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1、04 语法填空Passage1(2021江西宜春市高三月考)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。A video showing a traffic police officer pretending to be blind being denied permission to get 1 a bus with a guide dog has been drawing public attention and has led to 2 (heat) online discussions about the lack of support 3 care for

2、the visually impaired (视觉障碍人士).4 shown in the video, wearing a blindfold, the officer wasnt allowed on the bus with 5guide dog, and was told no dogs are allowed whether theyre guide dogs or not. Some passengers also scolded the officer for making a scene and wasting their time, while the dog appeare

3、d very distressed.The guide dogs owner Gao Zhipeng, who is visually impaired, told media Monday that this 6 (happen) almost every day since he brought Taobao home in 2014, and it is the same when 7(catch) a cab. And each time they were refused, Taobao would sink into 8(depress) for days.The guide do

4、g being denied 9 (board) is just the tip of the iceberg, compared to the 10 (vary) difficulties faced by the countrys visually impaired population every day when they leave their home.Passage2(2021广东广州市高三月考)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Chinas most sophisticated and challenging space adventureth

5、e Change 5 robotic lunar missionended successfully early Thursday morning with its load of rocks and dust from the moon11 (land) on the grasslands in northern China.The recovery team will make initial processing of the capsule and then use a plane to transport it to Beijing,12 it will be opened for

6、technicians to remove the container holding 2 kg of lunar samples from a13 (previous) unvisited area known as “Ocean of Storms”, the China National Space administration said.Next, the sealed samples 14 (transfer) to specially designed laboratories for 15 (analysis), experiments and tests so scientis

7、ts can determine the extraterrestrial (地球以外的) substances composition, structure and traits. This can16 (deep) their knowledge about the history of the moon and the solar system.17 those scientific objectives, project planners also want the mission to help to foster the countrys knowledge, technology

8、 and talent pool for its future18 (man) lunar missions and other deep-space expeditions. Therefore,19 certain proportion of the samples will also be on public display to enhance science awareness among the public, especially young generations.The successful landing marked the completion of the histo

9、ric 23-day Change 5 expedition, the first in more than 40 years20 (bring) lunar samples back to Earth, also making China the third country to achieve this feat after the United States and the former Soviet Union.Passage3(2021东营神州天立高级中学有限公司高三月考)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。People will connect to t

10、heir cultural group through similar food patterns. Immigrants often use food as21 means of keeping their identity. People from different backgrounds eat different food. The areas 22 families live influence food likes and dislikes.Food items themselves have meaning 23 (attach) to them. In many Wester

11、n countries, a box of chocolate would be viewed as an appropriate gift. The receiver of the gift would react 24 (different) to a gift of cabbages or carrots. In other countries, however, chocolate might be a less appropriate gift.Nations or countries are often linked 25 certain food. For example, ma

12、ny people think of Italy when eating pizza. Some families in the United States prefer to eat meat and potatoes. Grits (粗玉米粉)26 (eat) by families in the southern United States.27 (region) food habits do exist, but they also change over time. Families move to other locations, 28 (bring) their food pre

13、ferences with them. They may use some local 29 (ingredient) to try their old recipes, or experiment with new recipes. Because people and food are mobile, trying to define a countrys culture by what they eat is often 30 (accurate).Passage4(2021广东中山市中山纪念中学高三月考)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。You may h

14、ave heard the old saying, The more, the merrier. Its usually true, but not for travel. When it comes to travel, I say, The more, the 31 (messy).I first figured this out a few years ago. I bought the cheapest airline ticket that could not easily32(find) : the Philippines. It turned out great! Once. I

15、 missed the last bus back to town. No problem! Because I was alone, I was able to ride with some Swiss tourists who only had one extra seat in their truck.33(travel) alone, I was never really alone at all. It was easier34(meet) people. I talked to everyone I met.Im not alone in my35(prefer) for solo

16、(独自的) travel. According to the Daily Mail, there has been36143% increase in solo travel internet searches over the past three years, 37makes it one of the fastest growing parts of the travel industry. To me, its38(obvious) more convenient to plan and just pack my bag and go straight to my dream place.US author Henry Rollins once39(write) : Loneliness adds beauty


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