1、Unit 7 Greek stories,Teaching Objectives,1. Practice the reading skill by reading some passages. 2. Enable students to get some knowledge about Greek stories. 3. Do some reading and vocabulary exercises.,Teaching Procedures:,Lead-in activity: Group Discussion 1. Have you ever read Greek mythology? C
2、an you name some of the famous heroes in Greek stories? And try to tell their stories. 2. Do you know some allusions from Greek mythology?,Background Information (1),Greek mythology Greek mythology belongs to Ancient Greek, concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world and the origins an
3、d significance of their own ritual practices(宗教仪式). Modern scholars study Greek myths in an attempt to throw light on the religious and political system of Ancient Greece and on the Ancient Greek civilization.,Background Information (2),Greek mythology Greek mythology has had extensive influence on
4、the culture, the arts and the literature of western civilization and remain part of western heritage and language.,Background Information (3),Mount Olympus 奥林匹斯山 In Greek mythology, Mount Olympus is the home of the Twelve Olympians, the principal gods in the Greek Pantheon.,Background Information (4
5、),Twelve Olympians Twelve Olympians were the principal gods of the Greek pantheon (诸神), residing atop Mount Olympus.,Background Information (5),Zeus 宙斯 Ruler of heaven 众神之主,Background Information (6),Hera 宙斯神的妻子赫拉 Queen of heaven,Background Information (7),Hestia 赫斯提(女灶神) Goddess of the Hearth,Backg
6、round Information (8),Aphrodite: The Goddess of tender passions 阿芙罗狄蒂(爱与美的女神),Background Information (9),Artemis: Goddess of hunters and protectress of the wilderness 阿耳特弥斯 (月神和狩猎女神),Background Information (10),Ares God of war 阿瑞斯(战神),Background Information (11),Athena 雅典娜 (智慧及战争女神) Goddess of warri
7、ors, Industrials and prudent intelligence,Background Information (12),Dionysus: the Greek God of wine 狄俄尼索斯(酒神) -views as a promoter of civilization; -lover of peace; -the Dionysus festival is one of the most important events in Athens,Background Information (13),Poseidon: God of the waters 波塞冬(海神)
8、-brother of Zeus -fall in love with Demeter Demeter: Goddess of fertility 丰产、农林女神,Background Information (14),Apollo: the God of sun, of music and poetry 阿波罗(太阳神) -the one most widely worshipped, -son of Zeus -twin brother of Artemis; -his music moved man and beast; -a fair maiden, Clytie loved him
