高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Working the land考点突破 新人教版必修4

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1、必修四Unit 2Working the land,1. 课前自测 2. 课堂学案,课前自测,Key:1. hunger; hungry2. discovery; discover; discoverer3. freedom; free; freely 4. chemical; chemistry; chemist5. equip; equipped; equipment 6. occupation; occupy; occupied7. disturbing; disturbed; disturb,Key:8. export; export; import; import 9. confus

2、e; confusing; confused; confusion 10. production; produce; producer; product,Key: 1. 由于他的研究2. with3. focus on4. than give in5. of6. lead to 7. up8. free from9. 耕种土地10. 为了生计而努力,Key: 1. for whom2. what is called3. makes it possible4. to increase; without expanding 5. twice as large as,Key: 1. finding2

3、. the3. parts4. to increase5. could6. however7. that 8. developing9. hunger10. as,Yuan Longping was born in 1930. Since he graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953, he has devoted his life to _1_ (find) ways to grow more and more rice. As a young man, he saw _2_ great need for increasin

4、g the rice output. At that time hunger was a serious problem in many _3_ (part) of the countryside. Yuan searched for a way _4_ (increase) rice harvests without expanding the areas of the fields. In 1950, Chinese farmers _5_ produce about 56 million tons of rice. In a recent harvest, _6_, nearly 200

5、 million tons of rice were produced. These increased harvests mean _7_ 22% of the worlds people are fed from just 7% of the farmland in the world. Yuan Longping is now circulating his knowledge in India and many other _8_ (develop) countries to increase their rice harvests. Thanks to his research, t

6、he UN is trying to rid the world of _9_ (hungry). Using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large _10_ before.,阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。,课堂学案,1. struggle vi. equip; equipment,【词块助记】,4. regret vt. 遗憾;悔恨 n. 遗憾;悔恨,1. I regretted to tell him that he had been dismissed. To

7、 my surprise, he said to me, “I have no regrets. I only regret having taken the wrong job. ” 我遗憾地告诉他他被解雇了。使我惊奇的是, 他对我说: “我没有什么遗憾。我唯一后悔的是选错了工作。” 2. Much to my regret, I am unable to accept your invitation. 非常遗憾,我不能接受你的邀请。,regret doing/having done sth. 后悔做过某事 regret to say/tell/inform 遗憾地去说/告诉/通知做某事 r

8、egret sth./that 后悔 to ones regret 令某人遗憾的是 with regret 遗憾地,【构词】 regretful adj. 后悔的;遗憾的 regretfully adv. 懊悔地;遗憾地;抱歉地,1. Jenny didnt regret giving the ment but felt that she could _ (express) it differently. 2. (2012安徽卷改编) I regret to say that I remembered _ (lock) the door before I left the office, _

9、forgot to turn off the lights. Key:1. have expressed2. to lock; but,【词块助记】,5. focus vi. & vt. (使)聚焦; 使集中;调节(的)焦距 n. 中心点; 集中点,1. (2015福建卷) I wouldnt scold anyone for deciding to party on weekends and in turn I wouldnt expect anyone to give offence to me for focusing on my health. 我不会因为有人在周末决定聚会而责备他,相

10、反,我也不希望有人因为关注我的健康而冒犯我。 2. When a photograph isnt in focus, it isnt clear, its out of focus. 当照片没对准焦距时就会不清晰,或者说会模糊不清。,focus on/upon 集中于;聚焦于 focuson 集中于;聚焦于 in focus 焦点对准的;清晰的 out of focus 焦点未对准的;模糊不清的,【拓展】表示集中注意力的词组有:focus ones attention on,center/ concentrate/ fix ones attention on,be absorbed / bur

11、ied / lost in,be devoted to,be occupied with等。,1. The research mainly deals with the difficulty the students have focused their attention on their study all the time. 2. (2014福建卷改编) I realized he had been doing what music teachers always stress: focus to the music and pretend the others arent there.

12、 Key:1. focused 改为focusing2. to 改为on/upon,6. ridof 使摆脱或除去,1. (2015浙江卷) After having taught fifth-grade classes for four years, I decided to try at all costs to rid them of their fear. 教了四年的五年级之后,我决定不惜一切代价消除他们的恐惧。 2. (2015海南卷) Gradually, this noise began to appear during a show, and to get rid of it,

13、 I had to change to another channel and then change it back. 慢慢地,这种声音开始在演出中出现,为了摆脱它,我不得不调到另外一个频道,然后再换回来。 3. For students, the school uniform reminds them of their tasks to get an education. 校服提醒学生们他们的任务是受教育。 4. He cheated the old lady of her money. 他骗了老太太的钱。 5. You need to convince them of your enth

14、usiasm for the job. 你要让他们相信你对这份工作的热情。,【头脑风暴】,get rid of 摆脱; 除去 cheat sb. of sth. 骗取某人某物 convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事 cure sb. of sth. 治愈某人的某种疾病 inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事 remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事 rob sb. of sth. 抢了某人某物 suspect sb. of sth. 怀疑某人做了某事 warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事,7. would rather 宁愿;宁可,1. Wou

15、ld you rather walk or take a bus? 你是愿意步行还是坐公交车? 2. Mr. Jones would rather have stayed home last night. 琼斯先生宁愿昨晚待在家里。 3. I would rather he hadnt told you the news that you failed in the exam.我宁愿他没告诉你你考试失败的这个消息。 4. (2014陕西卷) We would rather our daughter stayed at home with us, but it is her choice, an

16、d she is not a child any longer. 我们宁愿女儿和我们一起住,但是这是她的选择,毕竟她不是孩子了。 5. Who would you rather have go with you? 你宁愿让谁和你一块去?,【头脑风暴】,【微解析】,8. This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields. 这种特殊的稻种使得同样的田地多收获三分之一的产量成为可能。,这个句子的基本结构是由“make itto do 使做(某事)成为”构成的。句中it是形式宾语, possible是宾语补足语, to do是真正的宾语。有些动词后常跟这种结构, 如:find / feel / think / consider / make it adj./n. 不定式短语。,【仿写】 1. The two girls



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