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1、,Lesson 3 Your money,Reading,Language study,Grammar,Task 1 :Discussion: (group work) Show your opinion about the following questions,Before Reading,1.Do you get pocket money from your parents? How much pocket money do you get each month?,2.What things do you like to spend money on ?,The yellow River

2、,The water is not clear, why?,Task 2: Talk about the pictures about,Every year, approximately 1.6 billion tons of sand flows into the Yellow River.,soil erosion,The soil is too poor to grow crops.,What can we do to prevent from soil erosion?,plant trees,What can you do with 5 yuan?,Buy some candies

3、or cookies?,How about buying a tree instead?,Your 5 yuan can have so much effect?,Read the text,When Less Is More,Task 1: Fast reading Read the newspaper article quickly and match the topic sentence with each paragragh,Reading,c. Everybody plays an important role in stopping Yellow River erosion.,A

4、success of a tree-planting programme in Inner Mongolia.,b. You can use 5 yuan to buy a tree and create a green future.,e. The erosion of sand is the main cause of Yellow River erosion,d. It is a huge job to control Yellow River erosion.,Para 1,Para 2,Para 3,Para 4,Para 5,1. With the money of selling

5、 trees , farmer can buy goods or services. 2. Jiuchengong valley has become into a green homeland.,F,T,Read the text carefully and find out True, False, No Information,Task 2 : Careful reading,3. Now government has taken measures to make everyone buy a young tree with 5 yuan. 4. Five yuan is too lit

6、tle you can give more money to plant more trees. 5. Planting more trees reduces soil erosion and makes soil rich.,T,NI,F,1. Which river is being talked about in the text?,Task 3 : Listen to the passage and answer the questions,The Yellow River,2. In which area has soil erosion almost destroyed farmi

7、ng land?,In some areas in Shanxi Province,3. What can people do to help stop soil erosion?,Plant trees,4. Why does the writer say 5 yuan is important?,Why?,Because it can buy a tree which helps prevent erosion.,九成功生态旅游区 (Jiiuchengong Valley)九成功村位于东胜区西南109国道的罕台镇政府南五公里处,1997年列入黄河中上游地区坝系及重点流域治理和98年生态重点

8、治理流域,同时由农业银行列项支持为农业综合开发重点项目,经过几年治理,原来12.8平方公里的五荒地变成了“林草繁茂有山正绿,沟渠打坝有水皆清,种植、养殖兴旺发展,人与自然和谐共荣“的小环境、小气候。九成功生态园就坐落在这个优雅环境里,庄园外观古朴,内设舒适典雅,游人在这可垂钓、采摘鲜果、娱乐休闲度假,同时体会东胜人民战胜恶劣生存环境的毅力,尽情领略大自然的风光。,5. Which example is given to show that 5 yuan can help to develop a local economy?,Jiuchengong Valley,Task 4 :find th

9、e words that mean the following.,1.about 2.Plants such as wheat ,rice or fruit grown by farmers 3. being worn away by water, wind or sand. 4. Unable to understand something 5. opinion 6. Have something inside 7. The top part of the earth in which plants grow 8.Take something away from the place,appr

10、oximately,crops,erosion,puzzle,contain,view,soil,remove,After Reading,Voice your opinion,1. How do you understand the title The When Less is More? 2.Talk about the local environment you live in. What can you and your friends do to improve it?,Useful Expressions,1.吸引某人 appeal to sb. 2.确切地说 to be exac

11、t 3.流进 flow into,Find out the following phrases in the text,4.保持的生态平衡 keep the natural balance of 5.长年累月 over time 6.导致严重的土地流失 cause serious erosion of the land 7.同意这种观点 agree with this point of view,8.在方面起着重要的作用 play an important role in sth. 9.发展当地经济 develop local economies 10.对有影响 have effect on

12、sth. 11.把变成 change into ,12.而且 What is more 13.以开始 start with. 14.再三考虑 think twice about sth.,Language points,appeal to sb.使喜欢,吸引. 1.Does this idea appeal to you? 2.这个节目特别吸引小孩 The programme especially appeals to young children. appeal to sb. to do sth. 呼吁某人做某事 1.She appeal to the kidnappers(绑匪) to r

13、elease her son. 2. 政府正在呼吁每个人节约用水 The government is appealing everyone to save water.,agree with sb.同意,赞同某人(的意 见) agree on 在方面取得一致意见 agree to do sth. 同意做某事,to,to,on,with,Tom asked me if my wife agreed _ spend the holiday in the north, I said that she agreed _ do it, so we agreed _ a date for it, and

14、my wife agreed _ us.,What is more 而且,更重要的是 同义词有:furthermore, moreover, besides 1.He came home after midnight, and whats more, he was drunk. 2.这间房子太小了,而且离办公室太远 The house is too small, and furthermore, its too far from the office.,change into 把变成 巫婆(witch )把把王子变成了青蛙。,think twice about 再三考虑、仔细考虑 你要雇佣素未

15、谋面的人应三思而行。,The witch changed the prince into a frog .,You should think twice about employing some one you have never met .,to be exact 确切地说 他五十多岁,确切地说是五十六岁。,He is in his mid-fifties ; well , fifty-six to be exact .,point of view 观点 你可以在会议上说出你的观点。,You can speak out your point of view at the meeting .

16、,Vocabulary Practice,remove, approximately, erosion, balance, puzzle, important, contain, economy,_ 10,000 people took part in the tree-planting exercise. Many farming areas in Shanxi Province are affected by soil _. Farmer know the _ of stopping erosion. This cup _water but that one is empty .,Approximately,erosion,importance,contains,6. The Farming plays an important


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