9、so much that she kept gazing at his golden-wheeled carriage racing across the sky and finally was turned into a sunflower.,Background Information (15),Hades/Pluto: the king of the underworld 阴间之神,Background Information (16),Orpheus:俄耳甫斯 -son of Apollo; -the first and greatest of musicians; -good at
10、singing and playing lyre(小竖琴); -Shakespeare Wrote “Orpheus with his lute(琵琶) made the trees and mountains bow themselves when he did sing,his music could kill care and grief of heart”,Allusions from Greek mythology,Achilles heel 阿基利斯脚踵; 唯一致命的弱点 Achilles幼时被其母西蒂斯(Thetis)倒提着在冥河(Styx)水中浸过,周身刀枪不入,但其脚踵(He
11、el)为其手握处,没有浸着水,因而成了惟一回受伤甚至于致命的弱点。特洛伊战争时,Achilles英勇无比,所向无敌。然而太阳神阿波罗(Apollo)知道Achilles的弱点,并将此透露给了特洛伊王子帕里斯(Paris)。帕里斯对准Achilles的脚踵射了一支毒箭,Achilles终因箭伤而死。,Midas touch 赚大钱的本领;事事处处能赚钱的本领 小亚细亚中西部有一古国叫弗里吉亚(Phrygia),国王迈达斯(Midas)贪恋财富,一心想成为世界上最富有的人。酒神狄俄尼索斯(Dionysus)感恩于迈达斯对他以前一位老师的帮助,答应满足迈达斯请求的一切。迈达斯祈求神赐予他点物成金的法
12、术,他得到了点金术之后,到处点金,凡他所触摸的东西都变成了金子。然而变成金子的不仅只是石块,花朵和屋内的陈设,连食物和饮料,乃至他最心爱的小女儿也都变成了金子。最后他只好祈求神解除他的点金术。酒神便让他到帕克托洛斯(Pactolus)河里去洗澡,以此收回他的魔力,一切才恢复了原样。,rest on ones laurels 满足于即得荣誉, 固步自封, 吃老本, laurel的本义为 “月桂树”。在希腊、罗马神话中月桂数是太阳神阿波罗的圣树。据希腊(罗马)神话,阿波罗爱上了神女达芙妮(Daphne),为了摆脱阿波罗的追求,达芙妮变成了一棵月挂树。阿波罗伤感不已,取月桂树枝叶编成冠冕戴在头上,以
13、此表示他对达芙妮的倾慕和怀念。 古代希腊人和罗马人把这种冠冕即桂冠授予杰出的诗人、英雄或竞技优胜者,后来欧洲把桂冠作为光荣称号,这一习俗一直流传至今,因此laurel往往喻指 “桂冠”、 “荣誉”或 “殊荣”,且常以复数形式出现。,A sop to Cerberus 给刻尔柏洛斯的面包片; 贿赂 Cerberus是古希腊罗马神话中守卫冥府入口的,长有三个头的猛犬。它既不让活人进入,也不放亡灵出去。在古代希腊罗马民间流行一种习俗:人死之后,下葬时除了在死者嘴里放一枚钱币作为渡冥河的船费外,还要在死者手里塞上一块糕饼之类的东西,作为投喂Cerberus的食物,也作为一种贿赂,是亡灵在冥府入口不受刁
14、难而能顺利通过。,Sphinxs riddle 斯芬克斯之谜;难解之谜 Sphinx是带翼的狮身人面女妖。她在古希腊底比斯城外,用缪斯传授给他的谜语让过往行人猜,猜不出者即遭杀害,害死了不少人。俄狄浦斯决心为民除害,自愿前往解答隐迷,这个谜语是: “今有一物,早晨四足,当午两足,晚间三组,这是何物?”俄狄浦斯答道: “这是人,因为人在婴儿时期爬行,长大时两脚步行,年迈时拄杖行走。”斯芬克斯见谜底已被俄狄浦斯道破,便从悬崖顶上跳下而死。,Trojan horse 特洛伊木马; (潜藏内部的)颠覆分子; (从内部进行的)颠覆阴谋 Troy是小亚细亚西北部古城,传说中的特洛伊战争即发生于此。特洛伊王
15、子帕里斯(Paris)诱拐了希腊绝代美人斯巴达王梅内莱厄斯(Menelaus)之妻海伦(Helen),激起了希腊诸城邦的公愤。梅内莱厄斯之兄阿伽门农(Agamemnon)随时率领希腊联军远征特洛伊。希腊人把特洛伊城围攻了近10年,但屡攻不克,遂撤围而去,在城外丢下一个大木马。特洛伊人以为这是希腊人敬神的礼物,不听祭司拉奥孔(Laocoon)劝阻,将它作为战利品拖入城内,并摆宴庆功。待到深夜人静之时,木马腹上的暗门被悄悄打开,藏于腹内的一支精兵迅速爬出,与重返的希腊大军里应外合,特洛伊城终于被攻陷了。,Greek gift 存心害人的礼物; 危险的礼物 希腊人久攻特洛伊城(Troy)不下,把藏有
16、伏兵的木马遗留在城外,佯作退兵。特洛伊人不知是计,欲将木马拖入城内。特洛伊祭司拉奥孔(Laocoon)竭力反对,他警告说:“I fear the Greeks, even when they offer gifts(即使希腊人带来了礼物,我也担心)。但是特洛伊人不听拉奥孔之言,特洛伊城终被希腊人里应外合攻陷了。,Herculean Labour / task 异常艰巨的任务 Hercules(大力神海格力斯) 12年间完成12件充满艰辛的任务,其中包括杀死尼密厄的狮子、杀死勒尼厄的九头蛇等。后人将海格力斯任务(Herculean task)来比喻及其艰巨的任务,以make Herculean efforts来形容极尽巨大的努力。,Oedipus complex 俄狄浦斯情结; 恋母情结 (指儿子亲母仇父的情结) Oedipus complex一语源出希腊底比斯英雄俄狄浦斯(Oedipus)的传说。俄狄浦斯是底比斯国王拉伊俄斯(Laius)的儿子。因神曾预言他将杀父娶母,出生后就被其父遗弃在山崖上,但为牧人所救,由科林斯