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1、英语重点句型 100 个1、 Welcome back to school.欢迎回到学校.2、 It is much better than having class这比上课好多了.3、 Some of the apples are hard to reach.有些苹果很难搞到.4、 Work must come first.工作必须放在首位。5、 Dont keep your mother waiting不要让我的妈妈久等。6、 Keep the students in/out.让学生进来/出去7、 You had better stay at home.你最好留在家里8、 Youd bet

2、ter stay at home, hadnt you?你最好留在家里,不是吗?9、 Take the first turning on the left。在第一个十字路口的左侧。10、 We live in a place named Da Lian我们住在一个叫大连的地方.11、 I like to keep busy.我喜欢保持忙碌.12、 Better late than never.做总比不做好13、 There was a telephone call for you. Here is a letter for you.这有一个找你的电话14、 Thank a lot you fo

3、r asking me to your party.非常感谢你邀请我去你的聚会.15、 Which is the way to.?去那里的路是哪一条?16、 Its too dangerous to cross the street。横穿马路真是太危险了!17、 Mr. and Mrs. ReadRead 先生和 Read 夫人.18、 the way you speak你说话的方式.19、 He is on a visit to England.他怎正在去英国的路上20、 Come out for a walk in the park在公园里散步21、 I can wear it in my

4、 new hat.我可以把它戴到我的新帽子上吗.22、 The book cost me five yuan.。这本书花了我 5 元钱。23、 It was a pleasure for me。这是一种乐趣对我来说。24、 We wont go until we get it back again。我们不会去直到我们再次得到它。25、 Chocolate is good for your heath你认为做一个家务有好处吗?26、 Do you think it is good to do some housework?你认为做一个家务有好处吗.27、 Either mum or I cook

5、 supper.或者帮妈妈或者我做晚餐.28、 Neither Dad nor my brother helps.既不是爸爸也不是我的兄弟的帮助.29、 Why dont men do a bit of housework?为什么不是男人做家务?30、 May I take your orders now?我可以拿走你的订单吗?31、 Could we have the bill?我们可以拥有纸币吗?.32、 China is very famous for its food in the world. The poem was famous as Li Bai.中国在世界上以他的食物而出名。

6、33、 Take the second turning on the left。在第二个十字路口左侧。34、 (Neither) of the answers is right.。这些答案中没有一个是正确的。35、 I like the film, and so dose he。我喜欢这部电影,她也喜欢这部电影36、 We have to get up early in the morning 。早上,我们不得不早点起床。37、 How did he make the baby stop crying?他怎样是那个婴儿停止哭泣?38、 There are three girls walking

7、 in the park.有三个女孩正在公园散步。39、 We are going to have fun learning and speaking English this term.这个学期我们将在学习和说英语方面享受到乐趣。 40、 They have some problems difficulty in doing sth。他们做某事时有困难。 41、 I dont know where he comes?我不知道他来自哪里?42、 Do you know if/whether he got up early yesterday morning?你知不知道他昨天早上是否起的早?43

8、、 Why dont you wait for me here? 为什么你不在这等我?44、 He likes swimming in summer。他喜欢在夏天游泳。45、 He found it very difficult to sleep。他感到非常难入睡。46、 I little (never,) dreamt of (about) seeing you here.我做梦都没想到在这儿见到你。47、 My neighbor is a cold fish.我的邻居是一个非常冷漠的人。48、 I have been to the factory。我去过这个工厂。49、 I have be

9、en in the factory for two years.我在这个工厂里待了两年了。50、 It takes me one and a half hours to go to school on foot.我步行去学校花了一个半小时。51、 I have two brothers. One is a worker. The other is a doctor.我有两个兄弟,一个是工人,一个是医生。52、 There are lots of children playing in the park. Some are singing. Others are playing games.有许

10、多孩子正在公园里玩;一些在歌唱,其余人在玩游戏。53、 There are fifty students in our class. Thirty are girls. The others are boys.我们班上有 50 位学生,30 个是女生,其余为男生。54、 Lets make it 8:30让我们在 8:30 完成它。55、 He is as tall as I/me.。他和我一样高。56、 He is interested in the film。他对电影很感兴趣。57、 Not everyone likes sandwich。不是每个人都喜欢三明治。58、 I don/t t

11、hink he is right, is he? 我不认为他对,不是吗?59、 There is little water in the bottle, is there?瓶子里几乎没有水,不是吗?60、 Do you have one more to say? 你还有什么要说?61、 The lights are still on。灯仍然开着。Do yo u mind. My opening the door? 你介意我打开门吗?62、 Everybody is looking forward to May Day with great joy每一个都企盼五月节时玩的开心63、 He can

12、t help crying.他忍不住哭了起来。64、 I am a student , arent I?我是个学生,不是吗?65、 Whats he?他是干什么的?66、 Jim is short for James吉姆比杰更矮。67、 Help yourselves to some grapes and watermelons.请随便吃一些葡萄和西瓜。68、 We often go on a picnic。我们经常去野餐。69、 I often see some students at school talking to each other in English。我经常看到一些学生在学校说

13、英语。70、 Sometimes we find them driving the tractors on the farm.有时候,我们发现他们在农场里驾驶拖拉机。71、 I think every minute counts我认为分秒必争。.72、 He was unhappy, wasnt he?他就不高兴了,是不是他?73、 He used to get up early, didnt/usednt he? 他归去常常说起不是吗?74、 He eats too much food so he grows fatter and fatter.。他吃了过多的食物,使他变得越来越胖。75、

14、Give me a book。给我给一书。76、 Buy me a book。给我买一本书。77、 He who does not work neither shall he eat.他不工作不得食。78、 Ill have my hair cut.我得把我的头发剪短。 。79、 Will you please say it again more slowly?你能慢一点再说一遍吗?80、 The wall needs/wants painting。墙需要喷画。81、 What can I do for you?我能为你做什么吗?82、 Hurry up, and youll get ther

15、e in time。快点起来,你要准时赶到哪儿。83、 Hurry up, or youll be late for school。快点,不然你会上学迟到。84、 Neither answer you have given is right无论是回答你是正确的。85、 Lin Tao didnt know anything about it, neither Tom.林涛不知道关于他的任何东西,汤姆也不知道。86、 A lion in the way。拦路虎。87、 He has come here, and so have I,I have come here, too他曾经来过这里,而我也

16、来过这里,太。88、 He goes there, and so do I。他去那里,我也去那里,我去那里。089、 He is a student, and so am I。他是一个学生,我也是。90、 In Britan, sales of cigarettes have been reduced by 30%in the last ten years。在英国,过去十年吸烟者也到了 30%。91、The number of the students has reached 1700.学生的数目已达到 1700.92、A number os the students have come here already.许多学生已经到这儿了。93、Its a mistake for you t


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