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1、2020-2021学年人教新起点版二年级上册期末测试英语试卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、连线题1将单词与相对应的汉语连线。1. big a. 矮的2. tall b. 漂亮的3. thin c. 高的4. short d. 瘦的5. pretty e. 大的二、选择正确图片/词句2father ( )ABC3ruler ( )ABC4lake ( )ABC5New Year ( )ABC6bird ( )ABC7car ( )ABC8 ( )AIm going to the zoo.BIm going to the park.CIm going to the bookshop.9 (

2、)AIm going to the hospital.BIm going to the park.CIm going to the bookshop.10 ( )AIm going to the zoo.BIm going to the park.CIm going to the bookshop.11 ( )AIm going to the zoo.BIm going to the park.CIm going to the school.12 ( )AIm going to the school.BIm going to the supermarket.CIm going to the b

3、ookshop.三、中英文匹配 A花朵 B湖 C小山 D树 E. 草 F. 小船13tree (_)14hill (_)15grass (_)16lake (_)17flower (_)18boat (_)四、单选题19这是一个圣诞树。 ( )AThis is Father Christmas.BT his is a Christmas tree.20他在超市里。 ( )AShe is at the zoo.BHe is in the supermarket.21树下有草。 ( )AThere is grass under the tree.BThere are flowers on the

4、grass.22我喜欢果汁。 ( )AI like water.BI like juice.23我的爸爸很帅气。 ( )AMy father is tall.BMy father is handsome.五、句子匹配AThank you.BNo, I dont.CShe is my sister.DHe is short.E. Im going to school.24Who is she? (_)25What does he look like? (_)26Where are you going? (_)27Do you like the plane? (_)28Here is a pres

5、ent for you. (_)试卷第3页,总4页参考答案11-5 ecdab【详解】1.big大的,故连线e;2. tall高的,故连线c;3. thin瘦的,故连线d;4. short矮的,故连线a;5. pretty漂亮的,故连线b;故答案为1-5 ecdab。【点睛】2A【详解】father爸爸,选项A是爸爸,故选A。【点睛】3C【详解】ruler尺子,选项C是尺子,故选C。【点睛】4C【详解】lake湖,A是山,B是船,C是湖,故选C。5B【详解】New Year 意思是新年,选项B是新年,故选B。【点睛】6C【详解】bird鸟,选项C是鸟,故选C。【点睛】7A【详解】car汽车,A

6、是汽车,B是火车,C是飞机,故选A。8C【详解】A我要去动物园。B我要去公园。C我要去书店。图片是书店,故选C。【点睛】9A【详解】A.Im going to the hospital.我准备去医院,B.Im going to the park.我准备去公园。C.Im going to the bookshop我准备去公园,图片是医院,故选A。10A【详解】A我要去动物园。B我要去公园。C我要去书店。图片显示是动物园,故选A。【点睛】11C【详解】A.Im going to the zoo.我要去动物园。B.Im going to the park.我要去公园。C.Im going to th

7、e school.我要去学校。图片是学校,故选C。12B【详解】A.Im going to the school.我要去学校。B.Im going to the supermarket.我要去超市。C.Im going to the bookshop.我要去书店。图片是超市,故选B。13D14C15E16B17A18F【分析】13tree是名词,意思是树,故选D。14hill是名词,意思是小山,故选C。15grass是名词,意思是草,故选E。16lake是名词,意思是湖,故选B。17flower是名词,意思是花朵,故选A。18boat是名词,意思是小船,故选F。【点睛】19B【详解】这this

8、,是is,一个a,圣诞树Christmas tree,故选B。【点睛】20B【详解】A.She is at the zoo.她在动物园。 B.He is in the supermarket.他在超市里。所以句子翻译为:He is in the supermarket. 故选B。21A【详解】A.There is grass under the tree. 树下有草。B.There are flowers on the grass.草地上有花。故选A。22B【详解】我I,喜欢like,果汁juice,故选B。【点睛】23B【详解】我爸爸my father,帅气handsome,故选B。【点睛】24C25D26E27B28A【分析】24句意:她是谁?句子问的谁,所以回答是C. She is my sister.她是我的姐姐。故选C。25句意:他看起来怎么样?句子问外貌,所以回答是D. He is short.他是矮的。故选D。26句意:你要去哪里?句子问的是哪里,所以回答是E. Im going to school.我准备去学校。故选E。27句意:你喜欢飞机吗?句子是do引导的一般疑问句,所以回答是B. No, I dont.不,我不喜欢。故选B。28句意:有礼物给你。所以回答是A. Thank you.谢谢。故选A。【点睛】答案第5页,总5页


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