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1、中考复习第二讲七年级(上)Unit s 7-12鞋任何人第一学科短袜生日第二旅馆绿色学生第三钢琴价格最喜爱的第五演讲负担得起信第九历史毛衣地址第十二音乐褐色的严格的一月吉他衣服业余爱好二月星期三年龄累的十二月你自己节日城市悲哀的说裙子男衬衣实例中国人日期三月画星期六星期四星期二毛衣八月five(序数词)success(adj.)(v.)sell(反)(p.) (p.p)think(过)(n.)big(反)(比、最)write(p.) (p.p) (n.)help(adj,)busy(比、最)(n.商业)(n.商人)happy(反)(adv.)act(n.演员)(n.动作)music(音乐家)(


3、入什么俱乐部?他是最后一个到校的学生。Verbs(动词)Verbs:表示动作或状态的词.一 动词的分类: 连系动词:状态;be stay keep 变化:turn, become get grow go感官:seem sound look feel smell taste 助动词: be have do will 情态动词:can may must could should would行为动词: live wait do look learnsee make give take,二 动词的时态:1.一般现在时2.现在进行时3.现在完成时4.现在完成进行时5.一般讲来时6.一般过去时7.过去进行

4、时8.过去完成时9.过去玩成进行式三动词的语态主动语态:被动语态:三 非谓语动词动词不定式:to do sth 分词结构或动名词:doing sth选择填空.( )1.-When will you tell him the good news?-I will tell him about it as soon as he_ back. A comes B came C will come D is coming ( )2. Im sorry youve missed the train. It_ 10 minutes ago. A left B has left C had left D ha

5、s been left ( )3. Look! Some birds_ in the sky. A fly B flying C are flying D flies ( )4. What_ you _ when I rang you up yesterday?A are , doing B were , doing C do , do D have , done ( )5. -Do you know Jack well? -Certainly. We_ friends since ten years ago. A were B have made C have become D have b

6、een ( )6. -Did you go to Jims birthday party? -No, I_. A am not invited B wasnt invited C havent invited D didnt invite ( )7. “Dont always make Michael_ this or that. He is already a big boy, dear, ” Mr. Bush said to his wife. A do B to do C does D did ( )8. Listen! Can you hear a baby_? A cry B to

7、cry C crying D cries ( )9. I bought a new dictionary and it _ me 30 dollars. A paid B spent C took D cost ( )10. They will_ Guangzhou tonight. A arrive B get C reach D go ( )11. I want to _ this book for a month. A borrow B keep C lend D get ( )12. -_you good luck in the new year! -The same to you.

8、A Hope B Want C Wish D Like ( )13. -Shall we go and _ hello to the foreign teachers? -Good idea! Lets go! A say B speak C shout D talk ( )14. I have to go now. Please remember to _ the lights when you leave. A turn off B turn down C turn up D turn on ( )15. -What are Mr. and Mrs. Black doing? -They

9、_ tea in the garden. A are drinking B drank C have drunk D drink ( )16. The workmen_ busy_ the small parts together in the workshop. A is , with B are , putting C is , putting D be , with ( )17.- Oh, Mrs. King, your necklace looks nice. Is it new?- No, I _ it for two years.A had B have had C bought

10、D have bought ( )18.Well have to clean the plates before Mother _ home.A will come B is coming C come D comes( )19. He turned off the lights and then _ classroom.A leaves B will leave C is leaving D left( )20.- Have you visited the Dinosaur World, Elsa?- Yes, I _ it yesterday.A have visited B had vi

11、sited C visited D visit( )21.Well go for r a picnic if it _ this Sunday.A wont rain B isnt raining C doesnt rain D dont rain( )22. -What are you going to do this Saturday? -I _ yet. A .havent decided B. wont decide .C. am not decided D .didnt decide( ) 23. -You forgot to make the bed. -Oh ,so I did. _and do it at once.A Ill go B Ive go C I go D Im going( )24. He _ leave his office until he finishes_ his work.A .will ,do B. wont ,doing C. wont ,to do D. will ,doing( )25. -Excuse me. Look at the sign NO PHOTOS!-Sorry, I _ it.A dont see B d


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