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1、电大计算机电路基础期末复习试题及参考答案一、填空题(每空2分,共30分) 1、在一个5W的电阻上施加20V电压,该电阻吸收的功率是_W。2、把PN结外加正向电压时导通、外加反向电压时截止的特性称为_特性。3、稳压管工作在_向击穿状态。4、TTL或非门的多余输入端应接_电位。5、全加器是实现两个一位二进制数和_三个数相加的电路。6、8421BCD码的1011相当于十进制_的数值。7、三态门的输出状态包括低电位、高电位和_状态。8、或门的输入端为A、B,若要实现输出Y=A,则B端应该接_电位。9、组合逻辑电路_记忆功能。10、四个触发器组成的环形计数器最多有 _个有效状态。11、有4个输入的译码器

2、,最多可有_路译码输出。12、由真值表得到逻辑电路图的过程称为对逻辑电路的_过程。13、寄存器用来暂存二进制代码,在时钟脉冲作用下,能完成对数据的清除、接收、_和输出(或移位)。14、施密特触发器具有_稳定状态。15、PAL的与阵列是可编程的,或阵列一般是 的。得分 评卷人 二、选择题(请将正确答案的序号填在横线上)(每小题3分,共30分) 1、直流电路中,电感元件等效为_。A开路 B短路 C开路或短路视具体电路而定 2、通常认为场效应管是一种_。A流控电压源型器件 B压控电压源型器件 C压控电流源型器件 3、将二极管视为理想开关。是指其导通时_。A.等效为高值电阻,截止时等效为低值电阻 B.

3、等效为零值电阻,截止时等效为开路 C.等效为零值电流源,截止时等效为零值电压源 4、CMOS传输门是由NMOS管和PMOS管_连接而成。A. 交叉耦合 B串联 C并联 5、“或”运算和“异或”运算相比,在它们的两个输入为_组合下,其结果是不同的。A两个输入皆为1 B两个输入皆为0 C两个输入中一个为0、另一个为1 6、在求一个函数的对偶函数时,需要进行_互换。A“逻辑乘”和“逻辑加” B“正逻辑”和“负逻辑” C“原变量”和“反变量” 7、TTL与非门扇出系数的大小反映了与非门_能力的大小。A抗干扰; B带负载; C 工作速度 8、多路选择器的功能 。A. 必定有地址端和数据端 B. 必定有数

4、据端,而不一定有地址端 C. 必定有地址端,而不一定有数据端 9、对组合电路设计的目的是为了_。A由真值表得到卡诺图 B由真值表得到逻辑电路图 C由逻辑电路图得到真值表 10、互斥编码器_。A.输入端只能有一个信号有效 B.输出端只能有一个信号有效 C.输出端给出优先权最高的那个输入端的代码 得分 评卷人 三、简述题(每小题10分,共20分) 1、写出求逻辑函数F对偶函数的规则。若某逻辑函数,写出的对偶函数表达式。2、JK触发器,当其现态Qn分别为0和1两种状态时,根据输入J、K的不同输入状态,试描述其次态Qn+1所处的状态。得分 评卷人 四、分析、计算题(本题共20分) 1 在图4-1电路中

5、,已知R1=50W、R2=100W;电源电压Us=10V、Is=2A。求支路电压U的数值。图4-1 2、(10分)二进制计数器74LS161的功能表如表1所示;由74LS161组成的计数电路,如图4-2所示。工作状态 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 清 零 预 置 数 保 持 保 持 计 数 表1 图4-2 要求(1)画出Q3Q2Q1Q0的状态转换图; (2)电路在进行稳定的计数功能后(一个循环计数过程之后)分析可实现几进制计数器功能。福建广播电视大学20122013学年度第二学期补修考试 计算机电路基础(1)模拟试题参考答案 2013、07 一、填空题(每空2分,共30分)

