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1、三年级英语期末复习教案 本节课的教学对象是三年级学生。这一年龄段的学生仍然具备低年级学生的特点,形象思维占优势,活泼好动,喜欢表现。同时,他们经过近一年的英语学习,已经具备一定的英语认读听说能力;本课时的教学内容是对前四课学习内容的全面复习,旨在通过本节课使学生熟练系统的掌握前面的单词和交际用语,进一步发展学生对所学话题的语言表达能力。 通过以上分析,本节课的教学目标设计为:能够就“地点、时间”这一话题,与同学进行简单的交流;能够较熟练地对自己一天的活动进行简单的描述。 教学目的: 1 通过复习,学生能熟练掌握本学期所学的单词。 2 通过复习与活动,学生能综合运用本学期所学的日常用语。教学课时

2、:5课时 教学过程: 第 1 课时教学目标:1. Review the dialogues in the 3 units.2. Learn to act the dialogue.重点、难点:1. Review the dialogues of the units.2. The dialogue.课前准备:1. The tape.2. The picture.3. The puppets of the characters.教学过程:. Warm-up/Review1. Play the tape “How are you?” Ss sing and act.2. Review the son

3、gs and chant of the 3 units.3. Free talk: Hello! Good morning/ afternoon! Whats your name? Nice to meet you. How are you? Goodbye!. Presentation1. Take out the puppets of Sarah and Wu Yifan. Ask them “Who is she/he?” Ss tell their names.2. Tell Ss they are new friends. Ask Ss to make dialogues in pa

4、irs. Then act out.S1: Hello! Im . (Whats your name?)S2: Im . /My name is .S1, S2: Nice to meet you. Goodbye! See you!3. Tell Ss they are old friends and ask them to make another dialogue. Then act out.S1: Good morning/ afternoon, .S2: Good morning/ afternoon, .S1: How are you?S2: Im fine, thank you.

5、 How are you?S1: Very well, thanks.S1, S2: Goodbye! / See you!4. When a pair is acting the dialogue, T puts on the puppet “Bailing” and adds the dialogue, introduce “Who are you?”S1: Hello, . How are you? S2: Very well, thanks.T: Hello, . S1: Hello. This is . This is .S2, S3: Nice to meet you.S1, S2

6、, S3: Lets go to school. / See you!P1: Hello, . How are you? P2: Very well, thank you.P3: Hi! P2: Who are you?P3: Im / My names . P2, P3: Nice to meet you.P1, P2, P3: Lets go to school. / See you!5. Hang on the picture. Play the tape. Ss listen to the dialogue. Play the tape again. Ss listen and rep

7、eat. 6. Ss practice the dialogue in groups and then act out.板书设计:Who are you?Im _. My names _. 第 2 课时教学目标:1. Review the school things by chanting.2. Review the colors by chanting.重点、难点:1. The school things.2. The colors.课前准备:1. The tape.2. The pictures.3. The word cards.教学过程:. Chant and find!1. Play

8、 the song “Colour song”. Ss sing and clap hands.2.(Show me your pencil/ book/ blue pen/ red eraser/ big bag, little crayon )3. Hang on the picture and ask “Whats in the picture?” Have Ss tell (A pen, a ruler, )4. Emphasize “A little red book/ A big blue book).5. Play the tape. Ss listen and point.6.

9、 Ss learn to chant then practice. Chant and colour1. Play the song “Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes”. Ss sing and do the actions.2.(Clap your hands, Slap your fingers Black, black, stand up)3. Hang on the picture and say “This is a clown, he is jumping up and down.” Do the actions to make Ss understa

10、nd the meaning of “clown, up and down”.4. Chant and color the clown. T: Now, lets colour this clown. Colour the hands pink, colour the ears brown.5. Have Ss open their books. Play the tape. Ss listen to the chant.6. Play the tape again. Ss listen and colour.7. Show their pictures in public and encou

11、rage.8. Play the tape. Ss listen and chant.板书设计:Recycle 1 Lets play clown 第 3 课时教学目标:1. Review the body parts by making a funny face.2. Review the song “How are you?”重点、难点:1. The body parts.课前准备:1. The tape.2. The copy of funny face.3. The word cards.教学过程:. Warm-up/ Review1. Play the song “Teddy Bea

12、r”. Ss sing and do the actions.2. Presentation1. Show Ss a funny face and say “This is a funny face.”. Have Ss understand the meaning of “funny”.2. Have Ss e.g. Draw big eyes./ Draw an angry mouth. Draw a small nose. / Draw two small ears. Draw two blue eyes. / Draw a red mouth. Etc.3. Have Ss cut d

13、own the body parts and attach on a bland face to make a funny face. Practice1. Show their funny faces and praise them.2. Have Ss put on their funny faces and make dialogues in groups.3. Play the tape. Ss sing the song “How are you?” by groups.4. Do the exercises in Activity Book.板书设计:Recycle 1 Lets

14、make “How are you?”第四课时【教学重点】听懂、会说Lets act 部分的故事。复习有关表述自己喜爱吃某种食品、询问某物或某人在哪里以及含有简单形容词的句子等会话。【教学难点】Lets act 部分的故事情节的理解。【教具准备】1教材配套录音带。2几种动物的面具 giraffe, elephant, monkey, mouse, rabbit, tiger, Zoom 。3几种水果的实物或模型 apples, bananas, grapes, pears, peaches, oranges 。4 Lets act 部分的故事课件。5所学过的水果及动物类单词卡片。【教学过程】1热身复习(Warm-up/Revision)(1)教师播放英文歌曲 “They Are in the Zoo” “An Apple a Day” ,师生共同边演唱边拍手打节拍。(2)学生日常口语练习。(3)用实物、玩具或图片等复习所学过的水果及动物,并用单词卡认读单词。2 呈现新课 (Presentation)(1)教师播放故事录像,展示Lets act 部分的内容,并让学生了解人物关系和故事的大概含义。(2)游戏:教师拿出准备好的以下几种动物的面具 giraffe,


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