高中英语 Unit4 Helping people around the world Project 牛津译林版选修6

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《高中英语 Unit4 Helping people around the world Project 牛津译林版选修6》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Unit4 Helping people around the world Project 牛津译林版选修6(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、牛津高中英语,(模块六 高二上学期),Advance with English,Changing the worldmy mitment,Unit 4,Project,Unit 4,课件描述:,本课件将通过引领学生阅读一位护士的帮贫日记来获取如何帮助贫困地区人民的具体信息;并在思考及小组讨论之后,制定自己的行动计划。,Changing the World my mitment,Doctors without Borders is an international medical humanitarian(人道主义的) organization that provides emergency m

2、edical assistance to populations in danger. Most of its members are doctors and health workers.MSF currently works in more than 80 countries for victims of armed conflicts, epidemics(疾病的传播), and natural and man-made disasters.,Task :Listen to and read the article, looking for the information require

3、d in the chart.,Purpose,Present situation,What they have done,What they plan to do,to provide free medical service around the world,Everything in chaos;Land flooded; hospital damaged and unusable; people having fled to mountains; difficult for cuts and wounds to heal;Lack medicine,shelter,food and c

4、lean water; fields and harvest destroyed;,Set up feeding center and checked babies health in Sudan; gave children shots; clean the health center;,Set up a temporary clinic; organize a burial ground;,Authors wish,Name,Doctors without Borders,Changing the worldhelp others and do something worthwhile;

5、make a difference to peoples lives.,My Action Plan,Title:,Group members:,Venue / Place:,Purpose:,Steps:,My Action Plan,Title:,Group members:,Changing the world,Nurses of the MSF,Situation:,An island is flooded. Many people are lack of hospitals, medicine,shelters,food and clean water. Besides, there

6、 are dead bodies around.,Steps:,Set up feeding center;,Checked babies health;,Clean the health center;,Purpose:,Help them out of the trouble and fort them.,Venue / Place:,On an island,My Action Plan,Bury dead bodies,Set up a temporary clinic;,Transport medicine;,Significance: (意义),Make a difference

7、to peoples lives.,Make your action plan about how to help the children in rural countries who cant afford to go to school.,Group Discussion: My Action Plan,Title:,Group members:,Venue / Place:,Purpose:,Steps:,mitment,She made a mitment to keeping focused and dedicated, but she didnt carry it out.,Th

8、is career calls for one hundred percent .,1. 承诺,保证 ( to sth.),她承诺会保持专注和投入,但她没有履行。,2. 奉献,投入,这项事业要求百分之百的投入。,mit v.,1. oneself to sth./ doing ,sb. be ed to sth. 承诺做,我已经承诺接受她的邀请,不能反悔了。,I have ed myself to accepting her invitation and cannot draw back.,2. 犯罪, murder / a crime / suicide,3. 忠于,全身心投入(事业、活动等

9、),He ed himself to the cause of charity.,他投身于慈善事业。,Arrived here to find everything was in chaos. = I arrived here only to find that everything was in chaos. in chaos (un.) 处于混乱中 = in a mess economic/political chaos 经济/政治混乱,Many of the people have fled to the mountains to escape the floods. flee fled

10、 fled vi./vt. 迅速离开;(尤指害怕有危险而)逃避,逃跑 1) During the war many people in the village fled to neighboring countries. 2) Last night many tourists fled the burning hotel.,escape: from 1. to get away from a place where you are kept as a prisoner or not allowed to leave,e.g. from the prison/ cage,2. from to g

11、et away from an unpleasant or dangerous situation,从不愉快或险境中逃脱,逃避,从监禁或管制中逃脱,3. to avoid sth. unpleasant or dangerous sth. 避免,避开,e.g. death,e.g. from the burning house,die of 死于(强调内因) die out 灭绝die off 相继死掉 die away 逐渐减弱/消失die for sth./to do sth. 迫切要做某事 die down 逐渐变弱/平息 1. I am _a cup of tea. 2. The fi

12、re is _. Please put more coal. 3. After her three sons _, she mitted suicide at last. 4. We are making every effort to prevent the northeast tigers from _.,dying for,dying down,died off,dying out,assist 帮助,协助 assistant assistance,assist sb. with sth. in doing sth. to do sth.,technical/financial assi

13、stance with the assistance of Despite his cries, no one came to his assistance.,vacant (使用或见到)的机会 1. 到学校去的唯一的路是那条泥泞小路。,The only access to the school is a muddy path.,2.市民可以免费进图书馆。,Citizens may have free access to the library.,accessible adj. 可到达的,可接近的 e.g. Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children., I can help here and there, and make a difference to peoples lives make a difference (to) 对有影响,


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