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1、我的暑假英语作文160字初中 暑假对于我们来说就像是干涸的鱼看见了大海一样,我们的暑假也是过的有滋有味的。怎么写一篇我的暑假的英语呢?下面是第一给大家精心挑选的我的暑假英语作文160字初中,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读! Was my summer vacation is colorful with some bland, is my mood change vary widely.excitedJust have a holiday, I will know to go to nan _g, I am extremely excited, immediately start to prepa

2、re. To start, sit high iron to, my mood was shot high. Sitting on Gao Tieli, can only use to describe a novel, independent of the puter, clean the table, fortable footstool, there is a fortable feeling, than by plane all so new, all this is spent in my novel. To nan _g is already late at night, peop

3、le still so much, but the street snack street people, filled with all sorts of aroma and the noise of the people, the colorful neon lights and faint flash lamps, to add a lot of beautiful, this street we walked in the street, a shop a shop around, an area an area, not long, the dawn is, people have

4、pack up the stall, we also returned to the hotel sleep. 我的暑假过得是“丰富多彩”夹杂一些“平淡无味”,是我的心情变化落差很大。兴奋刚放假,我就知道了要去南京的事,我兴奋得不得了,马上开始准备。要出发了,坐高铁去,我的心情一下子“蹿”的老高。坐在高铁里,只能用新奇来形容,独立的电脑,干净的餐桌,舒适的脚凳,有种比坐飞机还舒服的感觉,一切都那么新奇,这一路就在我的新奇之中度过了。到了南京已是深夜,但街上人还是那么多,小吃街上人来人往,弥漫着各种香气和人们的喧闹声,绚丽的霓虹灯和隐隐作闪的街灯,给这条街增添了不少美丽,我们漫步在这条街,一个店

5、一个店的逛,一个区一个区的走,不多久,天快亮了,人们陆续收摊儿了,我们也回宾馆补觉去了。 Starting today a holiday. The teacher the words sound just fell, the classmates cheered: holiday! Have a holiday. What did the teacher said, who didnt hear you. Guys like flying bird, get rid of the bondage of the books. A out and headed home. Ive thrown

6、martial arts are available: play games, surf the Inter, chat, QSQ, PSP, NDS. , it is also conveniently. Happiness always short, flying in the sky bird wings always want to go back to mother. Dont, I play football in the school, mother again under the wanted : the fleeing out dont do your homework -

7、shrimp, nab. Father, grandma, grandpa, under the eyes, pick up your home I will go. Classmates looked at me with sympathy, but no one disaster go up. “从今天开始放假了。”老师话音刚落,同学们便欢呼起来:“放假了!放假了。”老师还说了些什么,没有谁听清了。大伙像放飞的小鸟,摆脱了书本的束缚。一拥而出,奔回家中。我可是十八般“武艺”个个俱全:打游戏、上网、聊天、qsq、psp、NDS,那是玩的不亦乐乎也。 快乐总是这样的短暂,飞翔在天上的小鸟总要回

8、到母亲翅膀下。可不,我在学校里踢足球,妈妈又下了“通缉令”:把逃窜在外的不做作业犯虾米,捉拿归案。爸爸、奶奶、爷爷,在众目睽睽之下,拎起我就往家里走。同学用同情的眼光看着我,可没有一个人上来“劫”走我。 Theres plenty halfway through summer, harvest! Study on the charging I feel satisfied. Math I revise my let me confident; As for the position by the emotions experience makes me more input, more ric

9、h language. Summer homework has been finished about 3/2. I finish my homework every day, the in the mind there is always a kind of inarticulate enrichment and peace, mothers nagging is also flying off to the outside of the cloud nine. The rights of the hard work in exchange for critical play spirit

10、and I can spend the new bat : the pool I supple, walking in a rippling thats three hours of enjoyment; Im sweating, table tennis room immersed in sports; I play in front of the puter. At that time I didnt realize who lose. 暑期已过半,收获还真不少!学习上的充电让我感到了满足。数学方面我复习让我自信满满;至于作文通过亲身体验使我的情感更投入,语言更丰富了。暑期作业已完成3/2左右。我每天做完作业,心里总有一种说不出的充实和安宁,妈妈的唠叨也飞到九霄云外去了。 辛勤劳动换来暴玩的权利,精神抖擞的我又可以投入新的“战斗”:泳池里身手矫健的我,徜徉于碧波荡漾之中那可是三小时的享受;乒乓房里挥汗如雨的我,沉浸于运动之中;电脑前的我玩的不亦乐乎。这时我才体会到“有所失必有所得”的道理。 模板,内容仅供参考



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