外研版八年级英语下册Module 1 Unit 2 I feel nervous when i speakChinese.课件

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《外研版八年级英语下册Module 1 Unit 2 I feel nervous when i speakChinese.课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版八年级英语下册Module 1 Unit 2 I feel nervous when i speakChinese.课件(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Module 1 Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese.,新标准外研版八下,篇:运用扫读和跳读阅读技巧 完成对文章的理解。,Studying aims,闯三关,预习复习 一箭双雕 Words and expressions Are you ready?,How do they feel?,Warming up,I _(收到的来信 )my pen friend yesterday.The letter begins with“ _ (为感谢)your last message”. I know she _(戴眼镜) like me _ (也).

2、Her brother is an excellent football player. She _(以为自豪)him. She is learning Chinese. But she _ Chinese(害怕说汉语)in public. She _(感觉有点伤心)when she gets bad marks ._(我确定)we will be good friends.She is going to China this summer holiday. I _(等不及做某事) meet her.,预习检测,Can you write them?,heard from,Thanks for

3、,wears glasses,as well,is proud of,is afraid of speaking,feels a bit sad,Im sure,cant wait to,Use them correctly.,猜谜游戏 身行示范 Are you ready?,Speaking,She is tall with long hair. She isnt wearing glasses. She looks very friendly. She feels a bit shy when she speaks English. She likes learning very much

4、.,Who is she?,听读结合 难关逐击破 Are you ready?,A,Let me see,Guess !Who is Sally?,Read Paragraphs 1 and 2 and describe Sally.,This is Sally. Shes _ _ with _ _ hair, and she wears _. Shell wear _ and a _ for the journey, but shell also carry her _ _.,quite,tall,short,fair,glasses,jeans,T-shirt,warm,coat,Brai

5、n-storming,Describe the girl in the picture !,Shes quite tall. she has long dark hair. Shes wearing a blouse and a skirt. Shes carrying a yellow bag. ,快速扫读 明了大意 Are you ready?,2.What do you look like?,1.What do you like doing?,3.How do you feel when you ?,2,3,4,Main idea of each paragraph Key Senten

6、ce,Scanning 扫读,中考难点 拓展讲解 Ready? Go!,Read paragraph 3 and find out the answer. 现在我身体不舒服,请大家帮我 来诊断诊断!,I spend one hour to do my homework every day.,in doing,It takes (took / will take) + sb.+ some time to do sth. 主语(物)costsbsth 主语(人)spend. in doing sth. on sth.,要牢记哦!,Key points,It took me an hour to f

7、inish this work . =I spent an hour _ _ this work . =I spent an hour _this work . I spend ten yuan on the book =The book me ten yuan,in,finishing,on,costs,Practice 学以致用,Try to collect as many hobbies as possible.,爱好搜集 多多益善,一读再读 写作铺垫 Ready? Go?,How does Sally feel when she? When she, she feels,1) trav

8、els by plane? 2) leaves her mum and dad? 3) is with strangers? 4) speaks Chinese? 5) does something wrong?,sad,shy,nervous,sorry,afraid,Careful reading细读,Read paragragh 4,-When do you feel?,-I feel when I.,Pair work,afraid angry excited nervous proud sad shy sorry stupid sure,篇:运用扫读和跳读阅读技巧 完成对文章的理解。

9、,Studying aims,闯三关,I feel nervous when I speak English,Introduce yourself. Say:,-What you look like.,I have short, dark hair and,-What you like doing.,I like playing basketball and,-How you feel when,Read and find out the writer!,Homework,基础:1.Send the self-introduction by email to me 完善作文,邮件送达。 文化:2.Collect the cultural differences when people are communicating with each other between China and western countries. 参照Unit 3Around the world 礼貌表达各不同,大千世界知多少,Thanks for listening!,


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