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1、 PEP小学英语四年级下册教案Unit 4 Its warm today B Lets talk(对话课)一、教学目标:1.知识与技能目标:听、说 、读、写词汇:sunny,warm,cold,snowy 和句型:Its cool. Is it cold?熟练朗读 B部分对话,并能在打电话时运用 Whats the weather like in .? How about.? Whats the matter? 等来谈论不同地方的天气和使用相应的问句询问对方的情况。 2.过程方法目标:通过Look and say,对本节课重点句型Whats the weather like in .? How

2、 about.? 进行了操练,有利于本节课的学习。通过展示 John 和 Edward的图片,便于学生简单了解对话中的主要人物和他们要谈论的话题,为下一环节更好的听和说奠定了良好基础。通过和同桌作对话,让学生对本节课重点句型进行操练,培养了学生在真实情境中,综合运用语言能力。3. 情感、策略、文化目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立学习英语的自信心. 通过本课的学习,教育孩子给对方打电话时,能谈论不同地方的天气根和询问对方的情况,加强互动与交流,增强彼此之间的情谊。培养学生养成良好的朗读和书写习惯,努力写一手漂亮的字二、教学内容本课主要包括 B部分的 Lets talk、Lets find

3、 out同时兼顾 Read and Write部分。这节课主要是要求学生正确使用句型 “Whats the weather like in .? How about.? Whats the matter? What are you doing?”来描述不同地方的天气,并能做到在真实情境中进行灵活的运用,主要培养学生说和写的能力。三、学情分析:小学四年级学生,通过三年级和本单元前一阶段英语课的学习,他们已经学习了描述天气词汇“warm,cool,hot,cold, windy,sunny,rainy,snowy、cloudy.和句型“Its cold/hot/cool/warm sunny /

4、cloudy in.”,但对大部分学生来说,正确理解它的真正含义和做到在真实情境中进行灵活运用,还存在一定困难,因而我注重以学生为主体,激发学生的学习兴趣,引导学生积极参与,注重培养学生说的能力。四、教学重、难点分析1本课时的教学重点是听、说 、读、写词汇:sunny,warm,cold,snowy 和句型:Its cool. Is it cold?2本课时的教学难点表示天气词汇正确拼读以及在四线格中书写句子: Its cool. Is it cold? 在掌握单词及句型的基础上,能在真实情景如打电话时灵活运用所学知识描述不同地方的天气和询问对方的情况。四、教学准备: 1 John 和 Edw

5、ard等人物的面具。2教材内容相关的教学课件、图片。3 教材相配套的教学录音带。五、教学方法:任务性教学法、情景教学法、合作学习、分角色练习六、教学过程:(一)RevisionDe zhouJinaLi yiJinigTai Zaozhung (介 绍 山 东 主 要 城 市 的 天 气 )1) Play above picture. T: Hello, boys and girls. Look at chart! Whats the weather like in Zao zhuang? (板书) S1: Its sunny in Zaozhuang . (板书)T: Whats the w

6、eather like in Taian?S2: Its rainy in Taian.T: Good, How aboutJinan?S3:.2)Let students look at chart carefully and play roles to practice dialogue with partners ,Further to consolidation and revisions purpose.和同桌互问互答选代表到前面展示For example:A:Whats the weather like in .?B:Its . in., How about.?A:.(设计意图:对

7、上节课所学描述天气词汇windy,sunny,rainy,snowy、cloudy 和句型 Whats the weather like in .?Its . in., How about.?进行了复习和操练,加深了学生理解,又为下面综合表达奠定了良好基础。) (二)Presentation1. The teacher shows above picture by the multimedia.T:Look at pictures!Who are they? Ss: They are .T:Yes, you are right, Where are they? What are they do

8、ing? you can guessS1:S2:S3:(找学生试着简单描述,老师适当给予提示)T: Do you want to know what they talking about? Let us study “Lets talk” together. (设计意图:让学生简单了解对话中的主要人物和他们要谈论的话题,为学生下一环节更好的听和说奠定了良好基础。) 2.The teacher plays the tape of “Let s talk” and let the students finish the following questions. 1)Whats the weathe

9、r like in Beijing?2)How about New York?For the first time, the students listen carefully and understand main idea.For the second time, students find the answer by themselves.Play the third time check answer together.Let students listen to the tape again and imitate its pronunciation and intonation.4

10、Let the students wear the masks of Mike and WuYifan to practice the dialogue in groups. 和同桌分角色扮演对话小组为单位,戴着头像到前面展示。John:Edward:5. Shows above picture.1)T:Look!What can you see in this picture?S1:I can see (找学生试着描述)2) Listen to the tape of “Read and Write” ,then let the students play roles to read thi

11、s dialogue.3) The teacher draws four lines three cells and teaches students write words and sentences on the blackboard.4) The students write it two times on the exercises book. (书写工整,格式正确)(三)趣味操练(Practice)先是自己简单预习同桌互问互答选小组代表到前面展示(表现出色的给予表扬)A: Whats the weather like today?B: Its snowy. A: Lets make

12、a snowman and watch TV. .A: Hello.B: Hi, Amy.A: Whats the weather like in .?B: Its . today.A: Oh, no!/Amy: Oh, yes! Can I wear my .Make a dialogueB: OK. Lets .(设计意图:这是对课堂所学知识的延伸,重点培养学生综合利用语言的能力。)(四)Homework1. Listen to the tape and repeat the dialogue2. Finish exercises about this part3. Write words

13、: sunny,warm,cold,snowy 和句型:Its cool. Is it cold?five times on the four lines three cells七、教学反思:本节课主要是对话教学,重点培养学生说和写的能力,主要学习在打电话时,会使用句型“Whats the weather like in .? How about.? Whats the matter? ”等来谈论不同地方的天气和询问对方的情况加强互动与交流,增强彼此之间的情谊。一开始通过看图说话,让学生复习了前面所学描述天气词汇windy,sunny,rainy,snowy、cloudy,对句型 Whats

14、the weather like in .?Its . in., How about.? 进行了重点操练,加深了学生理解,又为下面综合表达奠定了良好基础;新课呈现之前,通过展示 Mike和 Edward图片,让学生简单了解了对话中的主要人物和他们要谈论的话题,为学生下一环节更好的听和说奠定了良好基础;紧接着通过回答Whats the weather like in Beijing? How about New York?进行听力,这样做即比较有针对性又抓住了对话中主要信息;最后同桌分角色练习对话和趣味操练“Make a dialogue”这一活动,让学生多说多练,对课堂所学句型复习巩固。不足之处:进行到趣味操练时,部分学生不太积极,没有达到预想效果。


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