6、1、 80W 2、 伏安 3、 反 4、 低 5、 来自低位的进位信号 6、 11 7、 高阻 8、低 9、没有 10、4 11、16 12、设计 13、保存 14、两个 15、不可编 二、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1B 2C 3 B 4.C 5、A 6、C 7、B 8、A 9、B 10、A 三、简答题(每小题10分,共20分) 1、写出求逻辑函数F对偶函数的规则。若某逻辑函数,写出的对偶函数表达式。答: 对偶规则指出:对于任意一个函数式,如果将式中的所有的“”换成“+”,“+” 换成“”,“0”换成“1”,“1”换成“0”,就得到一个新的函数式F,F和F互为对偶式。2、JK触发器,当其

7、现态Qn分别为0和1两种状态时,根据输入J、K的不同输入状态,试描述其次态Qn+1所处的状态。答 四、分析计算题(共20分) 1 在图2电路中,已知R1=50W、R2=100W;电源电压Us=10V、Is=2A。求支路电压U的数值。图2 解 用叠加定理(解法不唯一): U= -10100/(50+100)= -6.67V (分压) U250/(100+50)100=66.67V (分流) U=U+U=60V (10分) 2、(10分)二进制计数器74LS161的功能表如表1所示;由74LS161组成的计数电路,如图4-2所示。表1 74LS161的功能表 工作状态 0 1 0 1 1 1 1

8、1 0 0 1 0 清 零 预 置 数 保 持 保 持 计 数 图4-2 要求(1)画出Q3Q2Q1Q0的状态转换图; (2)电路在进行稳定的计数功能后(一个循环计数过程之后)分析可实现几进制计数器功能。答:(1)状态转换图如下 (2)根据状态转换图可知,该电路可实现11进制计数功能。请您删除一下内容,O(_)O谢谢!2015年中央电大期末复习考试小抄大全,电大期末考试必备小抄,电大考试必过小抄After earning his spurs in the kitchens of The Westin, The Sheraton, Sens on the Bund, and a sprinkli

9、ng of other top-notch venues, Simpson Lu fi nally got the chance to become his own boss in November 2010. Sort of. The Shanghai-born chef might not actually own California Pizza Kitchen (CPK) but he is in sole charge of both kitchen and frontof- house at this Sinan Mansionsstalwart. “Its certainly a

10、 responsibility to be the head chef, and then to have to manage the rest of the restaurant as well,“ the 31-year-old tells Enjoy Shanghai. “In hotels, for example, these jobs are strictly demarcated, so its a great opportunity to learn how a business operates across the board.“ It was a task that ma

11、nagement back in sunny California evidently felt he was ready for, and a vote of confi dence from a company that, to date, has opened 250 outlets in 11 countries. And for added pressure, the Shanghai branch was also CPKs China debut. “For sure it was a big step, and unlike all their other Asia opera

12、tions that are franchises, they decided to manage it directly to begin with,“ says Simpson. Two years ago a private franchisee took over the lease, but the links to CPK headquarters are still strong, with a mainland-based brand ambassador on hand to ensure the business adheres to its ethos of creati

13、ng “innovative, hearth-baked pizzas“, a slice of PR blurb that Simpson insists lives up to the hype. “They are very innovative,“ he says. “The problem with most fast food places is that they use the same sauce on every pizza and just change the toppings. Every one of our 16 pizza sauces is a unique

14、recipe that has been formulated to complement the toppings perfectly.“ The largely local customer base evidently agrees and on Saturday and Sunday, at least, the place is teeming. The kids-eat-for-free policy at weekends is undoubtedly a big draw, as well as is the spacious second-fl oor layout over

15、looked by a canopy of green from Fuxing Park over the road. The company is also focusing on increasing brand recognition and in recent years has taken part in outside events such as the regular California Week. Still, the sta are honest enough to admit that business could be better; as good, in fact, as in CPKs second outlet in the popular Kerry Parkside shopping mall in P


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