )10. You are never _ old _ learn.A. so, that B. as, as C. so, as D. too, to ( )11. Did they have fun _ the dolphin show? Yes, they did.A. watch B. watched C. watching D. to

7、 watch( )12. Were there many cats at her home?_. But there were many dogs.A. No, there werent B. Yes, there are座位号座位号I II III IV V VI VII 总分 I II III IV V 总分A卷B卷得 分评卷人得 分评卷人得 分评卷人-装-订-线-姓名:_班级:_学号:_-装 -订 -线 -2C. No, there arent D. Yes, there were( )13. Put two _ of sugar into the water.Acup Bcups Cc

8、ups of D.cup of( )14. Toby got Yao Mings autograph. Oh, really? _.A. Sorry to hear that B. Thats too badC. Youre welcome D. That sounds exciting( )15. Liu Xiang was born _ the 13th of July, 1983.A. in B. at C. on D. for ( )16._ Tom have eggs for breakfast yesterday?A. Is B. Does C. Did D. Do( )17. I

9、t is _ colder today.A. much B. more C. very D. most( )18. Whom are you visiting this weekend?An old woman _ Mrs White.A. calls B. called C. calling D. to call( ) 19. Lets make vegetable salad. _. A. Thank you B. Never mindC. Here you are D. Good idea( )20. The students couldnt go to school _ the hea

10、vy snow.A. though B. because C. even though D. because of( )21. Is the baby a boy or a girl? _.A. Yes, it is B. It is a boy C. No, it isnt D. It is lovely( )22. _ has the man worked in the club? For 10 years.A. How long B. How much C. How many D. How often( )23.You _right but _youre wrong.A.maybe;ma

11、ybe B.maybe;may be C.may be;may be D.may be;maybe( )24.Do you like _ a dolphin show ?A.seeing B.looking C.watching D.reading ( )25.Its good _you _me so much help.A.for;to give B.of;to give C.for;giving D.of;giving( )26.I feel hungry.Lets stop_.A.having lunch B.to have lunch C.had lunch D.have lunch(

12、 )27. You must _ the bananas before eating them.A. pour B. put C. peel D. cut( )28.The children are laughing _.They look_.A.happily; happy B.happily; happily C.happy; happily D.happyhappy( )29. He bought a very big house. He must be _.A. bad B. kind C. talented D. rich( 30. He studies hard _ good grades.A. g



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