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1、Using Language,A Biography of Isaac Asimov,Leading in,艾萨克阿西莫夫 Isaac Asimov ( 1920-1992) 美籍犹太人,为20世纪最顶尖的科幻小说家之一,曾获代表科幻界最高荣誉的雨果奖和星云终身成就大师奖。以他的名字为号召的艾西莫夫科幻杂志,是美国当今数一数二的科幻文学重镇。,Leading in,Isaac Asimov ( 1920-1992) A Russian-born American author and professor of biochemistry, a highly successful and exce

2、ptionally prolific writer best known for his works of science fiction and for his popular science books.,Asimov wrote or edited more than five hundred books. Asimovs most famous work are the Foundation Series and the Robot series.,in his home library in 1976,Old photo,speech,in the army,Isaac Asimov

3、s memorial meeting,作品:,I, Robot,作品100,最新科学指南,作品:,I, Robot,作品100,最新科学指南,Scanning,Listen to the MP3 and mark all the phrases of time in Paragraph Two,Three, Four and Six.,Timeline of the events in Asimovs life,1920: Born in Russia 1922: Sister born 1923: Moved with family to_. Parents bought a candy s

4、tore. 1929: Started working _in the candy store. Mother had her third child.,New York,part-time,Timeline of the events in Asimovs life,_: Started to take himself seriously as a writer. 1939: Begun having stories published in _magazines. _: Gained masters degree in chemistry. 1942: Finished working i

5、n the candy store. Married his _wife.,1931,science fiction,1941,first,Timeline of the events in Asimovs life,1942-1945: Worked as a(n) _ _ , Philadelphia Navy Yard. _: Got PhD in chemistry. _: Became a biochemistry teacher, Boston University School of Medicine. 1950: Published his first novel. Publi

6、shed_. Developed three laws for robots.,chemist,junior,1948,1949,I, Robot,Timeline of the events in Asimovs life,1951-1953: Published the Foundation trilogy and won an award for it. _: Published first science book. _: Became a full-time writer. 1973: Divorced his first wife. Married for a _time. _:

7、Had a blood transfusion. Became infected with HIV. 1992: Died in_.,1953,1958,second,1983,New York,1.be bound to do sth=be sure to do sth一定会 We are bound to succeed. 2.carry out 履行(promise) 执行,实施 plan/order/study/survey/operation on sb/等 3.divorce n 离婚 分离,隔开 Their marriage ended in . v 离婚,隔开 get divo

8、rced from sb和某人离婚 Art should be divorced from politics.,4.junior adj 较年轻的, 资历较浅的, 地位较低的, 初级的 employees Shes to me. 她地位比我低 junior high school初中 n 年少者,地位较低者,资历较浅者 office s Some promising juniors Shes his junior _ four years. =She_ _ _him_ four years,5.staff (全体)工作人员The teaching staff of this college i

9、s/are excellent. medical staff 全体医务人员 staff members 职工 a fully staffed department 拐杖;棍;棒CThe old man walked with a wooden staff. 那老汉拄着木拐杖走路。,6.imagination: beyond imagination imagine : doing sth imaginative: 富有想象力的,创新的 imaginary: 虚构的,想象中的 imaginable: 可以想象的,1)Although the main characters in the novel

10、 are so true to life,they are_. 2)Its _for such an_writer to create _stories. 3)This is the only solution_. 4)The famous poem was from an_poet.,imaginary,imaginable,imaginative,imaginary,imaginable,imaginative,7.take it for granted that. Dont take it for granted that you are right. takeslightly/seri

11、ously take it easy,8.thinking 1)U思考 I had to do some quick thinking. 2)U想法,看法(opinion) Whats your thinking on the question ? To my thinking,its not a good idea. thought c 想法,念头,主意 She was struck by the sudden thought that he might have left. pl心思,思想 My thoughts turned to home. u思考 be lost in thought

12、/give sth thought,have second thoughts (转念一想) on second thought(s) 转念一想(暗示改变主意) without a second thought =at once,9.set.aside 腾出(时间,地方,金钱)以备他用 These areas are set aside for public use. 这些地方已经划出来用于公用。 Lets set aside an hour a day for study. 我们每天留出一小时用于学习吧! Three million dollars was set aside. 拨出了300万美元,Thank you,bye!,


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